To Assemble a Jury

“The Grand Jury’s duty is to investigate crime and allegations of crime occurring in their service area and jurisdiction, and to determine whether or not a probable cause demanding further action exists. If not, they do nothing. If so, they hand down either an indictment or a presentment.” (Anna von Reitz, “…Fourth Branch…” pg 2)

As I understand from the Coordinator’s Handbook, there are four (4) pillars of the General Assembly to render the state Assembly a proper functioning body. What we’ll dig into in this post is the Jural Assembly and it’s functions, with intent in particular to convene a grand jury.

Sources: Jural Assembly Handbook (JAH), Coordinator’s Handbook (CH), My Reply to John Daresh and NLA (AVR); “…Fourth Branch… (Grand Juries)” (AVR); Assembly Questions (AVR);

Quote: “…our government has been mis-administered for a very long time was left vacated when the various units of the state and county governments incorporated themselves as franchises of the federal corporation dba UNITED STATES, INC. and began operating in the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea. That may be all well and good for a corporation whose only responsibility is to provide nineteen “governmental services”—- but it is not sufficient as the government owed to the living people and unincorporated States of America known as the Union. Our Public Offices owed to the land jurisdiction of this country were vacated and we are now filling them. This is no act of “subversion”— this is an act of restoration, plainly justified before the Hague, the United Nations Security Council, and the World Court. ” (Anna von Reitz, “Reply to John Daresh” pg8-9) [edited for clarity]

The United States is defined in 28 USC §3002 (15) “means— (A) a Federal corporation; (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or (C) an instrumentality of the United States.

4 Pillars of the General Assembly

The four functioning branches of the people’s state assembly (CH, §5B, pg4) are:

  • General Assembly – discussion as a Committee-of-the-Whole body politic.
  • International Business Assembly – interstate and international business specifically limited to “state citizens”
  • Jural Assembly – people’s courts, grand juries, trial juries, and officers of courts
  • Assembly Militia – public safety and enforcement (by law rather than arms)

The Jural Assembly oversees the people’s courts, convenes grand juries, and organizes the offices and officers of the people’s court. The people’s courts function in contrast to what we’ve had for years, either municipal or admiralty courts of the territorial Raj: British vessels in dry dock, infested with BAR members, whose duty to the BAR conflicts with their public oath of office, pursuing a specific agenda to strand and loot our “vessels”.

“Without a court and peacekeeping forces ready to do its bidding, a land jurisdiction Grand Jury is like a wagon without wheels. It can investigate crime and issue Writs until the cows return home and get exactly… nowhere.” (Anna von Reitz, “…Fourth Branch…”, pg2)

Photo by Kace Rodriguez on Unsplash

“We face a population crisis within the Assembly”. (dp)

BAR Attorney: participating members of the Treasonous Extortion Receivership Denial System: TERDS for short. [dp – couldn’t resist…] Esquire, a British title “in English law… A title of dignity next above gentleman, and below knight.” [Black’s Law] These serve in the sea jurisdiction courts operating in British Admiralty that have usurped the function of the people’s courts to serve the crown.

There is no “petite jury” (six-member municipal court jury) in the people’s jural assembly. All state assembly juries including Grand Juries require at least 12 members. [JAH, pg158]

Quote: “Common Law Grand Juries in this country arise from properly composed Jural Societies, not “Administrators” nor “Administrations” (that’s the language of the United States Court System operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea, not the American Common Law System owed to the living people and unincorporated states on the land.) The whole idea that our justice system should rely on… self-appointed spies per county reporting back to [any one man or woman] is repugnant. The government of the land, the Republic, operates from the bottom up, not the top down, and it operates in the open, not as a secretive network of opinionated tattle-tales.” (Anna von Reitz, “Reply to John Daresh” pg4-5)

What’s wrong? The difference in the “Courts”:

From the Jural Assembly Handbook, pp163-164:

Our law is simple, draconian, and based on the Ten Commandments. There has to be a specific Injured Party claiming injury to himself or to his property. There is no such thing as a “thought crime” or a “hate crime” until and unless it results in verifiable harm and then it is addressed in terms of what the actual harm is.

The law of the Legal Persons, by comparison, is endlessly complex, subtle, and based on Codes and Maxims that rule the law of contracts. No doubt this is striking a cord with those familiar with the foreign maritime and admiralty court system of the Legal Persons functioning in Territorial (International Jurisdiction of the Sea) Jurisdiction.

Their laws are enacted instead of being enrolled and they take the form of enumerated Codes and Statutes and Regulations adopted by the Territorial United States Congress and the Territorial State of State Legislatures.

There is no end to the number of these Codes, Statutes, and Regulations that can be adopted and no process of jury nullification to weed them out, with the result that the proliferation of these private “laws” grows with cancerous ferocity and the burden and cost of enforcing them increases exponentially.

The Territorial and Admiralty Courts operated by and for the use of Legal Persons are operated by Bar Attorneys (Esquires) and presided over by Judges who act as Hired Jurist Referees and Administrators. These courts make no attempt to address the law or the facts of any case and focus instead on whether or not a contract exists, and if a duty owed under that contract was dishonored. They are all run as “Nisi Prius” Courts, that is, Contract Courts for Hire.

Legal Persons have no Natural nor Unalienable Rights so issues pertaining to claims of such rights and arguments based on constitutional guarantees do not apply to them nor enter into their courts. At most, Legal Persons may ask for “Equal Civil Rights” — which may be provided or denied upon the discretion of the Judge.

Legal Persons, unless they have a degree in law, are considered incompetent and must be “represented” by a Bar Attorney, who will speak for them both in court and privately under Power of Attorney, which basically grants him or her the right to act as your Proxy and cut deals in your behalf. Obviously, this is a position of Private Trust under contract that can be greatly abused and often is.

The form of law used by these courts is private, also. Statutes, Rules, Codes, Public Policies, Resolutions, and Regulations are not law, they are evidence of law, and each one represents a contract that Legal Persons are bound to. If you are acting as a Legal Person and operating in Territorial Jurisdiction (International Jurisdiction of the Sea) you are presumed to know and obey all such obligations and to honor all contracts.

Of course, the proliferation of 80 million such “laws” makes it impossible for anyone to know much less enforce them, and instead of providing any matrix for the pursuit of justice or order, such a system devolves into an excuse for raising revenues through fines and stealing property via arbitrary asset seizures.

You may readily recognize the Territorial Courts of the Legal Persons by their use of Statutes at the State (of State) level and use of Federal Code at the Federal level. They may also use Military Code. They often deceptively refer to this as “COMMON LAW” — as in “Military Common Law” — which is obviously not the Common Law owed to the American People and not any standard that should ever be applied to a civilian Lawful Person.

As our American State Jural Assemblies and our People’s Courts have ceased to function, more and more of our People have been misidentified as Legal Persons and held to these foreign standards of law and railroaded into these foreign courts.

The plain fact is that we don’t belong in their courts and they don’t belong in ours. Lawful Persons exist in an entirely different and separate jurisdiction apart from Legal Persons and operate under different standards and conventions, but the lack of Lawful Courts and the temptation to profit from this circumstance by guile has led to the present morass.
[JAH, §44, pp163-164]

[Hence the acronym: TERDS.]

A Jural Assembly from the General Assembly

The assembly court operates on “American Common Law” which, sharing the commonality among three western religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are based upon the “Ten Commandments”. An “ethical matrix” common and acceptable to these major religious moral centers.

The People are part of the land (state) and soil (county) jurisdiction of their state and county; populating one offers the right to serve in the other depending upon the task or duty at hand. Land and soil courts are organized by Jural Assemblies for people. Elections to fill the public offices of the jural assembly are conducted as standard public elections. “State citizens” having met the requirements of “juror” are also eligible to be elected to office. These courts operate by the law of the land.

Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash

“Persons” are part of the sea and maritime jurisdiction. Jural Societies are courts organized for unincorporated (trade) and incorporated (commercial) business entities. Elections are also held for the Jural Societies, however, one cannot be in two jurisdictions at once; either you function in the corporate elections of the Jural Societies on the sea, or you participate in Jural Assemblies on the land and soil; not both. You can’t vote in their elections and they can’t vote in your elections. These courts operate in the international law of the sea, maritime, or admiralty law.

State Jural Assembly (people)
  • jurisdiction of land and soil
  • “members only” for the people
  • superior public and organic law
  • affecting people and their assets
  • volunteer county grand or trial jury
  • volunteer state grand or trial jury
  • can decide LAW
  • can decide FACTS
  • justice determined by jurors
  • bear jury nullification power
  • issue indictments (foreign citizens)
  • issue presentments (people)
  • state – cross jurisdictional cases
  • courts post a “bondsman”
  • officers swear no oath
State Jural Society (persons)
  • jurisdiction of sea and air
  • review commercial, incorporate cases
  • inferior corporate statutes and policy
  • assets and affairs of legal fiction persons
  • compulsory county service (slavery)
  • compulsory state service (slavery)
  • compare statutes and code to actions
  • facts are dictated by court
  • “appearance of justice” by courts
  • can affect no statute or code
  • restricted to corporate entities
  • courts post a “bailiff”
  • swear oaths, to Baal

Jury Nullification – jurors in trials may throw out any law that is found to be repugnant to the good of the people or the cause of justice. Jurors can pass judgment on all acts of legislation affecting our states and people including acts of the Federal Congress, territorial congress, municipal congress or any other body or “authority” that encroaches upon the natural and unalienable rights of the people. Designed and included power of the people to curtail over-reaching legislative power of federal employees only authorized to organize and regulate their own activities in connection with their contracts.

The Grand Jury

The Grand Jury hears the details of claims and can bring charges to trespassers. Grand Juries can be convened on a state or county level, can determine if there is sufficient cause to present charges and issue indictments against foreign citizens (including federal citizens) and “presentments” against Nationals and State citizens. State trial jurors (assembled as a jury) can determine both the law and the facts. State of State juries (corp.) can only consider the statutes, codes, and ordinances that govern the corporations, their franchises, and employees.

“…the county court is limited to dealing with issues that are within its “service area”, its geographic boundaries, and its “jurisdiction” , the land and people of the county. A land jurisdiction (unincorporated) county court can’t address issues arising in another county… Nor can a land jurisdiction county court hear disputes that arise between corporations. These basic limitations are built into the fabric of the American Government to protect the rights and prerogatives of the people living here.” (Anna von Reitz, “…Fourth Branch…”, pg 3)

Reply to John Daresh (NLA)

In reading Anna’s white paper on a topic revolving around the Grand Jury, to summarize, she’s addressing a group called “National Liberty Alliance” (NLA) which has the correct idea, to pursue and make trespassers responsible for their actions, but Anna takes the position that they have not established the “proper standing” on the land and soil to pursue their goals and have those efforts be effective.

If that’s the case, I can see her concern; it’s “cross-jurisdictional”. In effect, the people are telling a private company (corp.), “we don’t like your policy or actions”, and their fully predictable and disarming response is, “we don’t care“. Without the proper standing, nothing can really be done in response; there’s no “remedy”.1

It’s sad that we tend to be so “tribal” in our associations and can’t seem to “get over ourselves”. A reading of this repartee’ is a bit disappointing in its slight aire of hostility. Rather than focusing on differences, we the people should be finding common ground where we can align our efforts and focus our strengths. (dp – sigh…) If you can get past the tone, they discuss some interesting and noteworthy points. You’ll find my comments, questions, and clarifications in green.

  • ANNA: “…I am not alone in being mystified as to why any American Common Law Grand Jury would FAIL to investigate a properly executed affidavit of probable cause alleging grand felony fraud, press-ganging, kidnapping, inland piracy and other crimes against the American people and our lawful government.”
  • “ANNA: …we have not seen ANY successful prosecutions actually bearing fruit if the DA [defacto] is not exercising his “prosecutorial discretion” and ignoring the Common Law Grand Jury presentments?” [A Common Law Grand Jury of the People presenting their “indictments” or “presentments” to a de-facto District Attorney (DA) crosses jurisdictional lines and is easily ignored, or “spiked” like a news story that doesn’t fit the agenda, by an agenda-driven editor (de-facto officer).]
  • ANNA: “The job of a Common Law Grand Jury is to investigate crime either on its own initiative or upon being presented with an information.” [act of being informed, like presenting a testimony or “settled matter” through Administrative Judicial Process]
  • ANNA: “In the Common Law System the courts are supported and created by Jural Societies at both the County and State level and Jural Societies are created by those who have claimed their proper political status and signed a Jural Oath.” [This is a new one for me. As I understand it, the people don’t make or take “oaths”. I can see a statement to confirm a jury member’s service in honor, but I’ll need some clarification on this point.]
  • ANNA: For the actions of the Grand Jury to be valid, the jurists need to have “(1) reclaimed their proper political status [to land and soil] and (2) formed a Jural Society [common law, of the people on land and soil, I would assume with proper declarations for the Jural Society] and (3) signed a Jural Oath, so that [the work of the Grand Jury] could be considered a valid Common Law action.”
  • ANNA: [herein lies the complexity of her argument, point by point:]
    • organizations, both at the county level and state level may exist on paper, but the evidence that they exist in fact…that they are popularly understood and supported, is totally lacking.
    • [evidence] that they have been properly organized and documented
    • The only King’s Court in the Republic is owned and operated by the actual “free, sovereign, and independent” people of the United States. [in common law also referred to as “King’s Bench”?]
    • These Federal Postal District Courts owed to the people and the unincorporated States of America are not to be confused with any form of United States [corp.] Court currently in operation
    • Their [OUR?] Federal Courts operate within the Federal Postal Districts established on the land… are not the “same as” United States “Federal” Courts established and operated within “U.S. Districts” established in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
    • We, the people of the land jurisdiction of the United States, separated from the King (and the Queen) over 200 years ago, unlike the British-subject “inhabitants” who remained here to provide essential government services. [which include the “courts”]
  • ANNA: “we, the living people, acting in our actual and proper political status, are supposed to be self-governing and are supposed to operate our own Jural Societies and our own American Common Law Court System —- not “just” a Grand Jury, but the entire common law court we are owed—- Justices, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, Clerks, Trial Juries, Bondsmen, Coroner, etc.,”
  • ANNA: “In order for the actions of the Common Law Grand Juries to have meaning and teeth these organizations must be properly formed and operated… able to hand down presentments either to the land jurisdiction Common Law Courts or the sea jurisdiction United States Courts as the issues and subject matter may dictate. Otherwise, people are left functioning improperly in a foreign jurisdiction, subject to criminal complaint, and all their hard work goes for naught. [Without standing and established jurisdiction, it’s a “hostile attack” from a “fellow employee”, and the corporation or officer will certainly press charges. So, pursuing with “good intent” that for which you haven’t properly prepared places the “claimant” as well as anyone who follows such pattern in a “systemic state of risk”.]
  • ANNA: “If the Common Law Grand Juries were properly educated, organized, seated, and supported there should be thousands of cases in process and thousands of successful prosecutions. [What I take away from this comment is that there is an education for the jurists that should be pursued, and, considering the number of errors, the amount of fraud committed, with no lack of opportunity, the efforts of the Jural Assembly should be “effective” so that justice is evident and obvious. If it’s not, perhaps we’re not on track…]

The Conventions of Assembly (General)

In order to populate the Jural Assembly, the members of the court are drawn from among the General Assembly (state nationals) where “qualified electors” as “state citizens” are pre-screened and deemed eligible to serve the state and the people in such capacity. Before there can be jurors, and justices, justices of the peace, clerk of courts, and bondsmen (the officers of the court system), there must first be eligible “state citizens” volunteering their service from the General Assembly to serve as jurors.

In the crowd, “you” are key!
Photo by RODRIGO GONZALEZ on Unsplash

As I’ve said many time before and in multiple settings, the issue with getting the Assembly running effectively is a matter of expanding our participating population so that the number of people qualified as “state citizens” is large enough to easily fill needed positions.

Recipe: Enforcement Cookies:

To get the Jural Assembly with it’s officers functioning to hear “the people’s business” and then enforce the decisions upon the indicated trespasser, is a matter of progression. (from “…Fourth Branch…”, pg3-4) Mix the following ingredients in order…

  • attract freedom-loving Americans to the General Assembly
  • help them declare their standing on “land and soil” (state nationals)
  • qualify “state citizens” and establish Jural Assembly in each county
  • elect a county sheriff to enforce Public and Organic Law
  • hire Sheriff’s deputies
  • elect Justices of the Peace
  • elect court clerks
  • elect a coroner
  • hire “bondsmen” (bailiff counterpart)
  • begin operating state courts
  • elect Justices to the Federal Postal District Court
    • land and soil counterpart of U.S. District Courts
    • serving the states in their “service area” (postal district)
    • functioning in “international jurisdiction” as does U.S. Dist. Court
    • addressing issues of “undelegated powers” retained by state and people
    • can hand down “indictments” on territorial and municipal citizens
      • the only court interface among “land and soil” and “U.S. Corp.”
  • Postal District then activated to investigate crimes on American soil by “U.S. Citizens”.

As I’ve said many time before and in multiple settings, the issue with getting the Assembly running effectively is a matter of expanding our participating population so that the number of people qualified as “state citizens” is large enough to easily fill needed positions. I’m sorry, did I mention this before? (…and I’m going to keep saying it until I’m heard.)

The offices of the Jural Assembly (JAH pg7):

  • Town and County Sheriffs – enforce public law
  • Justices – state judges of land jurisdiction
  • Justices of the Peace – county court justices
  • supporting court staff:
    • court clerks
    • recorders
    • bondsmen
    • sheriff’s deputies
    • public notaries
    • coroner

The officers of the Jural Assembly are unincorporated people serving their state assembly and their fellow americans. That’s in stark contrast to what we’re used to: incorporated government service agencies who hide behind their corporate structure to avoid responsibility for their acts while in office. The unincorporated people who serve the assembly can be held accountable for their actions, therefore must carry a bond(?) [citing needed]

All the officers of the Jural Assembly are elected by members of the Jural Assembly who are qualified jurors (state citizens) of the jury pool. Beyond being a “state national” one must elect and qualify to be a “state citizen” with such voting rights. “State citizens” are qualified jurors. It is from the jury pool that jury members are selected by lot to serve on juries for trial and grand juries.

So, let’s take a quick look at populating these offices from the ground up:

Members of the State Assembly must:

  • first qualify as “state national” by completing 928 (or similar) declarations:
    • proof of American Nationality
      • born in this country, or born to parents born here (3rd generation)
    • Proof of identity
    • Act of Expatriation from Territorial and Municipal citizenship
    • acknowledgement, acceptance, and re-conveyance of trade name
    • declaration of permanent domicile of tradename on land and soil
    • recorded certificate of assumed names declaring ownership
    • copy of form 56 redacting social security number
  • record such declarations with a land recording office
    • re-conveys your Trade Name to the land and soil of your state

Members of the Jural Assembly must also:

  • further accept rights, responsibilities, and duties of State Citizen
    • while acting as juror or
    • in Public Office of the State Assembly and
    • as an “elector” of the state
  • 21 years of age or older
  • choose to declare you are acting as one of the “people”
  • white males (per old 1860 rules)
  • have permanent homes declared within state boundaries
  • must be landowners
  • the above establishes your “standing” to act as one of “the people”.

While Americans as State Nationals are welcome to attend meetings, weigh in on discussions, raise questions, and avail themselves of the association of the assembly, they cannot involve themselves in the “business” of the assembly. State Nationals “…are owed all the protections of the American government and all their freedoms, rights, and constitutional guarantees…”, but voting on issues, holding office, and the like requires further qualification as “State Citizen” who accepts the duty to serve their state and its people.

When your jury pools are filled and your officers are elected, your Court can be open for business. Jural Assembly courts serve only the people: members of the state general assembly. These are “people business”, matters of private property, assets, marriages, probate, estates of people, rights of people, etc. Jural Assemblies can also act as “parties” to a case, as with class action suits with corporate and incorporated entities as trespassers.

The rights, responsibilities, and duties of the “State Citizen”

State Nationals can be further qualified as “State Citizens” and can be called upon, in fact are obligated to serve the people of their state: on jury duty, on a trial jury, or to serve on a grand jury, or to act as a sheriff’s deputy, or to act as a public or private witness with or without pay. State Nationals owe no such duty to the state. (JAH, pg57)

“A State Citizen holds a unique allegiance to their State of the Union, so as to guarantee as much as possible, no conflicts of interest on their part. Unique means “singular”. While participating as a State Citizen and acting as a member of a State Assembly you may not hold any other allegiance to any other government. Period. This prohibition applies to Tribal Governments, State of State governments, the U.S. Federal Citizenships, and more obviously foreign governments…” (Assembly Questions; pg3, AVR) [emphasis added]

“Obviously, too, when men retire from active and reserve duty in the military and serve Notice to their branch Commander that they are returning “home” to their birthright political status, they are freed from the obligations of U.S. Citizenship and may then opt to act as State Citizens. The same goes for Federal Civil Service Employees, for example, Postal workers—- they are welcome to preserve their rights and protections as American State Nationals now, but they can’t participate as State Citizens until they quit or retire from their Federal jobs. The only other “category” of political status that is problematic in any way, is those who are in transit — if you are in the process of moving from state to state, your participation is limited to being a State National until you settle down again.” (Assembly Questions; pg3, AVR)

The assembly judicial officials are responsible for holding the operations of the court to accepted standards of evidence. (JAH, pg87) Such as:

  • recognizing and marking “hearsay” as inadmissible
  • verifying records (qualifying evidence)
  • administering court procedures
  • offering of insight (when queried)
  • ensuring due process
  • ensuring that justice prevails

A little history:

In starting the general assembly we had to run on the rules in place; which were at the time out of date by 160 years. Running on the rules of 1860 (because that’s how long it had been since our state assemblies had run) required a Quorum with a minimum Jury Pool of originally qualified electors. Once an update election was organized and conducted, the standing 1860 rules were updated and changed to match 160 years of societal maturation.

The initial jural assembly, under the old rules established before the civil war, did not include women or people of color… It was 1860, not even 1960, and neither group held the respect that each does today. So, step one was to populate the assembly and update the rules on the books with an “update election”. (JAH, pg6)

Today we face a similar challenge, not one of race or gender discrimination, but of available qualified state citizens that can fill the role of jury members, justices, bondsmen, and court clerks so that we can run our courts rather than rely on the “BAR courts in business to loot us” that are currently running and occupy the people’s court buildings.

The State Executive Assembly:

The State Executive Assembly is elected at the State General Assembly as primary act of the State General Assembly each year. The State Executive Assembly continues to function throughout the year and is enabled to conduct routine business for the State, including issuing Public Notices, conducting Elections, overseeing use and sale of State resources such as timber sales and public land leases, preparing ballot initiatives for the General Assembly, and serving as an interface for communications with the Federal Government — including direction of the Federal State of State Corporation, once we get organized to complete the Reconstruction of the Federal States of State.

The State Executive Assembly also has the power to call the State General Assembly into Special Session if needed. State Executive Assemblies are basically committees of astute businessmen who have a State Assembly Chairman and a State Treasurer and a State Secretary and State Executive Assembly Members from the land districts within the State. These are called Postal Areas today to delineate them from the sea-going Postal Districts.

Together the General Assembly, Jural Assembly, and State Executive Assembly conduct the international business of each State of the Union, and work together to enforce the Public Law, make decisions about land and natural resources, ensure protection of property rights, postal roads, free public elections and other business of the State.
[JAH, §36 pg139-140]

NOTE: Due to lack of population and activity in the Executive Assemblies, the Bureau of Land Management and other Federal Agencies have tended to well overstep their bounds.

If these assemblies, General, Jural, and State Executive assemblies work together to “conduct international business of each state…”, should membership be exclusive to General (to which all assembly members belong) and either Jural or Executive? … or what cooperative relationship do each of these assemblies hold in reference to one another when conducting such business? … votes? …legislative powers? …how are proposals or resolutions put forth, to whom, and how are they ratified or passed? (citings needed)
[may bounce the Executive Assembly to it’s own discussion]

That’s a start. Here are the questions I’m still looking to answer:
COMMENTS: from my experience to date appear in green.

  • who can convene a grand jury?
    A grand jury can be called together either at the county or state level. The matter is presented to the “Court Clerk” who contacts and appeals that qualified jurors responding voluntarily are prepared and set on a given dates to hear the matter.
  • what is the proper procedure to convene a grand jury?
    Still unclear: Procedure might suggest that the matter be presented to the State Coordinator or the County Seat to be added as a “new business item” for the state militia to screen and evaluate for validity and preparedness. Such filter mechanism, the “qualification” of a valid matter, properly prepared, and ready to be presented to a grand jury might be the responsibility of the state militia, tasked with “law enforcement”. Considering matters certified by the grand jury are then considered “law”, this might be an effective qualification step. [dp reasoning]
  • how many minimum and maximum people should be on the grand jury?
    Minimum is set at 12 qualified jurors. Maximum was suggested by reading in the de facto codes at 23. The County Chair in my county stated “36” to me. [citing and confirmation needed]
  • when a case is reviewed, what is the process of “certification”?
    A jury foreman delivers the points of deliberation, the decision of the jury, and signs off on the proceeding. A justice oversees that the matter proceeds lawfully and is available to the grand jury for consultation and guidance. Finally the state or county court clerk applies the authority of the jural assembly by means of the state and county seals. Such certification should bear all three “authorizations” and be returned to the claimant or testator in a reasonable time frame.
  • how is the jury foreman chosen?
    A jury foreman is elected by the members of the jury; one of the first orders of business for the jury is to “elect a foreman”.
  • are the jurors and foreman trained or educated?
  • where are these education or training standards?
  • specify and clarify the “jural oath” of jurists
  • remember: these are “the people’s” courts. Statutes of the de-facto won’t apply directly, though principles may be relevant.


1 – “Can U.S. Citizens have Grand Juries that serve in their international jurisdiction and work for “Martial Common Law” courts? Yes. Can this be the same Grand Jury that the people, the American state nationals, are owed? No. We are talking about two separate jurisdictions, two different courts, and so, there has to be two Grand Juries, one composed of U.S. Citizens, one composed of American state nationals, and never the twain to meet, even though they may both be seated in the same geographic location. A U.S. Citizen is not the “peer” of an American state national, and vice versa.” (Anna von Reitz; “…Fourth Branch…”, pg2)

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