Paramount Claim of Life and the Estate

This document seeks to reverse the claim that government and foreign powers have exercised over their created MUNICIPAL PERSONS, your living being, and remnants of your birth that give them access to your DNA for purposes known and unknown. Herein you claim that not only are you alive and well (and pissed-off, sorry, that might just be this writer) but you describe the means by which you came to this world and refute the circumstances under which they claim you have been “lost at sea”. You also lay claim to your property, possession, and Estate so that they can no longer extort you unknowingly for what is yours as if it’s “free game”.

A colorful and twisted land & soil issue for certain.

References: #1534, Amy Pamphlet, The Law of Peace, 140603 Writ of Assistance transcript, The Jural Assembly Handbook,

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The Basis for this Action:

“…they claim to own you and your DNA. That’s why when you bring Proof of your Claim of Life you have to seal it in blood and the DNA has to match the DNA of the placenta these crooks seized upon and claimed was an “abandoned” “human person” and — and was the actual owner of your Good Name and estate. After the placenta dies they create an “infant decedent estate” for it, claim that “You” died at the hospital, and that big chain of gross lies and “fairy-tales” alienates you from your Name and identity. From then on, you are working for your own dead placenta’s ESTATE and the perpetrators of all these “fairy-tales” are claiming to be the beneficiaries of your Name and Estate.”

AVR#1534 Fairytales pg2 p11

“the interface between Lawful Persons and Legal Persons is in the International Jurisdiction, and that the boundary between Lawful Persons on the land and Legal Persons on the Sea is an invisible barrier called “the bar” or “the corporate veil”. This is in a legal sense, the “veil” between life and death, as Lawful Persons are deemed to be alive, and Legal Persons are deemed to be fictional and dead.” (The Jural Assembly Handbook, Section 43, pg 152)

Going forward, if you are going to participate as a state national in any capacity, you must reclaim your “life and estate”.

Form Details:

1. “Your Trade Name”, capitalized

2. As line 2: keep the word “Born” and input your date of birth (DOB) (format: May 20, 1985) and the “City, State” in which you were born.

3. As line 3: Insert your father’s name as “First Middle Last” capitalized with a “X” between father and mother and insert your mother’s maiden name as “First Middle Last” to reflect her family heritage.

4. As line 4: keep the word “Wedded” and insert your parents wedding date (format: May 20, 1985) followed by “in” and list the “City, State” in which they were married.

5. Insert to correct for your gender.

6. Insert your Trade name, capitalized as “First Middle Last” (format: John Quincy Public).

7. Insert to correct for your father’s trade name, capitalized as “First Middle Last” (format: John Quincy Public)

8. Insert to correct for your mother’s married Trade name, capitalized followed in parenthesis by her maiden Trade name formatted as “(nee Constance Rosie Riveter).

9. Insert to correct for the “City, State” in which your parents were married.

Claim of Life and Estate, pg1A

1. Insert to correct for the year in which your parents were married, format: “YYYY”

2. Insert to correct for your gender as their “daughter or son”.

3. Insert the date on which you are signing the document

4. Insert to correct for the month and year you are signing the document.

5. Do not sign until you are in the presence of your recorder, they need to witness your signature.

6. Insert your Trade name, capitalized as “First Middle Last” (format: John Quincy Public).

7. Insert to correct for the “State and County” you are recording your documents. (your recorder may update this information for you.)

8. Insert to correct for the State of the Jural Assembly you are joining.

9. insert to correct for the date you are signing the paperwork (your recorder may update this information for you)

0. Indicates space left for the recorder’s stamp and autograph; this text should be removed before printing.

Claim of Life and Estate, pg1B

Related Information (of interest):

(W)rit of Assistance and Affidavit of Truth

107 I have brought my claim of life before the Vatican Chancery Court and redeemed my 108 ESTATE; having overcome all claims of beneficial interest and all claims of controlling interest, 109 I have presented myself as the unique beneficiary of all ESTATE assets, which are owed to me 110 as Caesar upon the land of the organic states. (continues)

302 7. Administrative direction to the US Courts recognizing the fact that the Roman Curia holds 303 authority over all aspects of Roman Civil Law including its interpretation, that Roman Inferior 304 Trusts also known as “Cestui Que Vie” Trusts, are uniquely formed as creations of the Roman 305 Civil Law and to the extent that their administration is necessary, it remains under the Roman 306 Civil Law and under the authority of the Roman Curia to define, interpret, and ultimately to 307 dictate the administration of these trusts in whatever venue they appear. Accordingly, all the 308 living Americans and their organic states which were “redefined” by the Secretary of rhe 309 Treasury of Puerto Rico and removed there “for safe-keeping” are all Roman Inferior Trusts, 310 they all exist and operate under the rules established by the Roman Curia and are subject to the 311 Vatican Chancery Court as the ultimate and final court of record and equity. The Vatican 312 Chancery Court has explicitly determined and placed in the international record of all nations 313 and venues of the international law its un-appeal-able decision awarding the beneficial and 314 controlling interest in the individual ESTATE(S) to the Americans they are named after, and has 315 also determined that the living Americans are “tax exempt” and that their “vessels in commerce” 316 are “tax pre-paid”. As a practical matter this means that “anna-maria of the house riezinger” is 317 tax exempt from any claim of any “government” upon the land or sea, that the foreign situs trust 318 dba “Anna Maria Riezinger” is tax pre-paid, and the Roman Inferior Trust “ANNA MARIA 319 RIEZINGER” is similarly tax pre-paid as a result of pre-existing contracts owed by the 320 international banking cartels and governmental services corporations they operate under contract. 321 It is, and since 1933, has been, literally impossible for any of these entities to owe ANY “tax 322 debts” whatsoever. Every single case that the US TAX COURT and the US DISTRICT COURT 323 have processed since 1933 against these individuals and their estate trusts related to “tax debts” 324 has been tainted by fraud and are null and void, ab initio.
(Down to business: “…a transcript of an original handwritten document delivered to Judge Thomas F. Hogan and as copies to other parties.” 140603 (W)rit of Assistance and Affidavit of Truth, 6 RA 393 427 517 US , June 3, 2014 Anna von Reitz)

Army Pamphlet: The Law of Peace

“…even if jurisdiction can be acquired, a claim of immunity by the foreign state may prevent the court from proceeding to decide the claim on the merits. Finally, even if the claimant obtains a judgment against the foreign state, his victory will be a false one if he is unable to secure payment by the defendant state. The effect of a validly interposed plea of state immunity is to bar consideration of the merits of the claim presented by the claimant. (Included as an interesting related passage: 27-161-1 Army Pamphlet: The Law of Peace, Section I: Jurisdictional Immunities of Foreign States, 5-2c)

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