The information found here is research suggested by “Banking Corrections”, section 48 of the Jural Assembly Handbook (JAH) by: Anna von Reitz. The recommendation is to work with banking and credit union organizations that are chartered by the state rather than chartered Federally as the connections to central banking and federal rules and restrictions are necessarily different and can offer the account holder broader freedoms, protections, and rights.
Resources: #804, 2193, Jural Assembly Handbook, 31 CFR 1020.220,
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“The State Chartered Credit Unions are held under the charter of The United States of America (Unincorporated). They are specifically designed to serve living people and unincorporated businesses.” (AVR #804)
Investopedia (introduction):
“What’s the difference between state and federally chartered…?
Browser search string:
[your state] state chartered credit unions (or banks)
“Arizona state chartered credit unions”
Yields (resources link to “locations” information):
- Arizona State Credit Union
- Copper State
- Desert Financial
- Arizona Central
- Grand Canyon State
links to
The Jural Assembly Handbook (JAH), section 48 (pdf download)
JAH#48 in Text-to-Speech format: [LISTEN]
The State Chartered Credit Unions are Ours (#804 pdf)
Other resources:
enter to search:
- Credit Union Type: [Federally Insured State Credit Union]
- State: [your state]
- Net search (41) results in Arizona
NASCUS – National Voice of the State Credit Union System at
Other Courses of Action:
- “We… suggest that people who have accounts in Federal banks and credit unions provide the bank CEO’s with a Registered Letter, Return Receipt Requested, specifically instructing that all funds being deposited in and transferred out of such accounts held in our NAMES be “denominated” as “lawful funds”. (JAH, Section 48)
- Title 12, Section 411 includes “…They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any Federal Reserve bank.”
- All [banking instruments] are being bonded, subject to bailment — and unless you specify otherwise using your signature correctly, you leave the federal agents free to presume whatever they like and whatever profits them”… using you as a Subject BAILOR; or, if you learn how, use them as a “Gratuitous Bailee” (JAH, Section 48, paraphrased)
- Choose to denominate your deposits in “lawful money” as United States Notes.
- they are required to “denominate” the digits held in their accounts “as” United States Notes, if and when Depositors require this.
- Endorse bank instruments properly; order a stamp that specifies:
- Autograph as “by: (blank for your signature) (c)” followed by copyright mark
- line 2 disclaimer: “All Rights Reserved
- line 3 declaration: “without prejudice: UCC 1-308“
- line 3 declaration: “Redeemed – 12 USC 411 – in lawful money“
Social Security Numbers:
While it was at one time optional to supply a SSN for your bank account, the feds seem to have again “changed the rules to suit their agenda”; what a shocker. What used to be an option to not supply a SSN to open banking services under 31 USC §103.34 with a notation or affidavit by the bank attached to the account, this seems to have been over-ridden by the anti-money-laundering regulations that have infected the entire financial industry. The caveat, however, might be the “U.S. Person” entity.
Of course, this is instituted to “fight terrorism” while the true terrorist seem to be the people making up rules for the rest of us with no recourse making it difficult if not impossible to do business if we don’t “dance to their tune”.
The new rules in 31 CFR 1020.220 Customer Identification Program (CIP) for banks, in section (a)(2)(i) Customer information required – (A)(4) Identification number , which shall be: (i) For a U.S. person, a taxpayer identification number…
An argument might be made to the effect that a State National is literally “foreign to the United States (a corporation operating from the District of Columbia)”
In section (a)(ii)(A) Verification through documents. “For a bank relying on documents, the CIP must contain procedures that set forth the documents that the bank will use. These documents may include:”
(1) “For an individual, unexpired government-issued identification evidencing nationality or residence and bearing a photograph or similar safeguard, such as a driver’s license or passport…”
So, to wrap that into a request in prose to copy and paste: “As a State National, a status per 8 USC §1101(a)(21) foreign to the United States and not a “U.S. Person” or citizen, I wish to avoid a Social Security number as identification. Rather than be associated with such federal area, the 31 CFR 1020.220 Customer Identification Program for banks provides that identification can be confirmed as provided in section (a)(ii)(A) Verification through documents… a bank relying on documents… may include (1) …[a] passport.”
Added Value:
You might consider the above while you search for a state credit union with which you’d like to do business. Or, consider not holding large sums of “currency” in the banking systems at all which might take the shape of holding value in other forms, or managing accounts both in the federal banking and state credit union systems. Use one for their highly developed payment processing services and the other to hold your liquid assets.
If you are trying to manage large sums of liquid assets which are not already diversified into real property and cash flow assets, you can consider other types of accounts that not only safeguard your assets, but separate them from both Wall Street and government influence, remain highly liquid, as well as leveraged in value and even able to pass to your US Citizen beneficiaries without needing to proceed through the IRS accounting system or probate courts. That’s one of my activities in the financial services business. You can learn about those options on my website.
In any event, do some research and formulate a plan.