The glaring oversight of “due process” by which the civil body politic assemblies of the people repeat similar errors, trespass, and damage; correction for which they were organized to respond.
Tag: #trespass
ATTN: Arizona Assembly
A public declaration of errors, trespass, and mischaracterization; the real story of one wronged by those trusted to lead the Arizona Assembly.
A Reply to the IRS
Addressed through the mail by an unknown entity of unknown authority with no response to a challenge to “produce proof of their assertions”, we go on offense as defense.
To Assemble a Jury
“…to populate the Jural Assembly, the members of the court are drawn from among the General Assembly… as qualified state citizens.”
Testimony/Affidavit Example 1
Provided is copy for the purpose of mounting a defense for you to read, ideas to consider, and examples either good or bad from which to learn.
Arizona State Trespasses
Dedicated to citing the laws often trespassed within the Arizona Constitution, Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS), Criminal Code (ARS Title 13), and Uniform Commercial Code (ARS Title 41). Defending yourself lawfully often involves going on offense and exposing their criminality.
US Federal Trespasses
What we have seen bubble to the surface of the steeping cauldron of corruption and hypocrisy are the deeds of those who accepted a post to “serve the people” and mismanage and abuse the authority and powers of their position in pursuit of an agenda and often for for their own benefit. Defending yourself involves… Continue reading US Federal Trespasses
6-Step Process
The entire basis and foundation of the court system is intent to commit fraud based on “presumptions” in order to rob you of your property. When you know your status and standing, their case blows apart like a house of cards in the wind.