Poll Dancer…

It’s a play on words, not quite the afternoon diversion you may have anticipated… sorry. I wanted to get your attention because we need to take care of some business together. Hey, it worked… yes? 😀

I’ve noticed some common themes among the State Assembly Members and would like to pull (or poll) input from around the states. This WTPUnInc site has good nationwide as well as some spotty international traffic, so we should be able to get an interesting mix of opinions.

I’ll bet this is going to take some effort…
You can probably take this off the lot for free just to clear space for something more worthwhile.

How do you want your Assembly to roll?

It may, however be difficult to homogenize open “essay” questions into a parallel set of responses. We might have to take an initial poll, refine the poll a bit, and pass it about for another round. However, here’s where we start:

with Assembly Members, friends in your Assembly discussion groups, and in Assembly social media forums especially those from states other than your home state. Let’s see if we can get a nationwide response and valuable information we can use to “row the canoe against the current”.

NOTE: you’ll be transferred to my education site davidpandone.com for the poll. This WTPUnInc. site has no cash flow, zero financial support, therefore there are no funds* to add plugins for polling, but my education site already has those tools. WordPress doesn’t allow us to add plug-ins to a free WordPress website, not even free plug-ins. So bear with me…

If you have comments or feedback afterward, feel free to join the WTP UnInc. Telegram group and ping our WTP UnInc. discussion there. We wouldn’t mind you sticking around thereafter either.

poll password: “freedom”

*You may have seen the “Recommendations” page under the ABOUT tab I set up for the purpose of having people support the work here on WTPUnInc.; that doesn’t mean, however, that many have. Total financial supporters in 12 months: 1. For which I’m grateful, but just like “traveling in style”, good tools cost money. So for now, I’ll use the tools I’ve already paid for out of my own pocket on my other site. ;-D

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