This is my version of a voter registration renunciation letter adapted from the Anna Von Reitz article #626 information. Adapt it for your purposes, use it as is, or simply use it as reference for your own version, all at your own risk. That said, I hope it saves you some work and time. [MSWord: docx download] [google docs download]
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Withdraw your “registration” from voting?
“you have no natural interest in the elections of a foreign corporation that you don’t work for…” #560 pg1 p4
Accepting a role as a for-free Withholding Agent, assuming you aren’t interested in the benefits they make you pay for, and don’t wish to be extorted at exorbitant prices for services you could easily afford otherwise, why would you continue in this practice? You need to participate in the government of the land of your birth state (or location) and you cannot legally operate in both jurisdictions of land and sea at once.
Notes & Comments:
This concerns many people until they understand “why”.
“Once you realize that what they are doing is operating a foreign corporation on your soil and are offering you “enfranchisement”… and voting rights in exchange for your natural right to elect your own public officials and conduct your own government and live under your own law, you should have absolutely no regret about no longer being a “voter” and no longer participating in their private, foreign corporate elections.” AVR#631, pg 1 p8
NOTE: Banks and Credit Unions all have notaries on staff. They are usually happy to notarize a document or two for a current branch customer at no charge. I recommend giving them a call and getting on their calendar to make it as convenient as possible for them to assist you. What a nice opportunity to discuss with them the reasoning and purpose for such a document!
EXAMPLE FOLLOWS: This form should be largely self-explanatory, but just in case:
- replace the red text with your own personal information
- double check your work
- proof read twice before you print
- delete the green note in paragraph one once you’ve followed that instruction
- scan your voter ID Card and replace the graphic with your scanned image
- a facsimile of your ID Card will be printed on the paper
- MSWord: R-click the graphic
- choose “replace image”
- find your scan
- click “ok”

- print (3) copies – notarize (2), have a blank spare just in case there are errors
- Schedule a time to see a notary
- sign and date the document (2) copies in the presence of the notary
- address an envelope to your state Secretary of State
- mail this registered mail so you’ll have a receipt it was received.
- Before you tape the ID and lick an envelope, shoot a photo as evidence (see photo)
- you can also take the extra step of sending the notice registered mail
- before you mail this to your state Secretary of State, tape your ID over the scanned image along one edge (hinge) and return the ID to them.

Hello, Before I started this process I used a CA state form to end my voters registration. I have checked with the all the states I’ve lived in: WA, OR, CA and none have an active record. I have also never had a physical voters registration card before. Am I good or do I need to still do something? Thank you
My apologies in taking a few days to address this comment. I’ve been assisting a friend in defense from the “IRS”… see the latest post as of this date in the WTP blog for details.
To address your query: The declarations process is best pursued with the help and guidance of a “recording secretary” with the state assembly on your given state. Each state proceeds similarly, but paperwork is specific to the states. You can find your state assembly by visiting:
NOTE: The State Assemblies are not associated with the “STATE OF STATE” so-called “government”. These are civil assemblies of “we the people”… currently small, rather humble, but attracting intelligent, open-minded, and reasonable people who wish to have their voice heard in returning our nation to the interests of the people. ;-D