Published Credentials

The following is a sample of my suggested format for credentials which may be posted publicly via the internet, can be accessed, likely behind a password, so that basic information which is already public can indicate that the “seeker” is in the right place, but more sensitive information, while available, can be protected behind page encryption and a password that you can provide to authorized “persons”.

Since discussions are ongoing involving publishing credentials on State Assembly websites, perhaps a standard format can be considered. The following are my ideas.

While systems sponsored or guided by the Federation of states have been organized and implemented, they have at times also failed, been unavailable, and/or were discontinued. It might be beneficial to assembly members and state nationals to host on public accessible and privately controlled systems, access to declarations and credentials so that there exists a backup over which the man or woman has more direct control.

[ sample “public facing” page start (a landing page) ]
(see linked button to access full-record sample)


The following describes and is related to a peaceful private American:

John Quincy Public
passport photo (facsimile)
U.S. Passport signature page (facsimile example)

Click here to access…

given or good name: john-quincy
clan or family name:public
contracting or tradename:John Quincy Public
domicile state:Arizona
domicile county:Maricopa
nationality or nativity:XXXXXX
date of nativity:XXXXXX XX, 1976
country:The United States of America (uninc.)
credential card number:xXXXxXXX-#######

Declarations and Documentation:

Lawful declarations of status, fully accessible on a password protected page, are available thereby document by document, or as a full set and combined .pdf at:
[example access password: “freeman”]

Recorded to the Public Record: Az-XX-2020-07-04-XXXXXX
(LINK: download full package .pdf ~23 pages; 650Mb)

Including the following lawful declarations of status:
Paramount Claim of the Life and the Estate…
Declaration of the Naturalization Act of July 1779
Certificate of Assumed Name and NOTICE of Transfer…
Witness Testimony of Identity #1
Witness Testimony of Identity #2
Act of Expatriation and Oath of Allegiance – entity 1
Act of Expatriation and Oath of Allegiance – entity 2
Act of Expatriation and Oath of Allegiance – entity 3
Acknowledgment, Acceptance and Deed of Re-Conveyance
Mandatory Notice – Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney

Additional Documentation and Notices:

The Passport issued for the United States of America includes the page 2 directive:
“The Secretary of State of the United States of America hereby requests all whom it may concern to permit the citizen/national of the United States named herein to pass without delay or hindrance and in case of need to give all lawful aid and protection.”

U.S. Passport Signature/Authorization page

The American State National Credentials Card
includes the following declarations and directives:
“A Peaceful Private American – Do Not Stop, Detain, or Interrogate”
“The United States of America” (unincorporated)
“Valid for all lawful travel and identification purposes”
“Claimed right to bear arms, visible or concealed carry”

American State National
Credential Card (front)
(available with full record)

American State National
Credential Card (back)
(available with full record)

Notice and Fee Schedule
Standing Charges for Magistrate Malfeasance
Standing Charges for Denial of Records
Standing Charges for Policy Enforcement without Jurisdiction

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