I don’t see the need to reinvent the wheel when such excellent research and documentation has been done previously by those much more capable of researching topics of law than me. I can, however, find the most pertinent information and arrange it in an order to suit your purpose of both discovering and acting upon the question. That said, I couldn’t help myself but take action on a few things that seemed “obvious” to me.

“What do I do with my car… automobile?”
* * * Open for Discussion * * *
[topics may branch to separate posts near future]
REFERENCES: AVR# 6, 150, 577, Constitutional Case Law, JAH, (legal brief), nodmvlines.com, Arizona Revised Statutes, ARS Title 44, ARS Title 28, Chapter 7: Certificate of Title and Registration; Chapter 2.1: Motor Vehicle Sales, Additional information (requirements / options) might be found under Title 49, chapter 303 (citing?);
The first thing you must do is comprehend the dynamics of your relationship with:
- a car or truck you believe is “yours”
- a territorial power that can claim it “theirs”
- the powers that think you are a “citizen, person, or resident”
- the jeopardy this places you in
- what can be done to:
- protect yourself
- protect your property
- defend yourself when confronted
- claim or reclaim your property
License, Plates, & Tags
Most people tend to think that “licensing” is imposed by the state for the purpose of raising revenue, yet there may well be more subtle reasons contemplated; for when one seeks permission from someone to do something he invokes the jurisdiction of the “licensor” which, in this case, is the state. In essence, the licensee may well be seeking to be regulated by the “licensor.”
It seems only proper to define the word “license,” as the definition of this word will be extremely important in understanding the statutes as they are properly applied:
“The permission, by competent authority to do an act which without permission, would be illegal, a trespass, or a tort.” People vs. Henderson, 218 NW.2d 2, 4.
“Leave to do a thing which licensor could prevent.” Western Electric Co. vs. Pacent Reproducer Corp., 42 F.2d 116, 118.
In essence, licensing and registration is about control and maintaining the option for government to invite itself into your business and extort your property.
“The acceptance of a license, in whatever form, will not impose upon the licensee an
obligation to respect or to comply with any provision of the statute or with the
regulations prescribed that are repugnant to the Constitution of the United States.”
W. W. CARGILL CO. v. STATE OF MINNESOTA, 180 U.S. 452 (1901) 180 U.S. 452
“Speeding, running stop signs, traveling without license plates, or registration are not
threats to the public safety, and thus are not arrestable offenses.”
Christy v. Elliot, 216 I 131, 74 HE 1035, LRA NS 1905-1910
Conversion – Murdock v. Pennsylvania, 319 U.S. 105, “No state shall convert a liberty into a license, and charge a fee therefore.”
Federal vs. State Citizen (excerpt)
“A state Citizen has the right to travel on the public easements (public roads) without being registered. A federal citizen does not. It is a privilege for a foreigner to travel in any of the several states. If you are a US citizen, you are a foreigner in the state. The state legislators can require foreigners and people involved in commerce (chauffeurs, freight haulers, Uber drivers) to be licensed, insured, and to have their vehicles registered. When you register your car, you turn over power of attorney to the state. At that point, it becomes a motor vehicle. If it is not registered then it is not a motor vehicle and there are no motor vehicle statutes to break. There are common law rules of the road. If you don’t cause an injury to anybody then you can not be tried.”
“If your car is registered, the state effectively owns your car. The state supplies a sticker to put on your license plate every time you re-register the motor vehicle. Look closely at the sticker on your plate right now. You may be surprised to see that it says “OFFICIAL USE ONLY”. (Note: In some states, they do not use stickers on the plate) You may have seen municipal vehicles that have signs on them saying “OFFICIAL USE ONLY” on them but why does yours?”
“You do not own your car. You may have a Certificate of Title but you probably do not have the certificate of origin. You are leasing the state’s vehicle by paying the yearly registration fee. Because you are using their equipment, they can make rules up on how it can be used. If you break a rule, such as driving without a seatbelt, you have broken the contract and an administrative procedure will make you pay the penalty. A state Citizen must be able to explain to the police officers why they are not required to have the usual paperwork that most people have. They should carry copies of affidavits and other paperwork in their car. The state Citizen should also be prepared to go to traffic court and explain it to the judge.”
State Citizenship vs. U.S. Citizenship; Constitutional Commando
Dick Marple makes the statement (video ~8:30) that an “automobile” qualifies as consumer goods (supreme court case) which are not required to be registered and do not require a license to own or enjoy [RSA 382(a) 9-109 ?] (video ~9:10) that a “license” is a photo identification acceptable to state employees for the purpose of identification (under threat, duress, and coercion or TDC) which is purchased personal property. Tax Lean Act of 1966 [further documentation requested]
Excerpt from: “The Priviledge to Drive/Operate a Motor Vehicle vs. The Right to Travel“
February 27, 2016, by: David-William, TLB Staff Writer
Dick Marple makes the statement (video ~8:30) that an “automobile” qualifies as consumer goods (supreme court case) which are not required to be registered and do not require a license to own or enjoy [RSA 382(a) 9-109 ?] (video ~9:10) that a “license” is a photo identification acceptable to state employees for the purpose of identification (under threat, duress, and coercion or TDC) which is purchased personal property. Tax Lean Act of 1966
Rescind Your Registration & License
“You were never required to have a marriage license to be lawfully married—-but was that fact ever fully disclosed to you by the STATE? You have the absolute right to rescind your signature from any contract that was not fully disclosed to you. Such a contract is null and void, as if it never existed at all, and all payments and other asset distributions exercised under it are subject to return to the lawful owner(s), plus reasonable interest. You are not obligated by any contract obtained under conditions of fraud, deceit, or non-disclosure. The STATE is culpable for its failure to disclose.
[AVR#6 Final Judgement and Civil Orders – updated, lines 17-24]
You were never legally required to “register” your car or grant it to the state. You were never lawfully required to be “licensed” to enjoy your privately owned automobile. Each accomplished through non-disclosure.
For those of you now reading this who are recalling all the “registration” processes you have undergone, you will now realize that you were “deemed” to be operating in the capacity of such a “citizen” or as an actual incorporated entity when you did so: vehicle registrations, birth registrations, voter registrations, registration of “Selective Service” applications, and so on, are all foreign to us and our land jurisdiction States and our People — and are all executed in the international jurisdiction of the sea. [The Jural Assembly Handbook, pg 61, p8 – AVR]
For example, Travel Cards are appropriate to issue to Jural Assembly Members and others who have chosen to reclaim their State National status, instead of Driver Licenses. Likewise, Regulation Z stamps can be issued to identify private cars and trucks in lieu of registration stamps. Whether we do this for ourselves or instruct our employees to do it for us, these distinctions need to be made, and these services need to be made readily available without any suspicion, coercion, or obstruction by Territorial or Municipal employees. [The Jural Assembly Handbook, pg 63, p5 – AVR]
reference: Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney (format)
Void Ab Initio – “voided from the beginning” because the act is based on fraud.
Contracts – Cornell Legal Information Institute
ARS 33-404: Disclosure of beneficiary; recording; failure to disclose
A. “…every deed or conveyance of real property, or an interest in real property, …shall disclose the names and addresses of the beneficiaries for whom the grantee holds title and shall identify the trust or other agreement under which the grantee is acting …”
Considering neither the Auto-dealer, nor the holder of your note on the loan, nor the State see fit to disclose that “you are fit to pay for the property, but you are NOT fit to “own” it”, have assumed superior title by requiring your MSO or MCO be sent to the State DMV, and neither identify nor disclose the parties to such contract, nor the full details.
Difference: Title vs. Deed – article: Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group [a defacto perspective with exceptions: “A deed represents the right of the owner to claim the property. As opposed to the title, that describes who is the ultimate holder of the property.”
article: Prep Agent (similar)
You’ll note that the state who issues title is the “top dog” on that document, whereas the state is in no way party to a deed, a document to convey ownership from the “grantor” to another (conveyance). The state, having issued the title while maintaining superior rights to the property, maintains the right to issue recurring registration fees, taxes, licensing, and can impound the property you are paying for when you don’t play by their rules because they have assumed “superior title”.
- (01:17:11) Registration of property with the STATE
- Certificate of Title is a “certification” that “title” is held somewhere
- certificate: “…official representation, that some act has or has not been done, or some event occurred, or some legal formality been complied with…” [Black’s Law, 2nd Ed.]
- certified: “…being officially attested or authoritatively confirmed as being genuine or true as represented, or complying or meeting specified requirements or standards. [Black’s Law, 2nd Ed.]
- represent: “…To represent a person [or an entity] is to stand in his place; to supply his place; to act as his substitute.” [Black’s Law, 2nd Ed.]
[to “re-present” a (wo)man is in effect to present him/her as something other than “him-her-self”… in courts which can only adjudicate contracts among incorporate entities, to “present an identity as an incorporate entity”. -dp] - registered owner: “Owner whose name is recorded in a security issuer’s registers as the security’s owner and is entitled to receive dividend or interest and principal payouts. Also called record holder.” [Black’s Law, 2nd Ed.]
[So when the STATE absconds with the title for your car, swapping equitable title for statutory title (title legal), they re-present that the “record” (and rights) are held by the STATE, but they don’t bother specifying that relationship in such terms to you. -dp]
U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 10, Clause 1:
“No State shall… pass any Bill… or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts…” [edited]
ARS 28-2052: Title and registration of foreign vehicles
NOTE: “operating a motor vehicle in the STATE OF ARIZONA” and “traveling in your privately owned automobile on Arizona state” are very different activities. If when buying a new car you intend the later, then there is no need to register a motor vehicle as the former. Arizona state is a “foreign jurisdiction” to the STATE OF ARIZONA. There might be some interesting reading here.
[the state bears no authority to interfere in trade or contracts – further citing desired]
Learn the Terminology:
Arizona Examples:
For a review of how state law looks at your private property automobile and establishes that the state has any right to register, license, or tax such private property, we’ll look first at ARS 28-2001 in the Arizona Revised Statutes for Certificates of Title and Registration (Title 28, Chapter 7). First read through the description of who this law is addressing and the objects to which it pertains.
ARS 28-2001: Definitions
Resident –
ARS 28-2001: is qualified by any “person” meeting the qualifications listed in §1, a-g; expanded to “individuals, workers”, and corporate entities which are all commercial terms and therefore subject to jurisdiction of the municipal or territorial corporations.
Black’s Law: ““Resident” and “inhabitant” are distinguishable in meaning. The word “inhabitant” implies a more fixed and permanent abode than does “resident;” and a resident may not be entitled to all the privileges or subject to all the duties of an inhabitant.”
[Also qualified as “residents” are persons utilizing public school services, a contract for use of services similar to a “federal area” but on the state level. Better terms are suggested to be “populate”, populated, and population -dp]
ARS 28-2001(B)(2) defines “serial number” (SN:) as “the number placed on the vehicle by it’s manufacturer, whereas “vehicle” a commercial term, is used here generally and in error. Therefore a VIN, or vehicle identification number, used generally is also used in error. Serial numbers are related to similar units of manufacture so each unique unit can be easily identified and differentiated.
Motor Vehicle –
18 USC §31(a)(6): The term “motor vehicle” means every description of carriage or other contrivance propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used for commercial purposes on the highways in the transportation of passengers, passengers and property, or property or cargo. […used for commercial purposes…]
40 CFR §85.1703: Definition of a Motor Vehicle
“…applicability of section 216(2), a vehicle which is self-propelled and capable of transporting a person or persons or any material or any permanently or temporarily affixed apparatus…” [with exclusions for application of this definition to 216(2)]
Black’s Law: “The word “vehicle” includes every description of carriage or other artificial contrivance used, or capable of being used, as a means of transportation on land.” [Note: “transportation”. Add self-propelled or driven by it’s own power and you have “motor vehicle”]
Transportation –
Black’s Law: “The removal of goods or persons from one place to another, by a carrier.”
[Chances are you are not a “carrier” for hire to move persons or goods, therefore you do not participate in “transportation” or “traffic” but rather you “travel”.]
Goods and Chattels –
Black’s Law: …term is applied to all personal property that is not real estate.
NOTE: You likely own private property, not personal property. Personal is a commercial term, a personification or representative entity, the incorporation of an entity on paper, a fictitious entity and not a living soul, or man. (dp)
NOTE: In a recent lawful declaration i wrote: “i, a man, am not a “person” or “personage“, an incorporated entity that “represents” anything, i am a quickening soul and child of the Most High God; i speak Sui Juris, “of my own right”.
Carrier –
Black’s Law: “One who undertakes to transport persons or property from place to place, by any means of conveyance, and with or without compensation.”
NOTE: This definition specifies “…or without compensation”, but doesn’t mention “under contract”; transport, persons, and conveyance are however all commercial terms. (dp)
In Black’s Law, conveyance is linked to inducement which is directly linked to contracts which links “carrier” to commercial application.
Driver –
ARS 28-101 Definitions for: (20) Dealer, (24) Drive, (25) Driver, and (26) Driver License
(24) “Drive” means to operate or be in actual physical control of a motor vehicle.
(39) “Human driver” means a natural person in the vehicle who performs in real time all or part of the dynamic driving task or achieves a minimal risk condition for the vehicle.
[interesting use of the correct term “natural person” with incorrect “driver” context -dp]
(44) “Manufacturer” means a person engaged in the business of manufacturing motor vehicles, trailers or semitrailers.
(58) “Owner” (a) A person who holds the legal title of a vehicle.
[if registered, that owner ain’t you. A person can also be a corporate entity, in this case the “state”, and “legal” means “written on paper and in agreement with other persons”, which is not necessarily “lawful”, correct, or righteous. See “person” below.]
Black’s Law: Driver: “One employed in conducting a coach, carriage, wagon, or other vehicle, with horses, mules, or other animals, or a bicycle, tricycle, or motor car, though not a street railroad car.”
Person –
15 USC §7: Person – “…wherever used in sections 1 to 7 of this title (Title 15) shall be deemed to include corporations and associations existing under or authorized by the laws”… [of the US, state, territories, or foreign countries].
ARS 13-105 (30) “Person” means a human being and, as the context requires, an enterprise, a public or private corporation, an unincorporated association, a partnership, a firm, a society, a government, a governmental authority or an individual or entity capable of holding a legal or beneficial interest in property.
Black’s Law: distinguishes the “natural person” from the “juridical person” or “not a single natural person, as a human being, authorized [or created] by law with duties and rights, recognized as a legal authority having a distinct identity, a legal personality.”
ARS 28-4032: Persons subject to financial responsibility requirements
(B) A person who operates a bus used to transport passengers for hire, other than a car pool operator…
1. Not for profit. A car pool operator is conclusively presumed not to be carrying persons for profit if…
NOTE: specific distinction made in this statute as “not for hire” establishing a difference between commercial and private use in the statutes. (other citings are likely).
ARS 28-622: Failure to comply with police officer; classification
A. A person shall not wilfully fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction of a police officer invested by law with authority to direct, control or regulate traffic.
B. A person who violates this section is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor.
NOTE: i am a man, not a person. i do not traffic, a commercial term.
The assumption therefore is that you are NOT a natural person and living soul with private property which does not bear taxation, registration, nor licensing, but a corporate entity as a territorial or municipal employee engaged in transportation of other corporate entity PERSONS as “passengers” and GOODS for commercial purposes in effect “for hire”. As with Roman Courts, the assumption stands as “true” until challenged and rebutted. Therefore, challenge it; rebut it.
“Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” [Sir Walter Scott]
Corroborating Info:
Condensed: “The Priviledge to Drive/Operate a Motor Vehicle vs. The Right to Travel“
February 27, 2016, by: David-William, TLB Staff Writer [archive .txt]
- automobile – a pleasure vehicle designed for the transportation of persons on highways.” (American Mutual Liability Ins. Co. vs. Chaput, 60 A.2d 118, 120; 95 NH 200.) Also: private property in use for private purposes.
- motor vehicle – “Motor vehicle” means every description or other contrivance propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used for commercial purposes on the highways in the transportation of passengers, or passengers and property. Used for commercial purposes” means the carriage of persons or property for any fare, fee, rate, charge or other considerations, or directly or indirectly in connection with any business, or other undertaking intended for profit. (Title 18 USC 31:)
- traveler – one who uses a conveyance to go from one place to another, and included all those who use the highways as a matter of Right. Notice that in all these definitions the phrase “for hire” never occurs:
- to include all those who rightfully use the highways viatically (when being reimbursed for expenses) and who have occasion to pass over them for the purpose of business, convenience, or pleasure.” [emphasis added] 25 Am.Jur. (1st) Highways, Sect.427, p.717.
- “Traveler: One who passes from place to place, whether for pleasure, instruction, business, or health.” Locket vs. State, 47 Ala. 45; Bovier’s Law Dictionary, 1914 ed., p. 3309.
- driver – Notice that this definition includes one who is “employed” in conducting a vehicle. It should be self-evident that this person could not be “travelling” on a journey, but is using the road as a place of business. The term “driver” in contradistinction to “traveler” is defined as:
- “One employed in conducting a coach, carriage, wagon, or other vehicle…” (Bovier’s Law Dictionary, 1914 ed., p. 940.)
- operator – an “operator” the court observed that this was a vehicle “for hire” and that it was in the business of carrying passengers.
- “It will be observed from the language of the ordinance that a distinction is to be drawn between the terms ‘operator’ and ‘driver’; the ‘operator’ of the service car being the person who is licensed to have the car on the streets in the business of carrying passengers for hire; while the ‘driver’ is the one who actually drives the car. However, in the actual prosecution of business, it was possible for the same person to be both ‘operator’ and ‘driver.’”
(Newbill vs. Union Indemnity Co., 60 SE.2d 658.)
- “It will be observed from the language of the ordinance that a distinction is to be drawn between the terms ‘operator’ and ‘driver’; the ‘operator’ of the service car being the person who is licensed to have the car on the streets in the business of carrying passengers for hire; while the ‘driver’ is the one who actually drives the car. However, in the actual prosecution of business, it was possible for the same person to be both ‘operator’ and ‘driver.’”
- traffic – In this case, the word “traffic” is used in conjunction with the unnecessary Auto Transportation Service, or in other words, “vehicles for hire.” The word “traffic” is another word which is to be strictly construed to the conducting of business. Here again, notice that this definition refers to one “conducting business.” No mention is made of one who is travelling in his automobile.
- “Traffic: Commerce, trade, sale or exchange of merchandise, bills, money, or the like. The passing of goods and commodities from one person to another for an equivalent in goods or money…”; (Bovier’s Law Dictionary, 1914 ed., p. 3307.)
More Arizona Examples:
ARS 28-2054: Certificate of title; application processing
A. The department shall file each application for a certificate of title. When the department is satisfied that the application is genuine and regular and that the applicant is entitled to a certificate, it shall register the vehicle and the owner alphabetically under the name of the owner and numerically under the serial number and under a distinctive title number assigned to the vehicle and the owner.
[By what criteria is application deemed “genuine”?]
[Where is the MSO and MCO in this process? See: ARS 28-2051 below]
ARS 28-2013: Disposition of property; deposit of proceeds
A. The department may receive monies from any department or agency of the United States, this state or any political subdivision of this state and may sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of all property seized and forfeited to the state, or otherwise awarded to the department, as a result of any investigation.
[If the state holds superior title in the MSO or MCO for your private property, they hereby reserve the right to administer your property, seize it, and sell it for their own benefit. -dp]
ARS 28-2051: Application for certificate of title; vision screening test
A. A person shall apply to the department on a form prescribed or authorized by the department for a certificate of title to a motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer. The person shall make the application within fifteen days after the purchase or transfer of the vehicle, trailer or semitrailer except that a licensed motor vehicle dealer shall make the application within thirty days after the purchase or transfer. All transferees shall sign the application…
D. A person shall submit the following information with an application for a certificate of title:
(2) To a new vehicle:
(a) Either of the following:
(i) A manufacturer’s certificate of origin showing the date of sale to the dealer or person first receiving the vehicle from the manufacturer. Before the department issues a certificate of title to a new vehicle, a manufacturer’s certificate of origin shall be surrendered to the department.
(ii) A factory invoice, a form that is provided by the department or other documentation that shows the date of sale to the dealer or the person who first received the vehicle from the manufacturer.
(b) The name of the dealer or person.
(c) A description sufficient to identify the vehicle.
(d) A statement certifying that the vehicle was new when sold.
(e) If sold through a dealer, a statement by the dealer certifying that the vehicle was new when sold to the applicant.
[Describe each transferee and their role with registration connected to “title” and the MSO or MCO.]
Salvage Title Option:
According to the Arizona DMV website, a salvage-class vehicle “had been stolen, wrecked, destroyed by water or otherwise damaged to the extent that the insurance company considered it to be uneconomical to repair and was therefore issued a certificate of title branded/marked as salvage”. [emphasis added]
Salvaging your private property might be an option if your circumstances allow it. From what I’ve seen so far, it still involves the “bestowed graces” of the state upon you after they or an insurance company have “inspected” your private property and “approved” your salvage claim. In Arizona a salvage inspection will cost you $50. [AZDMV site] I think it equally effective, not quite as expensive, and more emotionally satisfying to tell the DMV “The DMV as a corporate entity, an “IT”, has no right to administer my private property”; but that’s me.
It will cost you time, effort, no small amount of research1, and a few dollars to draft a testimony-affidavit, letter of notice, and then mail it registered mail to the DMV director. What I consider satisfying about this tack is that they already have committed fraud, non-disclosure, and administration of your private property, are likely to continue such crimes, and this offers you the opportunity to hold their feet to the fire and file a claim for damages and/or remedy. The pirates deserve no less. However, you must decide if you have the time, interest, energy, and skill set to pursue such.
[Keep an eye on announcements in our social media for classes and supporting website information to develop such “skill set” to defend yourself. -dp]
If, however, you have a totaled automobile, or the skills to disassemble and reassemble the item, or the item is actually “uneconomical to repair” you might pursue the salvage title of which there are three classes:
- Salvaged car: Has been wrecked or damaged to such an extent that it is considered too expensive to repair.
- Revived salvage: A salvage vehicle which has been repaired and registered.
- Junk car: A car that has been reported to the DMV as being dismantled.
1 For help with research, see 6-Step Process and Defending Yourself.
Title & MSO
Considering the governing powers have you “register” (assign title to the regis, or state) your vehicle and that the MSO (manufacturer’s statement of origin) or “real title” was appropriated the day you drove your vehicle off the lot, there are a few things that need to be corrected so that you can refer to the automobile you drive as “your property”.
When buying an automobile, express that you are going to “export the property to a foreign country” so that there is no need for title or registration [-David Straight]. If you have corrected your status, your home isn’t in the “State of Michigan”, but on Michigan territory. This is literally both a venue and jurisdiction foreign to where they would have you register the property. Don’t register it, authorize registration as a “transferee” and the property belongs to you, the man or woman who is paying for it. Be certain that they can deliver your MSO before you sign any paperwork so you can leave with it.
If you currently possess an automobile registered with your state as a “motor vehicle”, I believe there are ways to get around the registration. As I understand it, you can simply rescind the agreement as fraud, misrepresentation, and non-disclosure. There are also means by which you can obtain a “salvage title” and procure rights to the physical property (in whatever condition). I have yet to gather all the pertinent details to these strategies. [details needed]
Here are the sticks with which I’ve “poked this bear” so far:
- Note Holder (loan): “So that I am certain to hold “superior title” when I pay off my loan, please confirm that [the note holder and loan institution] possesses my MSO/MCO.”
- Auto Dealership: “The note holder for the loan on my automobile [full description including VIN#] has confirmed they do not hold the MSO/MCO on the property in my possession and on which they hold the note for loan.”
- [1st] What is the status and location of the MSO/MCO for my “private property”
- [2nd] I require you provide a copy of the “application for certificate of title”…
- upon which should be all confirmation information you’ll need
- MVD your State: “Both the note holder and automobile dealership confirm neither holds the “superior title” as MSO/MCO on the automobile in my possession as “private property”. I require that [State DOT] confirm the following for records pertaining to my private property identified above:”
- What date did DOT receive the MSO/MCO or factory invoice
- Confirm the current status of such MSO/MCO with [State DOT] or it’s agent
That’s the short version… With this information and the above information to support that your automobile is in fact “private property” and “not for hire” you should be able to assemble a simple affidavit to rescind your registration, any requirements for licensure, and have the State DOT either surrender or replace your MSO/MCO, issue statement by which you can apply to have it replaced by the manufacturer, and/or charge them for multiple crimes for interfering in contracts, usurping your property rights, and return of licensing and registration fees (at interest) for which you were never responsible in the first place. [Currently being tested. I’ll keep you posted -dp]
Registration involves the entry of the auto into the “State Areas” so the state can maintain control over the property. Just as with “Federal Areas” (corporate fiction) that overlap the territory (real) where corporate by-laws apply to fictitious entities, the corporate entity as government gets to continue to fee, fine, and tax you for something that, with registration, you pay for but in practice belongs to them. You assign rights to the state by which they can control the property. Did they tell you this? No. That’s misrepresentation and non-disclosure of the terms of the agreement, and therefore, fraud.
How to obtain your MSO: Legal Beagle
Information contained on an MSO: FLHSMV
Other Countries Heard From…
“…when you purchase a new car, one of the documents in the “9-Pack” is one the dealership glosses over and does not elaborate on. Most people are so busy signing their name on all
the paperwork that they don’t questions everything anyway. What this document does is gift title of the automobile to the State (Department of Motor Vehicles), to whom the Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin (MCO) is sent. The MCO is title, i.e., equitable (substance) title. You, as the user, have “legal title,” meaning they get the elevator (substance) and you get the shaft (legal liability). You receive a “pink slip” at the end of your payments, which is a “certificate of title.” A certificate of title is not title; it is simply a document stating that title exists somewhere. So if the gendarmes give you a ticket and impound your car, it is incarcerated until you have paid the ransom to get it out.” (AVR, Part V – Court Bond)
[open quote]
They do not tell you that when you get a car that they’re sending the real Title, the MSO, Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin, to the STATE OF…, so that they own the Title, when you signed the papers giving the dealer power of attorney. They didn’t tell you that a U.S. citizen cannot own property. They don’t tell you that your Title gets destroyed after it’s copied and that their copies become negotiable instruments to be traded on the open market, and that you can never get it back from them. You never get to pay down a debt with instruments of debt (FRNs), so its wise not to expect such. The monetary system is designed to enslave you, keep you in debt, and rob you of your birthright, all with sneaky concealments crafted by B.A.R. Attorneys, who hold offices of trust, unlawfully. They are Foreign Agents and hopefully you’ll come to this realization. If you wish, contact the manufacturer of your car and get an authentic copy of the MSO, because yours was stolen by the Bankster’s B.A.R. Brokers/Attorners, simply because you think you need to use FRNs (Federal Reserve Note).
[end quote, emphasis added]
Excerpt from: “The Priviledge to Drive/Operate a Motor Vehicle vs. The Right to Travel“
February 27, 2016, by: David-William, TLB Staff Writer
Redefining Your Auto-Relationship:
Excerpt from: “The Priviledge to Drive/Operate a Motor Vehicle vs. The Right to Travel“
February 27, 2016, by: David-William, TLB Staff Writer [archive .txt]
Retire Your Loan
Ron Kelly (california assembly) reviews the fraud behind loans (mortgages specifically) and how to lawfully retire the debt assigned to you for which (according to kelly) the banks were paid the day the loan papers were signed.
(instructions pending)
Right to Travel
Info moved to Traffic Stop post.
Traffic Stop –
Info moved to Traffic Stop post.