Points and references to be vetted and then arranged into a defense for sovereign Americans on their states.
Dissolve My Corp/LLC?
The rule of thumb for most businesses is that if you have less than a million and a half in profits every year, there is no likely advantage to incorporation at all. (AVR-Insight)
Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney
With this document you are reclaiming your own birthright power to manage all your affairs and ending the corporate “legalized” means by which they defraud you.
Identification for international travel can be tricky at this point. The US State Department run by the corporate entity still thinks of you as a MUNICIPAL CITIZEN.
Witness Testimony Affidavit
You’ll need at least two witnesses who can attest to your identity, your birthplace, your current address, and preferably your family affiliation.
Paramount Claim of Life and the Estate
“…you claim that not only are you alive and well but describe the means by which you came to this world and refute the circumstances under which they claim you have been “lost at sea”.
One-Page Declaration of Naturalization 1779
A simple and easy first step to separating yourself from the forces that assigned you “lost at sea” reclaiming your “Good Names and Estate”
DD2168 US Military Release from Service
As honorable and noble as your service to your fellow Americans was then is your service and efforts in reclaiming and preserving your country now; and for the same reasons. I believe what we are doing with this submission is to seek confirmation that our duty as service members is ended ensuring the separation of… Continue reading DD2168 US Military Release from Service
Cover Letter: BC/Form-56
For those who need to redeem their Birth Certificate and send in the IRS Form 56, a Letter of Instruction was pulled together from the notes and mentions in AVR#477, 560, and 607.
IRS Form 56 – Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship
IRS Form 56 returns the Municipal Person Accounts to their creator, The U.S. Treasury, for them to assume responsibility for their creation.
FSIA Mandatory Notice
Notice to offices and officers of the municipal jurisdiction that you have never “knowingly or willingly” entered into or acted in a capacity that subjects you to their jurisdiction.
Acts of Expatriation
Expatriation for STRAWMAN and related CAPS names from their connected corporate influence, reconveyance to land from sea jurisdiction.
Assumed name, Copyright Tradename
Documentation for (c) Tradename and any other versions of one’s name which have been subject to fraud.
Paperwork – Best Practices
Before you pick up a pen and waste any time, you should have gotten familiar with what the topic is about, the reasoning behind what you are about to undertake (rationale & correctness+). Work down this list for as far as it takes you to conclude: “I need to start my paperwork” OR “I’m not… Continue reading Paperwork – Best Practices
Acknowledgement, Acceptance and Deed of Re-Conveyance
OVERVIEW: This document is a lawful claim to move property assigned to you from the jurisdiction of the sea back to the soil and land where you can control them and end the abuse. These “personages” or legal fictions resemble your name in their various forms, you’ve been conditioned to respond to them as if… Continue reading Acknowledgement, Acceptance and Deed of Re-Conveyance
Ditch the Dead Weight
Your Legal Fiction personage, a vessel, sometimes called a “strawman”, is certainly dead weight, “oppressively heavy” one might say. “What it amounts to is commercial fraud resulting in inland piracy and unlawful conversion of assets, all based on copyright and trademark infringement and identity theft.” (AVR#477 pg1 p3) Unless corrected, government actors control your vessel.… Continue reading Ditch the Dead Weight
Voter Registration Renunciation
This is my version of a voter registration renunciation letter adapted from the Anna Von Reitz article #626 information. Adapt it for your purposes, use it as is, or simply use it as reference for your own version, all at your own risk. That said, I hope it saves you some work and time. [MSWord:… Continue reading Voter Registration Renunciation
Format for Contributors
Here is what I’m looking to produce as “SOLUTIONS” under the [RESOURCES] menu and updates to the individual state pages for “common trespasses”. I’m hoping to have contributors consolidate information from State Nationals with proven track records for a given topic to one POST so that nationals can identify a problem, find a post with… Continue reading Format for Contributors
Banks and Credit Unions
The information found here is research suggested by “Banking Corrections”, section 48 of the Jural Assembly Handbook (JAH) by: Anna von Reitz. The recommendation is to work with banking and credit union organizations that are chartered by the state rather than chartered Federally as the connections to central banking and federal rules and restrictions are necessarily different and can… Continue reading Banks and Credit Unions