
Text-to-Speech – [LISTEN] to this page!

You’ll need resources

…of information to support the ideas we’re asking you to consider. It’s difficult to grasp: that you’ve been abused by systems of “non-disclosure, fraud, racketeering, force of arms, extortion, compulsion, semantic deceit, and constructive unlawful conversion [by those] guilty of international war crimes against [an] unarmed and non-combatant civilian” population; that’s you and me. You must first see the crimes. We can provide tools to help you stop the abuse, if you choose to defend yourself (peacefully). Moving forward is always a choice.

In all honesty, even with the information we’ve gathered for you, you may not see it. The sheer magnitude of this trespass can be a little difficult to grasp… as if swimming next to a whale, you can’t tell what it is until you are able to back up and take in the whole beast at once.

Milk before Meat:

Consider the history you’ve been taught, the recognizable conventions to which you’ve grown accustomed; things you’ve accepted your whole life will need to be reexamined. The comparison is a bit convenient, but the parallel to an illusion as in “The Matrix” (1999) as a reference is not far from accurate.

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You thought you lived in “the land of the free and the home of the brave”? How free have you felt and how brave has the larger more visible cross-section of America appeared in recent days? I know patriots are out there, but sadly our country is much less free than we were taught. It’s easy enough for true peace-loving patriots to change that.

Let’s start with the basic premise, that we’ve been misled. You may already see it. Fit the puzzle pieces together until you can see the real picture. Your path will eventually turn left or right; toward correcting your status or back to your life as it was. Review the information as far as needed to make that informed decision.

Or you could go back to sleep…

It is suggested you start with a review of the Bill of Rights and the original version of the 1787 Constitution for the United States of America. Reading the original text, our comments, and discussion will likely alert you to discrepancies in what was intended for our nation, and how it’s been run in error. Also, your need to take a more active role in addressing those errors may become evident. Americans bear the right to “petition government for a redress of grievances“, or to correct your public servants when they get off-track; Amendment #1.

Your path lies ahead like cutting through underbrush in the wood. Is turning back, returning to and supporting Slavery 2.0, really an option?

Case in point: What is the “United States”?

28 USC §3002 at (15)(A) tells us plainly that “United States” means — (A) “a Federal corporation”; (B) an agency or department of such; or (C) an “instrumentality” of the same. What’s an instrument? …a tool in your toolbox; your property.

UCC §9-307 (h) [Location of United States] “The United States is located in the District of Columbia”, for which you might think “D.C.“, or “Washington, D.C.”, which might sound more acceptable… but have you considered that “D.C.” was set up and preserved as a neutral territory specifically not of the United States of America? The District of Columbia is quite literally foreign territory under management by a contractor, “United States”, hired to provide government services; “employees” under contract.

A more in-depth review of documented federal codes for what the “United States” is can be reviewed [HERE]. In very real (yet incredible) terms, our government, those we entrusted with “the people’s business”, have turned us into a security interest; value from which they benefit. Finding themselves in positions of power with the people not overseeing their activities closely enough for decades upon decades, our “representatives” have structured “patterns, policy, and practices” to benefit themselves rather than us, their employers. This is why the people assemble, to draw contractors back within bounds in order to avoid emolument violation and egregious overstep of granted authority intended.

The information we’ll present is yours free of any charge. We offer it in the hopes that you’ll choose freedom, because the more of us that are free, the more free each of us are! If you’d like to support our work, take a look at Recommendations under the About menu. If you would like to help, we welcome it, and such support will remain 100% voluntary.

Video: Meet Your Strawman is easy to access and only 4 min. long (minus credits). It introduces the topic and gauges interest well. (04:05) It shows the societal results, how the oversteps surface looking nearly normal in our daily lives.

see more films by Infomatic at:

Article: You Are Now officially “Dead” is a brief 3 minute read and presents the basic premise without difficult concepts or a long, tiring read.

Remember: You’re only trying to reason “what the problem is” at this point. Next we’ll move to specifics of “what the crimes are” and “who has committed those crimes”.

Buckle up Dorothy,
we’re not in Kansas anymore!

While this digs a bit deeper and might require more than one go-round to catch the finer details, Howard Freeman certainly captures the essence of the problem in “The Two United States and the Law“. He walks us through the very circumstance, culprits, and mechanism by which a free people’s government was undermined, usurped, and stolen from them, all while saddling them with the bill for services rendered; for which we’ve paid, twice.

A Text-to-Speech Audio/Video conversion (18:36)

READ the original “The Two United States and the Law [HERE]

Video: The Identity Trap also easy to access through Youtube as long as its available. It’s message is more difficult to process emotionally than an animated short. (13:20)

The Story

A PowerPoint visual reference that reviews the whole corporate structure of the three city-state organization. It’s not a perfect presentation, but by the end you’ll understand that we’re up against societal organizations that have been plotting against freedom of the masses for centuries. The Story: full length, edited, and time-compressed (01:08:53)

“The Story” (edited-compressed, 01:08:53)

Author Brent Johnson joins [Sean of SGT Report] with a VERY critical life lesson which the powers that ought-not-be make sure that none of us are ever taught: “Are we [Men and Women] or Government Property?”

SGT Report interviews Anna von Reitz and hits the foundation stones of the great deception and introduces the People back to their American Heritage. One hour and five minutes (1:04:30) of sober reasoning and reality adjusting discussion.

SGT Report interview: Anna von Reitz

If you happen to reach the point where you’re ready to share this message with friends, family, and others you care for, be sure to see the other resources we’ve collected for that purpose on the Messaging page linked here and on the site menu.

Further Your Education

State Citizenship vs. Federal Citizenship
by: Constitutional Commando
The underlying strategy used for the systemic chipping away at the foundations of American Sovereignty is not simple, brief, or easy to explain. Constitutional Commando has, in my opinion, penned one of the best, most accurate overviews of the uphill battle faced by American Patriots in the twenty-first Century to reclaim control of their country and recapture their sovereignty!

The World we didn’t know we lived in – In the linked presentation, “Who “They” Are…” (50:18), Dr. David Martin reviews the structure behind how shell companies serve as fronts for those actually perpetrating actions for which they might otherwise easily be prosecuted, fined, and jailed, if not worse. He establishes the definition of “bio-weapon”, traces its development, and highlights the companies in collusion. He also throws the spotlight upon those men and women who have established and carried out the conspiracy and fostered the corruption that made it possible, all while maintaining anonymity and often “buying anonymity” as a commodity from those who post that information for sale.

It is not your responsibility to save anyone but yourself. It’s everyone’s individual responsibility to lay claim to what has been given to them (by the Creator of Heaven and Earth), to recover it from those that have stolen it (corporate pirates), then be educated enough to defend your position; and you can’t do that for anyone but yourself.

I recommend one of the deeper resources you access is the Jural Assembly Handbook. Full of answers, I direct you first to sections 12, 22 and 23 (TTS), they explain precisely why you’re here. To make familiarization with the 215-page text easier, a full text-to-speech (TTS) conversion is posted [HERE]. It is several hours of information. I recommend also the more current #3051 dated March 23, 2021.
There’s a surprise; we must be “over the target”!

“The Privilege to Drive…Right to Travel”
is a well researched article with many citations. In my opinion the writer spends a bit too much time and emphasis on his own “Zionist” prejudices, but otherwise there’s good information and a great deal of it. The article touches on how the rights, freedoms, and wealth of Americans are being siphoned off by a territorial Raj. [archive .txt]

In addition to the Jural Assembly Handbook, everyone should read through the Assembly Coordinator’s Handbook as well. It discusses beyond the “why” we assemble, but specifically addresses the “how” we assemble and conduct the people’s civil side of government. (15 pages, 30-40 minute read) Of particular interest here are the functioning bodies or “pillars” of the state Assembly:

  • General Assembly – discussion as a Committee-of-the-Whole
  • International Business Assembly – interstate and international business
    • specifically limited to “state citizens”
  • Jural Assembly – oversees courts, grand juries, trial juries, and officers of courts
  • Assembly Militia – public safety and enforcement (by law rather than arms)

For your further education and context: Documents page at for the rest of the gritty details. Quick Start for Veterans series #2463, 2464, 2465 [or Text to Speech] and #185 are recommended for veterans are also good base knowledge for everyone. Whenever you are ready start through The Process page here on We the People, UnInc. to review and understand the next steps in your journey home to the land and soil jurisdiction.

Another effort by Anna von Reitz I discovered is her book written for Donald Trump at the beginning of his Presidency in 2016: “America: Some Assembly Required”. It is a group of short one-page summaries of American history and the events and acts of fraud that have lead us to needing to “fix” what others have over-complicated and undermined. 3-5 hours of reading.
see it on Amazon

Learn to use the search functions at so that you can find what you seek quickly. Click the link, load her site, and try to find a topic by keyword:
* search for a topic in the SEARCH FIELD at the top of the page. It will return a list of articles that contain the search string terms in the body of the article. Hit your BACK (<) button and try the text search next:
* search by name and number all documents on the home page (thousands of articles) by clicking “Ctrl + F” and searching the TEXT on the page for terms that appear in the title.

You might also find the resources and research at The Constitutional Law Group of interest for related information on defending your rights in our recent overstep-prone climate.

In 1984 G. Edward Griffin interviewed Yuri Bezmenov, a defected Russian ex-KGB agent, who had some telling things to say about the methods communist countries use to undermine and overthrow the stability and peace in the Western countries. You may be shocked by the examples taking place in our streets and in news outlets and reports today. [same clip on Bitchute]

What’s next?

At this point consider starting The Process if you haven’t already. Protect yourself by conveying your living being and its associated identities out of the jurisdiction of the sea where pirates abuse us back to the land and soil where we actually live, have rights, and have a real say in how our country runs.

If you’re considering sharing this message with people important and close to you, review our recommendations and resources on how to share this message on the Messaging page. It could save you time, work, and save the person you’re contacting from getting the wrong message and staying “lost at sea”. It’s an important message, handle with care.

We are the “Underground-Railroad Nouveau”… on the internet; okay, maybe not-so-underground. There is light over the horizon, and freedom at the end of the path. Consider thoughtfully your options. While we’re working to end Slavery 2.0, they’ve plotted to instill Slavery 3.0 and are actively seeking to do so!