This document removes any legal usurpation of your right to act and decide for yourself matters that pertain to your estate which is your property including your physical body. It also sets yourself as “Attorney-in-Fact” for all purposes related to your estates (property) from that date forward. By doing so you eliminate any lawful power which has been usurped from you and wielded in “YOUR NAME”.

Resources: #1103, Is This How the World Is Really Run?,
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Those acting as our government created a CORPORATE FICTION bearing an all-caps facsimile of your name and assigned it to your living being. When you don’t show up to claim and manage your estate (as an infant), they declare you “lost at sea”, assign you as “salvage”, and assign “Powers of Attorney” to agents of the corporate state to “act in your NAME” managing “that property you haven’t bothered to claim”.
This allows those with assumed “Powers of Attorney” to manage business functions for the several entities they create, acquiring and managing of property on which they earn a return, without your knowledge, without your consent, and certainly without bothering to compensate you for any of it. Then when you happen to show up with their corporate fiction STRAWMAN in tow, they also loot from you (by any means available) the property and wealth belonging to you that you are aware of.

With this document you are reclaiming your own birthright power to manage all your affairs and ending the corporate “legalized” means by which they defraud you.
Attorney-in-Fact, Defined:
: an attorney who may or may not be a lawyer who is given written authority to act on another’s behalf especially by a power of attorney (Merriam Webster Legal Dictionary)
“…someone specifically named by another through a written “power of attorney” to act for that person in the conduct of the appointer’s business. In a “general power of attorney” the attorney-in-fact can conduct all business or sign any document, and in a “special power of attorney” he/she can only sign documents or act in relation to special identified matters. Too often people sign themselves as attorney-in-fact for relatives or associates without any power of attorney. If someone claims to be able to sign for another, a demand to see the written power of attorney is reasonable and necessary.” (Farlex Free Dictionary)
“Unknown to those same American Nationals, the corporations masquerading as their lawful government used their “voluntary application” for “Social Security benefits” to obtain a veiled general Power of Attorney hidden in the SS-5 Form, and used it to seize control of their ESTATES. They then set up two accounts “in their names”—-one administered by the Federal Reserve’s Internal Revenue Service and one administered by the “IRS” for the International Monetary Fund.”
Is This How the World Is Really Run?, Anna von Reitz, section 5, How is Our Money Involved.
“Most of us Joe Averages who have not chosen to create incorporated entities of any kind, can then produce our Deed of Re-Conveyance showing that we have officially and knowingly transferred our Given Trade Name back to the land and soil jurisdiction State where we were born, and also produce our recorded Certificate of Assumed Name(s) which documents “their” expatriation back to the land and soil jurisdiction, too. This gives a three-pronged defense against any presumption that you are voluntarily acting as one of their franchisees or in any public capacity related to them at all. This deprives them of all their usual excuses to act “as” your guardians and “assume” Powers of
Attorney never granted to them.”
The Guide:
1. Input and correct for your Tradename “First Middle Last”, capitalized as “John Quincy Public”.
2. Input and correct for your birthdate, the day you were born, re-claiming all powers of attorney-in-fact from that point forward.
3. Input and correct for your Tradename “First Middle Last”, capitalized as “John Quincy Public”.
4. Input and correct for your gender

5. Addressed to: Input and correct for your Tradename “First Middle Last”, capitalized as “John Quincy Public”.
6. Input and correct for your mailing address as: “c/o Your Trade Name, 12345 Your
7. Do not sign this until you are in the presence of your recorder.
8. Input and correct for your Tradename “First Middle Last”, capitalized as “John Quincy Public”.
9. Input and correct for the date you are signing your documents in the presence of your recorder.
1. input and correct for the county and state your recorder is in (or they may update it)
2. input and correct for the assembly state with which you are joining or participating.
3. input and correct for the date on which you are signing and recording your documents as: “June 3, 2021”.

4. space for your recorder’s autograph
5. Recorder will input and correct for when their commission expires.
6. Recorder will update with their personal information.
7. Leave space for the recorder’s seal and delete the guide text: “state assembly seal”. You might be able to delete some blank lines to create more room for the seal if needed.
My question on this form is……how do you complete this if you ARE listed as someone’s power of attorney? I have power of attorney for my mom. She will not be completing paperwork to change her status. I would assume I can add an exemption clause to this form, but where? How do I input her name? All caps?
And a good question that is! What I’ll do is offer you some ideas that can help you formulate a question for either Anna von Reitz (, her Living Law Group, or maybe the Hopefully Anna will have time to answer something she likely knows off the top of her head. If not, the has a network of constitutional lawyers familiar with your standing that may answer a question, or offer to help for a fee. I don’t have a link for the Living Law group at this time. Have you used the search options at to look for this? (search field and/or CTRL+F)
In my estimation your Power of Attorney for your mom isn’t assigned to your Tradename after you’ve corrected your political status (as it should be?) and may need to be corrected. Confirm that status.
If you’ve corrected your political status you have your given name (all lower case, a living soul), your Tradename (capitalized, interacting with corporate entities like government), and a MUNICIPAL PERSON (and it’s subsidiaries that you either took control of, or controlled and then returned to the US Treasury). You’ve got two valid identities: a living soul and a lawful citizen who acts in trade. (as I understand it thus far)
It is my GUESS that acting for your Mother’s interests with Power of Attorney would be an interaction you would undertake with your Tradename (First Middle Last (c), capitalized) as a business function. Confirm that guess.
Mom’s affairs would then be managed by a “lawful citizen” as “Your Lawful Tradename”.
I hope those ideas help. If you find a concrete answer to that question, please come back and add that answer to your questions so that the next person with a similar issue will find your experience to help them. We would all appreciate it.
Hello. I see you altered Anna’s original document, in particular the notary paragraph. It sounds like you have a notary that is part of the assembly? What is the difference between Public Notary and Recording Secretary and International Notarial Witness? So we just use the original format if we don’t have access to a notary within the assembly, correct? Also I have been told I can’t join the assembly until my paperwork in recorded, so that is a bit confusing as well. Also just to clarify, the Tradename is the birth name, correct? I’d love to call all these nuances out for all the married woman it makes everything extra confusing. Assuming too I sign all documents with my current married name since that matches my ID? Thanks for your help!
The document may not be altered, but simply outdated. I established this site to be a cooperative effort with the paperwork areas and discussions saving our recording secretaries from repeatedly answering and devoting additional time to the same questions. Only, nobody has shown up to assist… and I’ve got other things on my plate.
The pages still serve as “general assistance”, but as suggested on the PROCESS page, your best procedure is to seek the help and guidance of a recording secretary with the state assembly on your state. The assemblies as civil bodies politic have “recording secretaries”, not Notaries, as I understand it.
For Assembly paperwork and your declarations, seek the assist of your state or county recording secretaries. The “recorders” exist to assist you with your paperwork so that you lawfully can participate with the assembly. You’re even welcome to attend a public assembly meeting at state or county level, however, you may need to “hold your peace” until after the assembly proceeding. Once your declarations are done, reviewed, and accepted, you can request to be recognized and “cut loose” (with respect) along with all other members.
Your lawful Tradename is your “capitalized” given name, as “John Quincy Private” as opposed to your given name or true name, expressed as “john quincy private”, the expression of your living soul on paper (as I currently comprehend it).