Fee Schedule and Notice

Your private property, your time, your talent, and the security of your “body, home, records, and other private property”, an idea supported by the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, is the support and teeth that this document lends to your security. Note that your “person, house, papers, and effects” are not nearly as broad a definition as we might use today with electronic records and adhesion contracts everywhere like so many dog-piles waiting to be trod-upon.

Certainly “a valuable consideration”.

Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) are accustomed to dealing with US Citizens, or “corporate franchisees”, whose rights are subordinate to the municipal and territorial statutes that the corporation projects upon them. If your rights are therefore violated, as they often are in the “course of business” of corporate officers today, having your own Fee Schedule published as a matter of public record allows you to put teeth into your lawful defense and response.

Please visit our sponsors and merch sites on the [RECOMENDATIONS] page.

References: The Law Dictionary, Arizona Criminal Code Title 13 Chapter 8, U.S. Constitution, Article 1, §10, Coinage Act of 1792-§9-US Mint, State Citizen vs. US Citizen,
18 USC §3571: Sentence of Fine
Your State Code: [Example: Arizona Revised Statutes]
ARS 13-801: Fines for Felonies
ARS 13-802: Fines for Misdemeanors
ARS 13-803: Fines for Enterprises

Post Status: Open for discussion

4th Amendment:
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

9th Amendment:
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

AZ Article 2, §8 Right to privacy – No person shall be disturbed in his private affairs, or his home invaded, without authority of law.
(Personally, I think this lacks a bit of “probable cause, habeas corpus, warrant, witness to testify under penalty of perjury” details! -dp)

What Is a Felony?

“Generally speaking, these crimes involve physical or financial harm, many of which carry a prison term of one year or more. ” [Black’s Law]

  • Murder
  • Manslaughter
  • Rape
  • Kidnapping
  • Arson
  • Battery
  • Assault
  • Drug dealing
  • Tax evasion
  • Robbery
  • Burglary
  • Fraud

These generally apply to hurting others. The difference between misdemeanor and felony lies between “poor-form” or bad manners and penalties that are a slap on the wrist and trespass or damage upon which notice, claim, and remedy can be pursued and major philanthropy efforts or early retirement planned. (-dp)

My Notice and Fee Schedule

The document I use was based on the fee schedule at The American States Assembly website, then I began to customize both the content and the formatting. I ended up with a list of violations, trespasses, financial penalties, and remedies based on the statutes and ordinances to which those likely to trespass are still subject. This allows me to not only make notice and claim, but to follow up with formal charges if I wish. I feel referencing each item lends credence in the eyes to whom you present such notice. (-dp)

This work was based on the following resources:

Direct interest or inquiries to have this format customized with your personal information to wtpuninc@gmail.com.
[pricing, also pictured]


The penalties attached to statutes and ordinances as defined by the corporate entities themselves is a nice way to turn the tables. Here are how these tend to be organized:

Individual Penalties:

Felony: Defined with “federal guidelines” [Cornell LII Wex]
While legislators and attorneys would have us believe that crimes are a class of serious “code violations”, they deal with trespass and damage to another man or his property. This is where the “scales of equity” must be rebalanced. Trespass and damage are to be made “right” in a redress of grievance and remedy for such trespass. (dp)

Federal felonies under USC Title 18 are classified by their “maximum penalty”

  • Class A: life sentence or death
  • Class B: 25 years or more
  • Class C: 10 to 25 years
  • Class D: 5 to 10 years
  • Class E: 1 to 5 years

The penalties for trespasses and crimes based upon individual errant decisions of employees and officers; the man or woman in the uniform, or behind the desk.

Misdemeanors (per Arizona)Misdemeanors Federal:
petty offence – $300 maxinfraction – $5,000 max
Class 3 – $500 maxnon-death Class C
$5,000 max
Class 2 – $750 maxnon-death Class B
$5,000 max
Class 1 – $2,500non-death Class A
$100,000 max
judgements constitute a lien,
as civil action
death related
$250,000 max
Misdemeanor Penalties for Individuals
Felonies (per Arizona):Felony Federal:
$150,000 max,
or as decided by the court
$250,000 max
the amount specified with the offence
judgements constitute a lien,
as civil action
§3571(d) 200% of value, max
losses by victim, gains by perp.
Felony Penalties for Individuals

Penalties Assessed to Organizations:

The corporate for-profit government is certainly an “enterprise”; an organization where fees are higher, more punitive in nature, and assessed for errors in policy design. My inclination is that since an organization is more than one agent, this necessarily involves conspiracy.

Misdemeanors (per Arizona):Misdemeanors Federal:
petty offence – $1,000 maxinfraction – $10,000 max
Class 3 – $2,000 maxnon-death Class C
$10,000 max
Class 2 – $10,000 maxnon-death Class B
$10,000 max
Class 1 – $20,000non-death Class A
$200,000 max
judgements constitute a lien,
as civil action
$500,000 max
Misdemeanor Penalties for Organizations
Felonies (per Arizona):Felonies Federal:
$1,000,000 max$500,000 max
ARS 13-803(F) – if the court deviates from
the presumptive fine… consideration:
the amount specified with the offence
(see list of 12 considerations on linked page)
synopsis: the court reserves the right to gouge the enterprise
§3571(d) 200% of value, max
losses by victim, gains by perp.
Felony Penalties for Organizations

Fee Schedule Specifications:

“Under the Common Law, every contract must be entered into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally by both parties or it is void and unenforceable. Common Law contracts must also be based on substance. For example, contracts once commonly read, [quote], “For one dollar and other valuable considerations, I will paint your house, etc.”. That was a valid contract… the dollar was a genuine silver dollar. Now suppose you wrote a contract that said, “For one Federal Reserve Note and other considerations…”, and suppose, for example, I painted your house the wrong color. Could you go into a Common Law court and get justice? No, you could not. You see, a Federal Reserve Note is a “colorable” dollar as it has no substance, and in a Common Law jurisdiction, that contract would be unenforceable.

The word colorable means something that appears to be genuine but is not. If it looks like a dollar, and spends like a dollar but is not redeemable for lawful money (silver or gold) it is colorable. If a federal Reserve Note is used in a contract, then the contract becomes a colorable contract, and colorable contracts must be enforced under a colorable jurisdiction. So by creating Federal Reserve Notes, the government had to create a jurisdiction to cover the kinds of contracts that use them. We now have what is called Statutory Jurisdiction which is not a genuine Admiralty Jurisdiction. It is colorable Admiralty Jurisdiction the judges are enforcing, because we are using colorable money.”

Excerpt from:
State Citizen vs. US Citizen
by: Constitutional Commando

US Morgan Silver Dollar
US Gold Eagle (obv)
US Silver Eagle (rev)

Terms and Notes:

All claims are stated as a value in units of US Dollars as defined by The Coinage Act of 1792 which is expressed as “371 and 4/16 grains of fine silver” per dollar unit or 0.7734375 Troy ounces of fine silver per dollar unit or if necessary converted to an equivalent value of Federal Reserve Notes at the exchange rate of the number of Federal Reserve Notes necessary to purchase a one-Troy-ounce .999 pure silver bar with serial number at the average market price from a reputable mint at retail price on the date the claim is assessed. (see end of document for conversion example and associated surcharge)
[U.S. Constitution, Article 1, §10] [Coinage Act of 1792, §9, US Mint]

Federal Reserve Note (FRN) Conversion and fine:
100,000 US dollars * 0.7734375 = 77,344 Troy Ounces
(Retail price in Federal Reserve notes of 1oz .999 silver bar with serial number) x (77,344+10%++) = (Value in Federal Reserve Notes)

Payment is due within 30 days date of postmark, interest compounded daily at 9:00 A.M. at the annual rate of 15% until the balance including interest is retired.  (daily interest = 15/365 or 0.041096%)

Make all payments to (sample):
John Quincy Public
c/o 101 South Central Avenue, #1001
Phoenix, Arizona  [85001 / tdc]

“Before you judge these values as extortionate or ridiculous, you might consider what your freedom is worth to you; my freedom is worth an absolute fortune, specifically: the fortune of whoever is intent on depriving me of my freedom.  I will relieve them of their fortune in fair trade for imposing upon my freedom to whatever lawful degree is available.” (-dp)

Maximum violation fines per: 18 USC §3571, ARS 13-801, ARS 13-802, ARS 13-803

Codes:  $ ^ + * ++ **
$ the greater of property, damage, or 200% net equity values;  ^ per item, per side;  = per violation, per person;  + similar activity while under threat, duress, coercion, or similar elevated condition of stress;  * Per action and includes any third-party principals or agents;  ++Fine for Federal Reserve Notes – if remitting the balance in Federal Reserve Notes, a bill of credit as defined by the Constitution (Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1), a 10% fine is to be added to the number of ounces of silver before multiplying by the number of Federal Reserve Notes for 1oz .999 bar at retail. ** Payment is due within 30 days date of postmark, interest compounded daily at 9:00 A.M. at the annual rate of 15% until the balance including interest is retired.  (daily interest = 15/365 or 0.041096%)

Notice to Principals is notice to agents; notice to agents is notice to principles.


    1. Yes, the 10% is a penalty for using a “debt instrument”. Money has inherent value; as a trade is “value for value”. First they devalued the currency through partial backing, then continued cutting it back until the Federal Reserve Note is backed by nothing. They have been printing them at will, now just digits in a computer ledger; not even bothering with the paper or more accurately: cotton rag.

      I believe those points are on the page, perhaps not to that level of detail.

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