The glaring oversight of “due process” by which the civil body politic assemblies of the people repeat similar errors, trespass, and damage; correction for which they were organized to respond.
Category: Uncategorized
ATTN: Arizona Assembly
A public declaration of errors, trespass, and mischaracterization; the real story of one wronged by those trusted to lead the Arizona Assembly.
Protected: Give Yourself Credit Notes
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Protected: PATHS2FRDM Resources:
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Protected: The Treasury Direct Account
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Protected: Executive Order 6102
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Protected: HJR 192 Project
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Wisdom of the Ancients
Thoughts and admonition of five different writers from ancient days reviewing the corruption of our current social, cultural, and governing constructs.
Protected: The Dick Act
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“Given 19 jobs…”
The federal government in the Constitution was given express authorization to provide 19 services which the states determined would be better handled by the Federation rather than the separate states. Here’s what I found…
FSIA Mandatory Notice
Notice to offices and officers of the municipal jurisdiction that you have never “knowingly or willingly” entered into or acted in a capacity that subjects you to their jurisdiction.
Paperwork – Best Practices
Before you pick up a pen and waste any time, you should have gotten familiar with what the topic is about, the reasoning behind what you are about to undertake (rationale & correctness+). Work down this list for as far as it takes you to conclude: “I need to start my paperwork” OR “I’m not… Continue reading Paperwork – Best Practices
Acknowledgement, Acceptance and Deed of Re-Conveyance
OVERVIEW: This document is a lawful claim to move property assigned to you from the jurisdiction of the sea back to the soil and land where you can control them and end the abuse. These “personages” or legal fictions resemble your name in their various forms, you’ve been conditioned to respond to them as if… Continue reading Acknowledgement, Acceptance and Deed of Re-Conveyance
Banks and Credit Unions
The information found here is research suggested by “Banking Corrections”, section 48 of the Jural Assembly Handbook (JAH) by: Anna von Reitz. The recommendation is to work with banking and credit union organizations that are chartered by the state rather than chartered Federally as the connections to central banking and federal rules and restrictions are necessarily different and can… Continue reading Banks and Credit Unions