The Process

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In short, forces of corporate interest have relegated the jurisdictional standing of nearly every human being on Earth to the sea as cargo, unclaimed, and set-up to be salvaged (a form of piracy). The few that escaped that abuse are countries that can’t seem to play nice with anyone.

image courtesy jscreationzs-10025977 on

Here in the united States of America, we expect to be free and exude a spirit of “freedom” yet sadly, the truth is a bit more disappointing when you’re willing to dive to the bottom of the rabbit hole. (Another good resource on this topic from I know that’s a bit much to swallow if you’re hearing it for the first time. If you’re not familiar with the backstory on those statements, I encourage you to review the information on the “Knowledge” page under the [Resources] tab of this site.

Before you begin the paperwork, you might appreciate this post by Anna von Reitz addressing the path ahead as a State National and American with original jurisdiction. In my opinion it is one of her better, more readable, and relatable efforts:

Orientation for Newbies, .pdf 5-1/2 pages, 15-20 minute read, and available We the People, UnInc. edit and TTS audio adaptation; Mp3 file download; 30 min.

As you begin and work through the process, you as did I, will question, “why am I copyrighting my name?”, “why is this document necessary?”, “what purpose does a land deed serve?”. We’ll do our best to pull that information together here under Solutions so that you can access information by topic and find most of your answers before you need to ask anyone for help or guidance.

Correcting such a heinous extorsion of our sovereignty and travesty of justice (as it appears from the end of that path) is not nearly as difficult as one might expect. Our journey here will, after all, result in releasing us from the system of “slavery 2.0”. The process has been researched by those that came before us, and “we few, we happy few…” cooperating in this place are attempting to make the journey for those that follow us even easier!

Visit State National Info on for helpful resources!

How to:

You’ll locate your state assembly, find your state coordinator and drop them an email message that you’re interested in “expatriating to the land and soil”. That equates to distancing yourself from the pirates. The contacts for your state and coordinator can be found here:
They will put you into contact with someone who will assist you with your state’s paperwork and lead you to an assembly recorder that will help you record “the declarations of your sovereignty”. While that sounds a bit over the top, it’s actually quite accurate!

The Paperwork:

Don’t be shaken by the picture, it’s not anywhere near that bad! What follows are links to pages where you’ll see facsimiles of the required documents that lead you through filling them out properly, and answering the most common questions BEFORE you’re confused and frustrated. Before you start, review Paperwork, Best Practices; it will save you time and effort.

Image courtesy of marin-100173639 at

What follows are the most common documents. You may not need them all. You may need a different version of something. You can get familiar with the information needed, but it’s best to check with your state coordinator who can refer you to a recorder in your county for a recommended list that’s correct for you. You can also quickly generate your documents automatically through the Land Recording System (LRS). Your education here at We the People, UnInc. is free; recording documents to a public register isn’t; no matter the means to do so. You’ll be asked for the information to populate your documents and to pay registration fees.

So, once again, you may wish to familiarize yourself with the how, why, and what this process helps you accomplish by reviewing the free documents in the list below first. We’ll do our best to keep the links on this page current. Do leave us a note in the COMMENTS1 below if you notice we need to update.

Step 1: Recording Your Documents

Download the .docx or .pdf, then follow the guide. Remember Paperwork: Best Practices can save you time and effort! If you don’t have Microsoft Word or Office, .docx files can be opened with Google Docs, a free online service included with a Google account. Thanks in advance for your help! I think you can see why this process once completed is called being “papered”

928 Document Set

  1. [Guide] Act of Expatriation and Oath of Allegiance (1) for each name format
    1. [doc] Act of Expatriation, assumed name: JOHN MARK DOE
    2. [doc] Act of Expatriation, assumed name: JOHN M. DOE
    3. [doc] Act of Expatriation, assumed name: JOHN DOE
  2. [docx] [Guide] Assumed name Copyright Tradename
  3. [docx] [Guide] Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney
  4. [docx] [Guide] Acknowledgement, Acceptance and Deed of Re-Conveyance
  5. [docx] [Guide] Acknowledgement, Acceptance and Deed of Conveyance (naturalized)
  6. [docx] [Guide] FSIA Mandatory Notice – Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
  7. [doc] [Guide] Paramount Claim of Life and the Estate
  8. [pdf] [Guide] Witness Testimony Affidavit (2) [see also AVR#1687]
    1. [] [] Witness Affirmation Final; no name changes from birth
    2. [] [] Witness Testimony-Affidavit; for name changes from birth (marriage, etc)

Other Handy Forms

  1. [*] [Guide] One Page Declaration of Naturalization 1779 *several versions
  2. [pdf] [Guide] Voter Registration Renunciation (example)
  3. [pdf] [Guide] DD2168 US Military Release from Service
  4. [Guide] Letter of Instruction (cover letter) for BC Redeem/IRS Form 56
  5. [pdf] [Guide] [IRS] IRS Form 56 – Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship (
  6. [docx] [Guide] Marriage Paperwork

See also: 928 Documents at
#92816931694 – and the Correct Your Status page HERE.

Step 2: Stake Your Claim

Part of the motivation to steal your identity through personage, deliberately confusing a living being with a corporate franchise similarly named (a serious crime), is to defraud you of the assets owed to you. The project at Sign Up America is attempting to corral our collective authority as sovereign Americans to lay claim to the assets, property, and value that belongs to us; 21-Trillion worth or so. Read about that effort and sign-up to keep up with progress toward the bottom of the page:

Step 3: Adhesions and Entanglements

There are many “lines” clinging to your vessel with which the pirates attempt to continue dragging you back into the sea. These “Kling-ons” are entanglements and adhesion contracts that you’ll need to deal with. You can save yourself and others time and resources in both reading and chronicling how to deal with them on the Solutions page. If you don’t find the answers you’re looking for in Solutions, do let us know in the COMMENTS1 on the Solutions page and we’ll see to adding it to the guide so that those that follow in your footsteps don’t encounter similar issues.

From banking, to child care, business incorporation, and recovering the titles of your home and automobile, there are many places that you’ll find you’ll appreciate learning how to deal with from those who cut through the underbrush before you did. Just remember to be as thoughtful and kind to those that follow you, as those who kept notes of their strategies and results so that you could benefit from their experience. To do just that, join us in our Telegram channel, a place where we discuss this work, and request an invite to We the People as a contributor… I’ll be pleased to send an invitation and account setup link to your email.

1 COMMENTS and other useful contributions require that users on the We the People, UnInc. site have a WordPress account and a We the People, UnInc. permissions (account). Our site is hosted and runs on WordPress as a free site. To contribute, you’ll need to log into WordPress, and then access WTP, UnInc. as one of your “resources”.

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