Ditch the Dead Weight

Your Legal Fiction personage, a vessel, sometimes called a “strawman”, is certainly dead weight, “oppressively heavy” one might say. “What it amounts to is commercial fraud resulting in inland piracy and unlawful conversion of assets, all based on copyright and trademark infringement and identity theft.” (AVR#477 pg1 p3) Unless corrected, government actors control your vessel. “Your mission, if you choose to accept it…” is to claim your vessel, maintain control yourself, protect it from being looted further, and learn to access and manage its assets.

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We’d love to unload “it” completely, but there are some gaps in the explanation of article #560. This Solution is derived largely from Anna Von Reitz article #560 and a list of others to try to “fill in the blanks”. This organization of the information is (or will be) boiled down to a number of clearer steps with explanations gleaned from related articles.

Correcting your political status accomplishes (3) things:

  • safe-guards you from false charges
  • protects your property and identity
  • allows restoration of lawful government owed you
    • (excerpt AVR#903 pg1 p4)

Status: Under Construction; Incomplete as of 210707

Referenced: AVR#477, 520, 560, 631, 903 1632, 1760, 1789, & IRS Form 56, David Straight Seminar, Utah Day 1, 2, & 3 (Norris),

How it started for you:

A mother after delivering a child, likely in a BIRTH WARD with the help of a “DOCTOR” (docking agent) of a foundling organization1, under extreme duress a nurse (ignorantly) registers the child with the state with the mother acting as an “informant”; one who gives one up to another. This establishes a doctrine called Parens Patriae, title, equity, and jurisdiction of the child over to the state to act as the legal guardian making the child a WARD of the STATE; a form of unlawful conversion. It is kidnapping through fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, and non-disclosure. The abuse continues into adulthood by ignorantly acquiescing or consenting to the role as “citizen, person, and resident” throughout our lives.

You own and control what you create. The state creates the fictitious entity.

Just how evil and unlawful is this?

  • No terms and conditions of a sales contract was given
  • No lawful and honest disclosure of the contract provided
  • No corresponding wet-ink signature of agent representative
  • No agent present with a securities license
  • No prospectus provided (yet a bond certificate is issued)
    • ’33-75: bond: $630,000, insured: $1,000,000
    • post ’75: bond” $1,000,000, insured: $2,000,000
  • No agent with an insurance license
  • a vessel was created which was licensed, bonded, and insured
  • for which an undisclosed cestui que vie trust was created
  • under assumption: child was abandoned, presumed dead, lost at sea
  • trusteeship and beneficiary positions assumed by the state
  • to be managed by the state trustee until challenged

1 Foundling – a safe place to abandon a child; hospitals, churches, police stations, and fire stations.
2 Citizen – one subject to government, constitution, and society
3 Person – a fictitious entity, corporate sub-franchise; granted rights (privileges), responsible for duties imposed upon them.
4 Resident – not entitled to all privileges or subject to all duties of an inhabitant; a resident is a “temporary state”, therefore rights and entitlements are “limited”.
5 Cestui Que Vie – where government takes all private property into the trust until the proper heirs or owners can be identified—the cestui que vie, or “he who lives” (Fr.). In connection with the Public Charitable Trust Act (1882).

Your Cestui Que Vie
Global Market Entity Identifier utility

Established under the Public Charitable Trust, an individual is bonded and insured with an account, a functioning balance sheet. Your SSN with dashes corresponds to the DEBIT side of the leger (output) for “your person” or vessel. Your SSN with no dashes corresponds to the CREDIT side of the ledger (input) for your living being as the creditor and beneficiary.

These values grow for your formative years until you begin interacting in trade and accumulate debts. The more you accomplish, military service, college degrees, etc., the more bonds are leveraged against your productivity. Each of these securities is assigned a CUSIP number which is associated with the original birth certificate CUSIP number. At the end of your life, your “estate” is probated and the ledger is balanced from the credit to zero the balance on the debit side. The account is run in perpetuity to benefit the trustee, who is at that point also the beneficiary having never disclosed its existence.

The “sweep account” must maintain its capital balance in perpetuity, but the proceeds, off-book funds, future dividends are swept off to fund government. That’s how it ends for most. Your family’s trust is still there, parents, possibly grandparents, which remain unclaimed. [overview: David Straight, part 1 of 3]

Claim Your Minor Estate

Minor: an individual under the age of 18; any individual who has not claimed their minor estate. (State assumes guardianship, as ward of state; Parens Patriae)

Take dominion over the three jurisdictions; place yourself above any other power aside from God that would seek to control you. Establish ownership and control of your vessel; your ALL CAPS fictitious corporate entity issued with your birth certificate.

The steps for precisely how this is done is still open for research and much debate.

goal: assume role as co-trustee, co-beneficiary.

A closer look at: #560 How to Correct Your Political Status and Why

What obligates and renders you responsible for all the oppression executed upon you and your assets is that your Municipal Person, your strawman, is receiving “services” and compensation is required (taxes). Your Birth Certificate (BC), is a bond instrument with a negotiable value. It was created through an agreement of state governors and Act of Congress and is managed through the US Treasury. Through your BC you are assigned a strawman, a commercial vessel you are assumed to operate, attached to your living person as a legal fiction, and you have been conditioned to respond to its responsibilities as if it is you. Those posing as “our government” will continue this fraud until you file the documents as lawful acts to tell them to stop.

Either you:

  • lay claim to it so that nobody else can control it and seize assets assigned to it, or
  • you return it to those who created it and make them responsible for it.

Notes & Comments:

Refs: 903,

If I can find an argument for one choice vs. the other, I’ll include it here once located.

#560 pg2 p2

Step 1: Revoke your Voter Registration
Step 1 has its own Solution [HERE]. AVR#560

This concerns many people until they understand why.

Step 2A: Acquire Certified Birth Certificates (BC)

  • Request from your birth state, online search: “order birth certificate [your birth state]”
  • order several copies, one will be returned to the US Secretary of the Treasury (redeemed)
  • Certified – labeled “CERTIFICATION OF BIRTH” or similar (in all caps, no less)
    • issued from the state on bond paper
    • usually also watermarked paper
    • with a file number
    • by a Probate Clerk or officer
  • Authenticated1 – by US Secretary of State with attached cover document/letter. (see 2A) #1789 pg2 p3
  • you can attempt to get one “authenticated” by your birth state Secretary of state of State. (keep for your own records, #903 pg1 p2)
  • BC: (2) prima facie indications of fraud:
    • your living lawful birth date
    • a bond issue, Strawman, file date
    • a discrepancy between the two entities
    • name in ALL CAPS (indicates a dead entity)
  • Your Certified (or authenticated) BC combined with (2) Notarized Witness Affidavits (link) (testimonies) establishes your “living lawful personhood” by connecting your physical body to the name on the document that refuting that you are “dead and lost at sea”. #1632 pg1 p9 through pg2 p4
  • If the Feds use your BC as evidence against you, you can also use it as evidence against them once you control it. #1632 pg1 p9

Notes & Comments:

Refs: 903, 1632, 1760, 1789,

Ref: BC certification #1632 pg1 p10, #1789 pg2 p2

“Just send regular old BC’s and let the Treasury officials work out the rest.” #903 pg1 p1

Authenticated was intended for use to reclaim assets before the deadline where the US entered yet another bankruptcy proceeding #903 pg1 p1.

Rationale: #1632 pg2 p3, #1760

Step 2B: Surrender your Birth Certificate (Bond)

  • Request copies of official Birth Certificate (BC) from your Secretary of State, or Health Department.
  • Certified or authenticated (see Step 2A)
    • if authenticated with a hard-attached cover sheet (glued, riveted, or sewn binding) be certain not to disturb or degrade the bond in your work to endorse the document.
  • Endorse the BC FRONT #477 pg3 p4
    • with certified (bond) or authenticated (cover sheet) BC, with red pen in the upper left corner (front):
    • “Accepted by Drawee– by: Your Signature1 & date”
  • Surrender the BC BACK #477 , pg 1 p6, pg3 p6
    • line 1: “Pay to the Order of the United States of America, U.S. Treasury
    • line 2: “Without Recourse. by: (Your Signature1) (date)
  • Draft a cover letter as “Letter of Instruction
    • [See Example photo] [.docx] [GUIDE] … pending
  • Include Form 56 (see Step 2C below)
  • Return BC to U.S. Treasury who is responsible for it.
    • scan the documents for an electronic file
    • photo: separate, and as a package
    • send via registered mail, file the receipt when delivered for your records #477 , pg 1 p6 & pg3 p1-3
    • Note the registered mail tracking number (9-digit)
    • instruct in the cover letter that the Treasury Direct account number be the number of the reg-mail receipt (AVR#477 pg3 p7)

Notes & Comments:

Refs: 477, 1632, IRS form 56

Here you are “surrendering the PERSON” provided by UNITED STATES, INC., #477 pg1 p5

…returning your strawman to its creator, “cashiering your MUNICIPAL citizen”. #631 pg1 p4

1Is the signature a signature or an autograph with specified formats and seal? Signature is the cursive version you’re used to

According to the 1934 Emergency Banking Act, the caretaker is the US Secretary of the Treasury. #477 pg2 p1

Step 2C: IRS Form 56 – Notice of Fiduciary Relationship

Step 2C now has its own Solution [HERE]

Indemnity Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US “…is posted in behalf of all the actual states of the Union and all the people living in those states insuring them against any further claims related to their “PERSON”…” #560 pg 3 p3

Notes & Comments:

Refs: IRS.gov resource, Form 56, #560 pg2:

Step 2D: Cover Letter for Form 56 and certified BC

Step 2C now has its own Solution [HERE]

Refs: #477560607

Step 3: Send via Registered Mail

  • Obtain a registered mail label (US Post)
  • Note the 9-digit alpha-numeric identifier on label
  • to the US Treasury

The intent is to return to the creator the legal fiction as a matter of record with instructions to correct the error and render due equity (language?) to the injured or defrauded party. Separating the living soul from the legal fiction and protecting and indemnifying you from “any further claims or complaints related to…” that LEGAL FICTION. #560 pg3 p7

Notes & Comments:

Refs: #560

Package contents:
* your certified and authorized BC (step 2)
* IRS form 56 (step 3)
* a letter of instruction

Record the label’s alpha numeric identifier in your notes. It is compatible with the federal system, you’ll use it as an account number for which you have a receipt.

Step 4: Retire your “Federal Employment”

  • Letter: Social Security Administration
  • you thereby “retire from all federal employment and have returned to your birthright political status.”
  • give them 5 days to respond or accept by default to:
  • “agreement that all insurances, services, and benefits of the Social Security program are due and owing to you regardless of political affiliation or lack thereof and that you are free to receive your pension and other program services without prejudice, presumption or claim otherwise.”
  • Ending all services and employment:
    • voting is an service extended you
    • social security is a service
    • “employee”, unpaid volunteer, or “citizen”
    • military or government employee
    • once at an end, you are “retired”

Notes & Comments:

Refs: AVR#631,

631 pg2 p4-7

Step 5: Record an Act of Expatriation

  • Step 5 will have its own Solution [HERE].
  • declare that you are living on the land at home
  • engaged in international trade while at sea
  • NOT engaged in International Commerce
  • owed all protection from London & Vatican
  • no grounds to claim you:
    • Municipal US Citizen (air jurisdiction)
    • Territorial US Citizen (sea jurisdiction)

Notes & Comments:

Refs: AVR#626, 631,

A declaration of permanent domicile of your “vessels in trade” (names) to land & soil AND claims allegiance to the land and soil of your birth state. 631 pg1 p7

“John Michael Doe” (capitalized) is a Trade Name on land, and a Foreign Situs Trust when on the sea. 631 pg1 p5

Step 6: File liens using UCC-1 Financing Statement

  • Thwart the operation of international Organizations run in your name for:
  • name: JOHN QUINCY PUBLIC (all caps – DEBTORS)
  • name: JOHN Q. PUBLIC (caps, middle initial)
  • name: John Quincy Public (as secured party)
  • check box 6: “Non-UCC claim” to lien them directly

Notes & Comments:


locate UCC-1 form

IMPORTANT: Format names to match their function on the form.

Step 7: Visit your state Secretary of State

  • present an authenticated/certified BC
  • as “…prima facie evidence of a Public Trust”
  • as “…prima facie evidence of intent to defraud”

Notes & Comments:


For the state on which you are located and living.

See step 2A if complete on authenticated/certified BC

“Wouldn’t it be easier to use the original document instead of a web page?”

I spent hours trying to pull all the steps and needed info out of AVR#477, 560, 631, 903 1632, 1760, & 1789, documents PACKED with information. First you have find all the information amid nearly 3000 posted articles, then you have find what’s valuable, and organize it so that it’s understandable. Hopefully, this site saves you much of that effort on the paperwork and topics that we all must undertake.

The easier we can make this journey for those that follow, the more people can undertake it, finish sooner, and support constitutional reconstruction of our country. Sue me if I’m in a hurry… “What man is a man that does not leave the world a better (or simpler) place than he found it?”

1 comment

  1. Wow so much good work here. Still daunting but I’m going to embark on this trip. Calling it my job one after being brought home to the land and soil.
    Wondering if you have made this journey and if there was a satisfactory outcome?

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