
Here we attempt to save everyone time and effort in collecting valid information and journaling our collective experience. The goal is to provide by topic an ability to jump directly to actionable information without needing to research, read, digest, understand, and locate resources before you can take action.

Though you should make it a point to read the source documents yourself, we’ll attempt to save you some time in providing and vetting the most useful and current information considered and edited by others who came before you and worked through the situation to a satisfying conclusion before you did.


image courtesy imagerymajestic-100107451 at

Please accept now the responsibility to journal information you learn that isn’t already published in the COMMENT sections at the bottom of each topic page. No one person has all the answers, though there are a few people that have many!

If you have unique experience with a topic, you should consider collecting your knowledge and experience to a central location where those that follow you can benefit from your efforts! If that idea interests you, start [HERE]. This is the page for that community service… so that the next person’s journey is easier than ours.

SEE: the TOPICS page at

Personal Solutions

Revoke Voter Registration

Bills and Finances

Federal Income Tax
My Reply to the IRS

State Income Tax



Social Security

Redeeming Your BC

“Jabs for Jobs” and Masks



Birth Records

Passing Your Estate

Naturalized Citizens

Business Solutions

Inc. or UnInc?

Citizen Employees

Professional Licensing

Private Membership Assoc.

IRS W-9 From

Commerce vs. Trade

Sales Tax

US Bankruptcies

Tools & Puppets

US Civil Flag of Peace

Treaties & Service Corps

Monarchy & Admiralty

Holy See

Other Resources

Lawful Charges Toolkit:
organize your trespass and civil charges,
align them with federal and state violations.

If you’re looking to solve these issues, you’ll likely discover that you’ve been egregiously trespassed and may wish to pursue remedy.

Lawful Charges Toolkit: Holding public servants or other trespassers responsible can be a complicated organizational nightmare.  These tools keep you organized, simplify preparation and presentation, and make your case easier to justify.
view at

While Anna von Reitz lead you back from being adrift at sea and wondering “who are all these people on my vessel and why are they taking all my stuff?” Once you get back to land and soil, you have to live and make your home here. What you find is that there are grappling hooks and lines still connected to your vessel despite that it’s now on a trailer on your back lot. How do you deal with cutting all the adhesion contracts and entanglements loose? You have to learn a little bit about Common Law (which is fairly simple) and learn to beat the pirates over the head with it.

Alphonse Faggiolo – Interesting resources and procedures – does not dovetail perfectly with von Reitz’s approach so read knowing you’re going to experience some cognitive dissonance. If you aren’t smart enough to separate wheat from chaff, don’t confuse yourself. The approach he encourages of “everyone contribute and we’ll all benefit” sounds familiar, eh?

Constitutional Law Group – Taking on in particular the governmental overreach of the year of Covid-19; this group of common law warriors look at statutes in the municipal and territorial system that elected officials and appointed officials break consistently and hold their nose over their own pit of muck. Those statutes don’t apply to you, but it still applies to them.

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