Here is what I’m looking to produce as “SOLUTIONS” under the [RESOURCES] menu and updates to the individual state pages for “common trespasses”. I’m hoping to have contributors consolidate information from State Nationals with proven track records for a given topic to one POST so that nationals can identify a problem, find a post with researched solutions, and work the problem rather than be faced with hours of research.
Reference the information you include with links, and credit to the author, find related articles, and each post become a “journal” for how OUR SOCIETY successfully deals both with necessary paperwork and areas of special interest.
I expect that as people access our information they will leave COMMENTS at the bottom of the page so we can fine tune what we are suggesting or correct mistakes. If you’re intent on helping out, in whatever way, please join us in the Telegram discussion channel for this effort so that we can coordinate:
Please visit our sponsors and merch sites on the [RECOMENDATIONS] page.
Understand my Goals:
The overall website goal is to get people 1) informed, 2) interested, 3) activated, 4) papered, and 5) spreading the message. In our current culture, if at any point the process becomes confusing, difficult, or unclear, people will wander off into the weeds; its just human nature. We’ve become a “meme” culture and attention spans are short.
So, we’ll draw from Anna Von Reitz’s body of information and procedure, supplemented with others that have a proven track record so that people conceptualize the truth faster, understand more completely, and arrive faster at the “I need to do this” over the cognitive dissonance. Then we’ll lead them to start and finish their paperwork as quickly as possible (with the fewest questions and objections), all while fully expecting to “tell their friends”!
It took a serious leap of faith and guts to get papered. Leading others down a path you walked yourself is much easier because you’ve been there!
We’ll work to provide them a resource to work just as quickly through questions like: “what do I do with my AZ driver’s license?” “My business with employees is a corporation… should I convert to a PMA?” “How many laws did this trespasser just break and what case can I build into a testimony or affidavit?” and have that information with all referenced and supporting information already found and conveniently waiting to be read by those with the same questions who worked through the problem successfully before they did…
What do you want me to do?
If you’re going to contribute and be a part of “the team”, please clarify your identity. Access your profile and upload a profile photo and create a username that the rest of us will recognize when we see you on Telegram, Facebook, and other places. Let’s foster a little continuity among our team members.
I want you to contribute in any way that you feel competent or that makes you happy. You don’t need to write and publish articles like I do, but I could certainly use the help if you can. Even if you’re just a pair of eyes reading what’s written catching spelling mistakes and saying, “this paragraph doesn’t make sense”… that helps! If you’re wandering off the path or the stated goal, I’ll let you know. ;-D It’s more important that you’re a happy camper and wish to continue helping.
Learn the basics of the WordPress block editor [VIDEO] (36:51) It is NOT just a word processor and this walk-through will save you time, effort, and considerable headaches.
I’ve said this on social media, “our recorders can’t hand-hold 350-million Americans through this process; it doesn’t work!” The quicker we get more people through this on autopilot, the faster we operate this country in the manner it was designed and intended… and that’s just a numbers game. Let’s clear the path.
The 6-step Process Example:
Pictured below is the 6-Step Process post information with notes in what has come to be the more common format for posts on this site. Please use it as a format and content guide. We’ve done some tweaking and updating since launch and we’ve settled on this for now. After (20+) articles posted, I’ve settled into a different format and learned a few things… the format pictured below is generally correct. See the blog for recent examples.
What is a PMA? “We’ll work to provide them a resource to work just as quickly through questions like: “what do I do with my AZ driver’s license?” “My business with employees is a corporation… should I convert to a PMA?””
A PMA is a “Private Membership Association”… The government doesn’t have the authority to tell you who you associate with or on what terms, so to keep them out of your business (church, service industry, etc…) people who are interested in sharing information, trading skills, or sharing resources outside of government oversight and interference can create their own private community where government has no right to interfere. Odd concept, I know…
Take a read through this resource; I found it fascinating: