Documentation for (c) Tradename and any other versions of one’s name which have been subject to fraud.
Category: Resources
The help and systems available that make the process easier.
Ditch the Dead Weight
Your Legal Fiction personage, a vessel, sometimes called a “strawman”, is certainly dead weight, “oppressively heavy” one might say. “What it amounts to is commercial fraud resulting in inland piracy and unlawful conversion of assets, all based on copyright and trademark infringement and identity theft.” (AVR#477 pg1 p3) Unless corrected, government actors control your vessel.… Continue reading Ditch the Dead Weight
Voter Registration Renunciation
This is my version of a voter registration renunciation letter adapted from the Anna Von Reitz article #626 information. Adapt it for your purposes, use it as is, or simply use it as reference for your own version, all at your own risk. That said, I hope it saves you some work and time. [MSWord:… Continue reading Voter Registration Renunciation
Banks and Credit Unions
The information found here is research suggested by “Banking Corrections”, section 48 of the Jural Assembly Handbook (JAH) by: Anna von Reitz. The recommendation is to work with banking and credit union organizations that are chartered by the state rather than chartered Federally as the connections to central banking and federal rules and restrictions are necessarily different and can… Continue reading Banks and Credit Unions