Recently a fellow assembly member contacted me and posed the following question:
“…my son is applying for a job [and they are] asking him to choose if he is a citizen of the United States [or some other status]…”

This is one many of us need to think through. Thankfully, I have enough ideas of my own on how to solve a problem, make someone’s life easier, or introduce joy to their lives to warrant being in “business”. Getting the word out during cancel culture when I’m striving to edify and empower those around me isn’t easy (nearly impossible), but I’m not out job hunting… at least not yet. That’s what business is, if you haven’t thought through, business is an offer to:
- solve someone’s problem
- make their task or journey easier
- bring them joy (literature, art, music, etc…)

Photo: (c) David Alan Pandone
When you bring anything to the table that fulfills those basic needs, you’ll have people show up and trade you some of the money they earned somewhere in exchange for what you can offer them. If they can find you… They spent their energy elsewhere, have collected currency in exchange for their service, and are now seeking the help you provide that they’d rather have than the currency they are trading. It’s called “free enterprise“, in the private arena “trade”, which many confuse with “capitalism” and that is only one section of free enterprise.
It’s my opinion that we each need to develop a list of our skill sets, what others may pay us to do for them that they might not be able to do for themselves, and make that property or that service available and conspicuous (easily identified) so that your fellow assembly members and other free Americans can find you when they need you! Allowing site members the ability to add such listing to their profile here on WTPUnInc is a service I have planned to add to the site at some point.

Guide to Wealth – skill set analysis
MoneySmart Chapter Tours – step by step financial literacy
Because, There’s more to money
than knowing how to spend it.
Such function through “plug-ins” cannot be added to the free site service of WordPress, however, and I’m a wise enough money manager to know you don’t continue to shovel funds into something that hasn’t shown any return. When the site’s support expands to cover its own expenses, expect to see an expansion of service. Until then, I’ll look for other means by which to offer such service. Not a new idea; many refer to this as the “parallel economy”. Most of those, however, still line up to vote “by party”… We need resources that serve Assembly members, whose trade supports Assembly members and their families.
So, my reasons for this post are two-fold:
First, how do we answer the questions of the defacto so that we can work in their system and cover our cost of living. And second, awareness of the assembly economy we should be working to establish so that it becomes less and less necessary to solicit this corrupt and extortionate system just to put food on our family’s table.
In complete form, here is the question:
“…my son is applying for a job with a company that needs him to submit the Employment Eligibility Verification Department of Homeland Security form USCI Form I-9 and it is asking him to choose if he is a citizen of the United States, A noncitizen national of the United States, A lawful permanent resident or an alien authorized to work… He has recently (as well as we his parents) became an Arizona National. Which of these options can he legally choose?”
My answer, which on this site, is always open for discussion:
Just like the passport application, they don’t make it easy to declare your correct status because the government prefers to maintain control over it’s “property”. If I were doing this, I’d write it in and reference the Federal code for status… it’s tough to argue with their own legal code.
My choice of status and eligibility would be:
8 USC §1101(a)(21) “national”, owing allegiance to a state
If questioned I would have a copy of my declarations paperwork handy, and if not respected, you may have a nice discrimination case.
I’ll reason through this one with you:
- Citizen of the United States: obvious “no”, a citizen is subject to duties of the government, and the “United States” is a government service corporation, not lawful government. This makes him subservient to the “District of Columbia”.

Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash
- noncitizen national of the United States: again “no” for reasons of semantic deceit. A national owes allegiance to… the “United States” (Corp.) or a “U.S. National”, as with an employee of the Federal Government overseas. This is 8 USC §1101(a)(22)… which is NOT “state national”.
- (22)The term “national of the United States” means (A) a citizen of the United States, or (B) a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States.
- a lawful permanent resident: is an oxymoron according to Black’s Law Dictionary. “Resident” means temporary (usu. for employment) and may not be eligible for all the privileges of an “inhabitant”. Residents are subject to the Dist. of Columbia (corp). (better term: population or “populate”)
- an alien authorized to work: This, believe it or not, is the closest thing to the truth. A state national is an alien to the U.S. as the several 50 states are lawfully “their own countries”. You could check this box, but it then becomes a matter of interpretation… and “where’s your green card” and other ridiculous garbage stemming from vast ignorance arises.
If I were in that situation, I would simply state “My chosen status under 8 USC §1101 as a “state national” is not accurately represented on this standard form, therefore, I have written in my correct lawful status. I have with me a copy of my lawful declarations if needed.”
It’s a great question… Thanks for the opportunity to think through it with you.
Your comments, anecdotal experience, or corrections from your enlightened understanding are welcome in the comments below. You will need a profile established on this site to contribute comments. Learn how to get involved on the ABOUT page, also listed in the site menu.
Further information
Re-reading the Assembly Coordinator’s Handbook [page 8] recently I came across this rather pointed explanation of the situation:
“Municipal citizens of the United States are slaves, so it is self-evident that no American in their right mind would knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily enter into such a political status without being in extreme duress.
Nonetheless, our two erstwhile Federal Subcontractors have conspired to evade their Constitutional obligations and to mischaracterize us as both U.S. Citizens and citizens of the United States, when in fact, we are neither.
They have “conferred” these foreign political statuses upon us by a process of Legal Presumption and deliberate falsification of documents resulting in registration of our names as property belonging to the British Crown and the issuance of both Territorial and Municipal “birth certificates”.
Birth certificates are bank clearinghouse certificates issued upon chattel property standing as collateral for loans — slaves, in other words. The issuance of such certificates began with Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s First Inaugural Address in which he cryptically announced that the Municipal citizenry was being sold into slavery to the banks for the purpose of collateralizing loans to the Municipal Government.
None of this has anything to do with us. We have been Third Party By-standers and the Employers of these monsters throughout, but they have nonetheless “seized upon” us under False Pretenses and claimed that we are Municipal citizens of the United States for their mutual graft and benefit at our expense.
Getting the fact that we are individually and collectively not Dual Citizens and not part of their foreign government(s) through their self-interested heads takes knowledge, courage, and determination.
The best way to deal with this is to be aware of the verbiage involved, to clearly say that you are an American and not a Territorial Citizen and not a Municipal citizen of the United States, either one. You are an independent Third Party, and a “non-resident Alien” with respect to both. You are in fact their long-lost Employer, returned “from over the seas”, a Lawful Person owed Good Faith Service and all constitutional guarantees.
When employees of either brand of Federal organization address you and it does not have to do with issues delegated to them under the Constitutions, and most especially, has nothing to do with the interstate manufacture, sale, or transportation of alcohol, tobacco, or firearms, they are trespassing against you and your lawful jurisdiction on the land and soil of this country.
They should be educated and rebuked and sent on their way.
On the other hand, if you enter their jurisdiction and threaten them in the course of doing their duties, you will be transgressing against them — and the penalties for doing so are severe.
[Everyone, in this quote context] must do [their] level best to know the verbiage, to know the various political statuses in play, and to develop the ability to recognize them in real life. [emphasis added] [Assembly Coordinator’s Handbook, page 8]
Doing some more reading on this topic I ran into the Constitutional Commandos article on the passport:
They call out the I-9 form and say to check off the “non-citizen national” but that is not on the form by itself as the I-9 form has additional qualifiers with the “non-citizen national” option.
Additionally, there is discussion on the term “United States” with a court reference of [Hooven & Allison Co. vs. Evatt, 324 U.S. 652 (1945)]
1. It may be the name of a sovereign occupying the position of other sovereigns in the family of nations.
2. It may designate the limited territory over which the sovereignty of the United States (Federal Government) extends.
3. It may be the collective name for the fifty States, which are united by and under the U.S. Constitution.
Finding court cases is difficult for me so here is where I found the above to save some time (just click the enlarge image to get the PDF):
The 3 definitions are at the bottom of PDF page 20 and top of PDF page 21.
I agree with this article on deceit for the term, the question is since the term is overloaded who controls the definition of use?
Keep in mind, WTPUnInc is my “online notebook” that everyone is invited to help curate. Scant few do… So, thank you Ben for an interesting point of discussion:
The accepted method i have found suggested others is the post. I tried this method but got talked into changing some things by the “clerk” helping me, and I now have to have my passport corrected. If anyone can attest to doing this as written for successful results… please do let us know.
Once I’ve figured out what I want to do, I usually set out to go get it done… my passport is one of those instances where I should dug a bit deeper before I moved. I moved in the right direction and let someone who didn’t understand my purpose and goal talk me into changing my application. Live and learn… somebody else’s experience is usually less expensive than your own… which is why WTPUnInc exists. ;-D
What I’ve collected on passports thus far you’ll find on this page, which is admittedly a little spotty and incomplete. But it’s what I’ve manage to collect thus far… and, not at the top of my priority list at present.
As for the “United States”… the US Code defines it as “(15) “United States” means— (A) a Federal corporation…”
which you’ll find here, buried in the code:
Ben, please quote your items of interest with “cut and paste”… don’t expect people to transfer out to another site to read another long article to dig out your point. It’s fine to say “I found this helpful and interesting” with a link.
Thank you and sorry for not quoting correctly. I have a lot to improve with communicating.
I would like to ask about the article you posted for passports, they had a quiz with the following Q&A:
“B. On employee Eligibility Verification Form I-9 form. Which answer should a State Citizen choose?
1. A citizen of the United States
2. A noncitizen national of the United States
3. A lawful permanent resident
4. An alien authorized to work”
coppermoonshinestills answer:
“B. 1. Again no State Citizen choice, but a Citizen of the United States is a State Citizen. But many has also checked off non-citizen national (2) with no problem.”
David any thoughts on their selection?
The only insight I gleaned was state citizen vs state national.
I believe I addressed that in the body of the above post, citing and linking to “…8 USC §1101(a)(22)… which is NOT “state national”.
“national of the United States” in my opinion ties you to the District of Columbia (foreign corp.) run United States Corporation.
I could be wrong. In my opinion, the form doesn’t give you a correct choice by design.