Incorporated entities are just another form of trust. The Incorporators act as the Donors of their ideas and dreams and assets. The Operators act as the Trustees. The Owners and Shareholders act as the Beneficiaries. So as you can see, incorporated entities are just another kind of trust known as a “Business Trust”, and in the case of government chartered business trusts, the owners are the government corporations issuing the charters: the parent corporations. Your incorporated business, whether it is IBM or the Pacific Railroad, Inc., is in fact owned by whichever parent corporation(s) chartered it. Not by you.

AVR #1879 pg1 p1-3
STATUS: Open Discussion – feel free to research, comment and help guide this information.
Resources: AVR#insight, 24, 187, 1879,
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For State National consideration, the LLC and its tax registration with the IRS are likely registered in one of those MUNICIPAL PERSON transmitting utility “hangers on” that may expose you to some level and type of risk. Despite recording documentation that protects your rights, COULD leaving transmitting utilities names on your business open you to reproach even if only failing to remove the forms of these labels you have put to bed? After your 928 paperwork is filed, it’s worthy to consider if eliminating this exposure is a priority.
The Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Deed of Reconveyance moves the labels of transmitting utilities from the territorial and municipal jurisdictions back to the land and soil away from the influence of those that had used them against you. The Certificate of Assumed Name, Notice of Transfer of Reserved Name as well expands your power to control them through copyright, claiming them as your property.
Despite the fact you’ve taken precautions and bolstered security, WOULD leaving the entities names out where they can be seen, referenced, or used nefariously leave you open to further identity fraud? You have a proper given name, you’ve claimed your Trade Name, and you’ve claimed control of or returned and dissolved any other forms for any other purpose. The less gates there are for the thieves to break in, the easier it is to patrol the grounds. Why not remove the gates and brick the entry if there is no intention of using them?
1. Current Status?
- Check the paperwork you filed, the corporate registration with your state corporation commission.
- Does the format match your Trade Name as, “John Quincy Public”? …or did you register it in some form of transmitting utility not knowing any different at the time, such as “John Q. Public” or “JOHN PUBLIC”
- Check online or contact your state Corporation Commission for the proper means to change the “Statutory Agent” for your corporation.
- Submit the form or Letter of Instruction (?)

2. Continue or Dissolve?
State National Business Owner:
For most businesses that are not involved in any particularly risky, controversial, or dangerous activities for which liability may be a big issue, leaving behind federal taxation and reporting and regulation is a blessing and no loss. The rule of thumb for most businesses is that if you have less than a million and a half in profits every year, there is no likely advantage to incorporation at all. [Worth considering]: buy some extra private insurance.
Notes & Comments:
AVR Insight pg2 p6-7
As a PMA or Private Membership Association you can stipulate in your membership agreement any terms, including arbitration, or limits of liability.
Why would anyone ever do such a thing? ….unless you were engaged in making profit from some activity that was intrinsically very risky, very immoral, and therefore, very “subject to liability” and still wanted to profit from it to whatever extent possible, without being held accountable.
Notes & Comments:
AVR #1879 pg1 p7-8
Why Should You Dissolve an LLC?
[Incorporating], it makes your assets subject to them and gives them an ownership interest in what you work for and create with no substantial risk to them in exchange. Suddenly, you have to pay “federal income taxes” and any other taxes they assess. You have to maintain records and have those records instantly available for them to examine, because you don’t actually own your business anymore. You gave it to them in exchange for the “benefits” they offered, purportedly, anyway… Your business, like you, is just another PERSON in their System and they control and own everything in their System.
Notes & Comments:
AVR Insight, pg1 p4, 5, & 8
Non-profit businesses are especially at risk. If you set up a non-profit and then decide that you want to “unincorporate” it, you have to give your assets away to another non-profit (still under their thumb and forefinger) or give the assets to them outright. No escape, or so they make it seem. Everything that you worked for and believed that you owned, has via your own ignorance been “donated” to these charlatans and thieves.
Notes & Comments:
AVR Insight, pg1 p6-8
…When you go to “un-incorporate” anything it causes… an extreme amount of scrutiny and controversy. Even if you go the pre-approved route and liquidate via bankruptcy proceedings and thereby make sure that either the Queens Esquires or the Pope’s Magistrates get to oversee every nuance of the asset distribution involved, there will be guaranteed grilling and howling because you are severing your service contract with them.
Notes & Comments:
AVR #1879 pg2 p6
Exiting or Dissolving
- remove the name of the business to the jurisdiction of the land and soil and permanently domicile it there
- no longer engaged in “commerce”
- in “international trade”
- claim the name of your business as an Assumed Name
- present Mandatory FSIA Notices; first contact
- revoke “election to pay” federal income taxes on your small independent business writing to:
- the Commissioner of the IRS
- the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service
- naturally exempt
- revoking your election
- waiving any benefit of federal incorporation
Notes & Comments:
AVR Insight, pg1 p10-11, pg2 p 1-2
Path #1 Scenario
- change statutory agent
- run by “Your Trade Name”
- claim business name as assumed name
- Convey to land and soil
- international trade
- assign assets to principal/settlement
- NOTICE: Corp Comm/IRS
- Issue FSIA declaration
- change of jurisdiction
- assumed name/your property
- taxes: naturally exempt
- taxes: revoke election of taxes
- waive benefits of incorporation
- dissolve the Corp/LLC
- NOTICE: Corp Comm/IRS
Path #2 Scenario
- leave current statutory agent
- liquidate the assets
- balance sheet
- Taxes due?
- fall on: Corp/LLC stuck in their jurisdiction (?)
- fall on: benefactor of assets (?)
- fall on: statutory agent stuck in their jurisdiction (?)
- fall on: “Your Trade Name” (?)
Related Considerations:
If you would be completely free of the “legal tethers” which the Service Corporations usurping the authority of government have tied to your MUNICIPAL PERSON through adhesion contracts, you may weigh the value of removing yourself from exposure to the municipal jurisdiction (where corporations engage) for business activity, conducting by your Tradename (c) any personal activities that may be necessary.
However, if you are a business owner, hold controlling interest, or occupy a seat on the board of a business worthy of your participation and worth the risk of any associated entanglements (1.5-million in profits annually – AVR Insight pg2 p6-7), you might consider ensuring that your participation proceeds through your copyrighted Tradename (with indemnity bond?).
Consider adjusting paperwork, title, and registrations for your activity with the corporate entity to deal only with your Tradename, which is designed to be separate from your living soul and given name. I anticipate that reclaiming your authority over all versions of your name and re-conveying them to the jurisdiction of the land and soil distances you from the possibility that others will claim assumed powers of attorney or attempt to meddle in affairs in which they have no right. Your recorded paperwork should provide a superior standing and claim, but the less loose ends, the better in my opinion. Why leave chinks in the armor for them to exploit?
When the LLC was formed documents were filed with the state, the Internal Revenue Service, and possibly local taxing or licensing authorities. These documents let the authorities know the LLC was open for business. Until they are told otherwise, they will assume the business is active.
As long as the LLC is active, the owner is required to file annual reports, pay annual fees, and pay minimum taxes. Formally dissolving an LLC puts an end to these requirements.
It also gives creditors notice that the LLC can no longer take on debts. Going through a formal dissolution process means you’ll be much less likely to be surprised with a lawsuit for an unpaid debt or a fee or fine from a government agency in the future.
Notes & Comments:
Legal Zoom:
How to Dissolve an LLC
Judicial, Administrative, or Voluntary?
Judicial dissolution is issued by a court. A court can dissolve a business for failure to comply with state laws or failure to pay its taxes. More common, however, is judicial dissolution as a result of a lawsuit brought by disgruntled LLC members who wish to unravel their business ties.
Notes & Comments:
Administrative dissolution is imposed by the Secretary of State’s office. It is usually the result of failing to either comply with state law or file an annual report. The power of the Secretary of State, however, is broad, and in many states, an LLC can be dissolved for nearly any reason the Secretary deems fit.
Voluntary dissolution is the result of members willingly choosing to close their business. This can happen in two ways. First, members can determine certain dissolution-triggers (such as the death of a member) which are written into the LLC operating agreement. Second, members can cast a vote to dissolve the company at any time.
What does the Federal Reserve do with all this debt it has been collecting for eighty years? It enters it as a credit for itself against your estate. Not only has your original debt not been paid, but interest and service fees have been added to it, and that has all accumulated against your estate—your body, your labor, your home, your business, your copyrights and intellectual property.
Notes & Comments:
AVR #24, Final Judgement and Civil Orders, lines 746-750
H.J. Res 192, 73rd Congress, First Session, principally prior enrolled as Public Law, U.S. Statutes at Large, Vol. 1, Public Acts, 3rd Congress, 2nd Session, Chapter 48, especially 48.48.112 —This is the commercial remedy that the perpetrators were required to create to make their confiscation of private gold and hypothecated titles to private land and business holdings “legal”. This remedy like the underlying surreptitious hypothecation of debt and claims against private property made by the officers of the United States of America, Inc. against the American Nationals was never widely circulated or disclosed for obvious reasons.
Notes & Comments:
AVR #24, Final Judgement and Civil Orders, lines 2358-2365
We have looked high and low and can find no justifiable reason for corporations to be provided with protection from liability in exchange for paying off a portion of their profits as “protection money” to yet another corporation in the business of providing governmental services. It has both the plain appearance and affect of racketeering and extortion under armed force and all under conditions of semantic deceit and constructive fraud, personage, and impersonation of public officials.
Notes & Comments:
#187 pg2 p8
- interstate sale or transport of alcohol, tobacco or firearms
- a C-Corp subject to SEC rules, sale of security instruments to the public
Notes & Comments:
AVR Insight pg2 p3-4
3. Doing Business as a State National:
So, once you’re clear of the jurisdictions that can cause you problems, how do you properly operate a business, with employees, creditors, and accounts? Is this all operated under a Trade Name with a referenced indemnity bond? Has AVR offered any guidance on this?
The Private Membership Association (PMA) is the best answer I’ve heard thus far.
Interesting article that gets most of the details right, hitting good points, missing a few key details as we approach the topic… such as, “net-zero sum trade of value for value” so where there is no “profit” there is no “income” AND the difference of “among men vs. among corporate actors”. Makes interesting points…
Key Differences between Trade and Commerce