What we have seen bubble to the surface of the steeping cauldron of corruption and hypocrisy are the deeds of those who accepted a post to “serve the people” and mismanage and abuse the authority and powers of their position in pursuit of an agenda and often for for their own benefit. Defending yourself involves… Continue reading US Federal Trespasses
Witness Testimony Affidavit
You’ll need at least two witnesses who can attest to your identity, your birthplace, your current address, and preferably your family affiliation.
Paperwork – Best Practices
Before you pick up a pen and waste any time, you should have gotten familiar with what the topic is about, the reasoning behind what you are about to undertake (rationale & correctness+). Work down this list for as far as it takes you to conclude: “I need to start my paperwork” OR “I’m not… Continue reading Paperwork – Best Practices
FOIA Format and Requirements
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) effort to gather regulation and requirements into one area, arrange it into a logical order and offer you a more simple and organized number of steps to check-off and get your FOIA request done.
The Bill of Rights and other Amendments
The Bill of Rights (and other amendments) to the Constitution for the United States of America (preamble), is copied verbatim from the Library of Congress .pdf (1787) with links to related definitions, contrasting concepts, discussions, historical reference, and observations.
1787 Constitution
The Constitution for the United States of America (preamble), is copied verbatim from the Library of Congress .pdf (1787) with links to related definitions, contrasting concepts, discussions, historical reference, and observations.
Protected: Revocation of Election
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The glaring oversight of “due process” by which the civil body politic assemblies of the people repeat similar errors, trespass, and damage; correction for which they were organized to respond.
ATTN: Arizona Assembly
A public declaration of errors, trespass, and mischaracterization; the real story of one wronged by those trusted to lead the Arizona Assembly.
Protected: Brandon Joe Williams
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Protected: Give Yourself Credit Notes
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Protected: PATHS2FRDM Resources:
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Protected: The Treasury Direct Account
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Protected: Executive Order 6102
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Protected: HJR 192 Project
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Cornerstone Definitions
A dynamic list of terms often used in “semantic deceit”, common terms for which legal liability lies in wait for the unwary.
A “Declaration of Status…”
As inheritor of the “grantor position” with the constitution for our state or states, a civil body politic can be placed at risk when a feeble expression of status is used with the de facto.
Holding the “IRS” Accountable
The IRS may notice you, but are they noticing “you”, and are you truly liable to their demands?
Published Credentials
Sample pages of suggested formats for public facing and private password protected access to lawful status declarations.
Protected: Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption
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Wisdom of the Ancients
Thoughts and admonition of five different writers from ancient days reviewing the corruption of our current social, cultural, and governing constructs.
Assembly Coordinator
The position of State Coordinator and County Chair is not one of hierarchy, but of service to their fellow Assembly Members; surprisingly, the coordinator’s post is temporary.
A Reply to the IRS
Addressed through the mail by an unknown entity of unknown authority with no response to a challenge to “produce proof of their assertions”, we go on offense as defense.