FSIA Mandatory Notice


FSIA is the acronym for Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act. This document is notice to the governing “authorities” of the territories, specifically addressing offices and officers of the municipal jurisdiction, that you are not now nor have you ever “knowingly or willingly” entered into or acted in a capacity that would subject you as a living soul upon the land to their jurisdiction. It also notifies these entities of your foreign sovereign status and that you are “owed The Law of Peace” and all associated rights and protections.

Be careful to work with the specified name formats (capitalized, all caps, abbreviations) as indicated on the form.

Photo by USGS on Unsplash

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You’re going to change the form information where indicated in red to your personal information. Once updated, LEAVE THE CHANGES IN RED to make it easier for your recorder to proofread and catch any mistakes. Save your changes; you might need to change the filename to do so. Note: on a desktop or a tablet, the reference image is next to the instructions. On a small screen like a phone the image FOLLOWS the instructions.

QUESTIONS: If you have questions that aren’t in the numbered guide notes with each page (example images), search the page (computer) using [Ctrl+F] to search text on the page for keywords. Enter search words (simple) in the field, tab up and down with arrows to search. That will include both the page text and the comment text and lead you to questions and answers posted by people who asked questions before you.

STILL CAN’T FIND ANSWERS, add your question by posting it in a new COMMENT at the bottom of this page. Please post one question per comment.

Page 1A

  1. your First Middle Last name (capitalized), also known as your Tradename; delete the (guide text)
  2. update for your “names”, carefully following the formatting for the formats listed
  3. your birth date
  4. your 21st birthday (date of majority) (birth year +21)
  5. Enter your birth State (capitalized) remove (guide text)
  6. Update for Date, Month, and Year you are signing the paperwork
  7. Update for County and State in which you are signing
  8. DO NOT SIGN until you are in the presence of your Recorder
  9. enter your First Middle Last name (capitalized)
Expatriation & Allegiance pg1A

Page 1B

  1. change placeholder for your Recorder’s State and County (capitalized), Recorder may update
  2. update for (4) gender pronouns in this paragraph, highlighted in yellow
  3. Update your First Middle Last name (capitalized)
  4. Update for Date, Month, and Year you are signing the paperwork
  5. don’t miss the year on the next line…
  6. Recorder will likely update this information
FSIA Mandatory Notice pg1A

NOTE: Some forms will be signed in blue, others in red. Just to be prepared, you may wish to have a blue (living soul), a red (living soul), and black (dead entity) pen available.

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