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From the Declaration of Independence, (paraphrased): Governments are instituted among men… to secure these rights… Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness… available to all [mankind] equally.1 Governments deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
Stepping back from the current mire…
What is the purpose of government?
Q: Do the many recent actions of “our government” strike you as “justified” or “just“? What if they aren’t acting with our consent; the consent of the people?
Q: What if those holding office at both state and federal level aren’t really “our government” but “our employees” under contract?
Q: What if The Constitution for the united States of America, a directive to protect our rights, clearly illustrates that “our government” stands in breech of contract?
In 1776, it was a Declaration of Independence, not a declaration of
“You give us your money, we make you miserable…”
A statement your congressman could make…
No, that’s not how it’s meant to work!
Government should protect the people and their rights, not seek to extort us, harass us, instill fear to control us, and certainly not threaten us or jail us when we don’t curl into a ball and comply! Our contractors have overstepped, “exceeding their authority”… by leaps and bounds!
“Of the people, by the people, and for the people”…
You, and others like you, the people, should be involved in managing the affairs of your county, your state, and our country!
Before the civil war,
Americans knew this.
Rebuilding a Nation
After the civil war, having lost so many, and needing to rebuild a nation, we the people neglected to reestablish our civil side of government. We have only just recently “assembled” enough people to reactivate the people’s civil side of government which should oversee the business of our “government contractors”, our “public servants”.
Since civil government was not re-assembled, those with whom we contracted saw an opportunity to “take over management”; and they did.
The contractors our federation of 50 states “hired” to manage several activities that were better handled at the federal rather than state level, assumed control by telling us “they were government” when in reality, “we are government”, but we didn’t show up for work for approximately 160 years!
These contractors were incorporated business organizations with ties to political and national interests from outside the united States! You might be shocked to know they are attached to organizations which might be very familiar to you including so-called allies and religious organizations!
These “foreign powers” with their own agenda and interests are still involved in influence, policy, and activities of the united States of America… but they shouldn’t be. They should be doing the 19 jobs2 originally assigned to them in the respective Federal Territorial and Municipal Constitutions, and nothing else!
What would you do with employees that were running the shop, overstepping their assignments, and doing what they pleased with the free enterprise activity you built?
“Yes… we’d fire them also!”
What these errant employees, as public servants, have been doing involves identity theft, conversion of American’s true status, administration of private property without right, fraud, exploitation, extortion, and more…
The States Assemblies
On every state, we, your neighbors, family, and friends “assemble” to review and discuss the “people’s business” of our counties, state, and country so that we can once again be a free, proud, and strong nation.
These states, our “nation” among the forty-nine (49) other states, are “confederate”4, or cooperating. The states cooperate on a federal level as fifty united States. I am an Arizonan, like Texans, and Virginians, and the rest; and once many years ago, all Americans also knew that they were first “nationals” of their state, and “Americans” second!
That’s not a bad thing, here’s why:
Your state holds a higher authority than the Federal Government, staffed by a class of “U.S. Citizen” who are government service corporation employees hired for specific services on behalf of the states. They’re employees… public servants.
While the people weren’t paying attention, in the years following the civil war, our government service contractors “lumped” us all together, “deeming” us fellow employees as “U.S. Citizens” with the 14th Amendment, and over time, we began to believe we’re just one tiny part of a great big “lump“; but you are much more than that! To reestablish the civil side of government, we need your voice. We need your attention. Your neighbors, friends, and family need you to stand, to be heard, and to be counted among the free who stand above government and above the servants as men and women.
It is mankind that creates society, and society which creates government. Government is subject to mankind, the creator being above the creature, serving us and our interests, our freedoms, and our goals, not lording over us… Americans are not subjects!
How do you re-claim such standing?
Step one is to gather some information, perhaps a little history to lend some context, and then change your “status” back to the status of your nativity, as well as the name which belonged to you when your mother named you… When they “deemed” you a U.S. Citizen, they also “conscripted you into federal service”, and appropriated your name; a form of identity theft. Once you correct your status, you are once again a man or woman of the land, created from the land and soil on which you entered this world.
That’s a rather literal way of saying government organizations have “deemed” you, or assigned you, to a status that benefits them. You are deserving, rather, of the status native to you, your “nativity”, for which you are not only a “beneficiary“, but “executor“.
The law calls this “unlawful conversion” and it was conferred upon you without your consent, without full and honest disclosure, within hours of your entering this world as an infant, and therefore not yet “competent to contract”! It is a form of trafficking in “persons”, both unlawful, and highly immoral.
If so, why would they publish, or make it easily discoverable, that you were conscripted or “press-ganged” into service? If you knew this, you would resist it, wouldn’t you? So, how valid could such a contract be? Such contracts are not valid! In fact it is lawfully “fraud“, specifically constructive fraud, and fraud has no limitation or expiry despite “statutes”, or man-made rules to the contrary. But, that’s very likely the contract under which you still proceed as a “U.S. Citizen”… If you want to reclaim your natural status, we can help; and that’s where the additional information on this site can be valuable to you.
A “citizen” is servant to and subject of the state.
Have you ever heard Romans portrayed in movies referring to one-another as “citizen”? …or the Greeks? This idea has been around for millennia, only this time, the responsibilities with which they burden us are hidden from view being assigned citizenship rather than choosing such; and the helots (greek slaves) and sheep (called “ovid” in ancient Greek) are none-the-wiser.
I expect you’re likely a “patriot”, but “citizen” doesn’t likely mean what you thought it meant. And it’s not always a negative. A citizen can accept being in the service of their fellow Statesman or Americans as with a State Citizen; an honor to which you might some day look forward in anticipation! [our blog article for more “terms you think you know“]
The good news is, you don’t have to remain in the status to which they assigned you. You have the right to declare your status… a right of self-determination. Again, we realize more information will be helpful.
What are the benefits?
I wish I could tell you that reclaiming the status of your original nativity is simple, uncomplicated, and all you’d need do is “sign-up”, however, freedom just isn’t free. It never has been free. And, you now stand on the leading edge of reestablishing and further empowering the people’s civil side of government.
I wish I could tell you that “all the work is done and we invite you to come in, have a seat, grab some good food, and your favorite libation…” but, there’s work to do. We’re not at step one any longer, but we’re not far from it either. That’s why your voice, your help, and your attention is so important!
So, in all honesty, and full disclosure, before you reap the rewards, you’ll need to embrace some of the responsibilities. Such value is not “laid out on a banquet table waiting for you to load your plate”… you’ll have to put some work in to claim them and gather such rewards to you. The comforting good news is that the weight of such fraud and the many deception’s perpetrated upon us Americans are both largely and metaphorically a “fixed weight”, and the more of us that show up to help carry it, the lighter the load gets for each of us!
Here’s what reclaiming your status as an “State National” and free American can provide access to:
- not subject to federal “code”
- not subject to municipal “statutes”
- not subject to many traffic “ordinance”
- not subject to commercial tribunals (courts)
- without the jurisdiction of federal agents
- be exempt of federal income tax
- hold superior title to your property
- property taxes can be eliminated
- mortgages can be forgiven and retired
- utility payments can be credited
- and more…
None of that is welfare or a “hand-out”. All of it already belongs to you and your access to it has been hidden from you. Your state assembly, civilians much like you, are in the process of uncovering the correct procedures to reclaim it all, and your intellect, talent, and energy can help with that! Remember, we, the people, are to govern ourselves… and when we’re making the rules, the authority of “jury nullification”3, government oversight, and correction according to “the will of the people” are within the people’s scope of authority!
Your next steps:
Again, as full disclosure, this is no small topic. A 30 second tic-toc post won’t do it. Neither will a 10 minute video. There is simply too much ground to cover for 160 years of subverting your rights, encroaching upon your freedom, and undermining the authority of “we the people” that a de facto government has stolen from you.
So, brew a pot of coffee, put a few dates in your calendar, and resolve to return and learn a bit more each visit. The “KNOWLEDGE” page is our collection of foundational information for this topic. If you should choose not to act, when your country is gone, never ask, “why didn’t someone do something”. You are someone, and this is your opportunity. We ask that you consider helping to reclaim your nation from those that have misdirected it’s course, if not overthrown it.
The We the People, UnInc. site can help you re-discover how we the people hold our “public servants” accountable, reassert their limited scope of authority, and require that “our employees” see to “the people’s business”. What we can’t do is make your freedom valuable to you; you have to want that for yourself.
Some likely actions you might consider:
- get familiar with the topic (KNOWLEDGE page)
- review the problems and perpetrators
- learn what status issues are, and how they are fixed
- learn what participation in your state assembly entails
- follow our posts (consider the blog, email opt-in)
- Find our discussions on social media (ABOUT page)
- consider correcting your status (PROCESS page)
- find YOUR state assembly (also on the PROCESS page)
- consider how your skill set might lend a hand
If you have questions, find us on social media; our Telegram group being the most useful. We can help you make your declarations, address most questions, and begin your journey to be truly free!
I’m glad you’re here!
Check out a quick video tour (~18:00) of the website; find things easier!
Site Tour – We the People, UnInc.
VIDEO NOTE: our correct status is:
8 USC §1101(a)(21) “national… allegiance to a state”
and (a)(23) “naturalization… by any means”
“We can only speak to what we know at the time.”
…increasing our knowledge is why we do this work.
We the People, UnInc. serves only as an education and discussion portal for the “people’s states assembly” topic. Read more on our ABOUT page.
Our Four Goals:
- Educate – to an informed decision
- Correct status – guides and info.
- Clear Entanglements – a big job
- Messaging – help free others
Some Context:
The site is arranged to provide you with a foundational education. The site menu is arranged in order:
- Knowledge – further understanding
- Process – declarations paperwork
- Messaging – help free your friends!
- Entanglement Solutions – links
- The blog – posts loaded with info.
- standing invitation to “get involved”!
This Introduction to the States Assembly was written by “dpan” for the Arizona Assembly website project, and adapted for more generic use by all states here on the We the People, UnInc. website introduction.
1 – Paraphrased from the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence.
2 – The Constitution for the united States of America stipulates nineteen (19) authorized responsibilities assigned to the “federal government”, and they’ve created thousands more, and continue to send us the bill for services!
3 – Jury nullification is the power of a jury to review law and declare it “not in the interest of the people”, simply nullifying a particular statute. This can be as compact as a twelve-man jury at the state level, and with the cooperation of the other several states, the federal government is also “subject to the will of the people”. We need to once again remind our fellow countrymen how this works in order to reign in a federal government that has far over-stepped its scope of authority.
4 – confederate: a general meaning as “united in a league, allied, or banded together”, as with a “federation“; as opposed to any traditional specific association of the “Confederate States” during the American Civil War.