The way that the defacto (false, without fact) government operated by corporate entities continues to pull you into their jurisdiction is by assigning “Federal Areas” and then shoveling them full of fraud and misrepresentation… which you will step in if not both mindful and careful and then attempt to scrape from your shoes upon the nearest curb or grass patch. One of those very common traps is having you sign “for some thing” rather than sign “by some one“. This is just one difference between a cursive signature and a hand-printed autograph.

* * Last updated 240415 * *
Mindful and careful involves knowing where the Federal Area traps are laid and knowing how to lawfully side-step them. “Yes you are responsible and accountable because you accessed our area and didn’t correct us or even object!” If you aren’t aware, they will play that card in their game. Many call these “adhesion contracts”, or unilateral agreements (in one direction), therefore not a contract at all, but they can hold you to it in their unjust court system. Just as troublesome as a pile of dog-poo, but without the obvious pile and offensive smell as warning.
Status: Open for Discussion – Seeking confirmation or clarifying information bearing cited resources. In search of important points on the differences, where each should be used, for what purpose, and the information and protections they convey.
References: AVR# 518, 2193, Jural Assembly Handbook, David Straight Seminar, Utah Day 1, 2, & 3 (Norris),
The Boxing Rule: establishing four corners removes the boxed area from consideration in the contract. Boxing your notary documentation area. Bracketing the zip code on addresses as [64852]. Adding the precursory “PCE:” for postal code extension or /tdc for “threat, duress, and coercion” further asserts your reservation of rights. EX: [PCE: 64852] and [64852 / tdc]
Signature or Autograph?
Jurisdiction: diction being the language you are using, and juris being “right law”. So the jurisdiction you are currently managing depends upon “using the correct language” and, as we will discuss below, indicating the correct jurisdiction by how and where you apply your name, autograph, and/or signature. Each are valid; it’s knowing when and where to use them that is significant. Which to use and when to use them depends upon the vessel you are managing, and the jurisdiction in which you are acting.
cursive italic signature – an “authorization”, signing FOR your vessel.

A note on Signatures: I caught a David Straight explanation of Signatures vs. Autographs recently that made more sense than anything I had heard previously: You use a signature when you are signing for your entity, the corporate fiction, your strawman; as on a bank draft or check as an “authorized signature”. You use an autograph when you are authorizing the document or action for yourself, a man or woman, OR in connection with your Tradename, as capitalized, “John Quincy Public”.
Your Vessels:
“JOHN QUINCY PUBLIC”; FIRST, MIDDLE, and LAST name, printed as ALL CAPS is used to represent your person, as citizen and resident; a fictitious entity and corporate franchisee owned and operated (or previously so) by corporate government agencies. All persons are equal under the law because all “persons” are dead entities. You collect, assume ownership, and effectively “retire” this entity from “Federal Service” except for those uses for which you approve and for which your consent has been secured (in writing). Signing for your vessel, the signature should be placed aligned to the left of the page.
“John Quincy Public”; Your First, Middle, and Last name, printed and capitalized in BLUE ink is your “Tradename”, a lawful corporate “person” as opposed to a “legal entity” and corporate fiction. You use this when you are interacting in trade or with fictitious entities and corporate actors in “commerce”, the sea jurisdiction, or with Admiralty Law. For this purpose and application you would use a capitalized autograph “for: John Quincy Public“; including the by-line “by: john quincy public” (that’s my interpretation; see example). This represents your official express authority on paper, in contracts; in commerce. You might also express your “title”, the hat you are currently wearing for the correspondence or directive, such as “beneficiary”, or “executor”. If you don’t specify a title, they are almost certainly going to assign you one that benefits them rather than you. Signing for your official capacity in commerce, the signature should be placed aligned to the left of the page when communicating with incorporate entities and functions.

Updates to example due: [1] add after “All Rights Reserved”, “ref: UCC 1-308”, the similar claim, in their own rules. Also, [2] I’ve subbed “Free American” for “Sovereign American” in response to so much “bad press”.
For such full authorization, use the elements that you have available and that you can explain. If you can’t explain the “1862 Stamp Act“, don’t entangle yourself with any associated liability. If you don’t have a desk stamp, don’t worry about using one. However, look to having on hand a pen in BLUE, RED, and also, but rarely, PURPLE; and use the proper tool for the job at hand, and jurisdiction you are addressing.
“john quincy public”; Your first, middle, and last name printed with no capitalization is your “good name”, your Christian name, and that name which was given to you by your parents. This is usually autographed on official documents in red (blood, a living soul), along with your thumbprint seal. This represents you, the living soul God created on Earth in temporal form looking out from the vessel, the clay, the creation.

“John Quincy Public”; as your Tradename used in official express authority on paper in reference to your Trusts and Estate should be done in purple, signed in the center of the page or column.
Example 1: If I should write a “Notice of Claim” to a government organization as a corporation because their letter or claim has not identified a claimant, a litigant, or anyone who can stand to back up whatever presumption or assumption they are presenting, then I would respond and address them as my corporate presence in International Trade; “John Quincy Public”. You’d do so until you find the one man or woman, “Mr. or Mrs. Right” with whom the charade and hearsay started.
Example 2: If the perpetrator is ignorant or arrogant enough to put their name on the communication, or better yet sign it, you can press your cease and desist requirements, civil penalties, and criminal charges to focus on the one man or woman at the source of these commonly unfounded, indefensible, backed by no evidence claims. Herein you would sign your document as an autograph, with your given name; “by: john quincy adams”.
Is Your Authority Left, Right, or Center?
The area of the page where you sign establishes the jurisdiction for the document.
David Straight Seminar, Utah Day 1 1:50:29 (Norris),
Left side of page
A signatory, officer for the vessel, makes signature
signs in blue with black document text.
Adding a thumbprint seal in RED is appropriate with specification of “for:” the entity “by:” the man or woman.
Water Jurisdiction
cursive (?)
by: Cap’d Trade Name
Center of page
Trustee or executor with fiduciary responsibility
signs in purple
Air Jurisdiction
cursive (?)
by: Cap’d Trade Name
Right side of page
A man or woman signs autograph as a living being
signs in red
thumbprint touches the autograph

Land Jurisdiction
given or good name
printed autograph
lower case
thumbprint+ (red)
+It’s been suggested to me that the color of the seal is immaterial, only that the seal is unique to you and your purpose… three jurisdictions, three uniquely individual seals. [reference citing needed] I would suggest that matching the color to the jurisdiction of the seal, red, blue, or purple might be the optimal choice.

For Negotiable Instruments
Banks as Members of the Federal Reserve System have us using currency backed by nothing rather than a fully backed currency, partially backed currency, or better yet “real money” that hold inherent value. Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) are “Legal Tender for all debts public and private”. Legal, meaning “against God’s law” and tender, which is to postpone the obligation or payment “to a time in the future”.
So rather than settling debt by discharging them in trading value for value agreed to by both parties, you get a receipt for value, a debt instrument, to exchange for value later. The true exchange value of the Federal Reserve note has been sliding downward for decades. The Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements, the World Bank, and their “chums” who get to use the FRNs first net the value that is higher at issue than when you finally get to spend them after a greater amount of currency (inflation of the money supply) has driven their purchasing power down (and therefore “prices” up).
Rather than be corralled into the Federal currency area because there is no other choice for lawful money, you can sidestep this particular dog-pile by indicating for your deposits and bank drafts that you:
- UCC 1-308: reserve all your rights
- 12 USC §411: choose to manage your accounts in “lawful money”
- (size measurement for reference only)

You do so by referencing portions of the Uniform Commercial Code that specify (by their own rules) that you have elected to act in honor, rather than to putz about with something smelly stuck to your shoe, as they have been for decades.
I inquired with my credit union about changing the signature cards on my three accounts; personal checking, personal savings, and business checking only to be informed, “we aren’t using signature cards”. I let the customer service rep to whom I was speaking know I would issue them a written directive for each of the three accounts. To make it easier for them to comply, and harder for them to make excuses, issue a directive in writing for EACH of your accounts: “this one goes there, this one goes there… etc.”. Once you write the first one, simply change the account details; you can even mail them in the same envelope, certified so you can track it, of course.
Moving from the currently federal chartered rather than state chartered institution is on my list of “things to do”, but it isn’t a high priority at present. It takes time to move accounts and reset all the items connected to moving your money among creditors and debtors. Therefore, drafting the written directive to run the accounts in lawful money is a quicker indication of my “intent” to run my business affairs outside of their unlawful and deceitful games.
When used in conjunction with one’s signature, a stamp stating “All Rights Reserved”, “Without Prejudice”, and/or “ref: UCC 1-308” is sufficient to indicate to the magistrate of any of our present Legislative Tribunals (called “courts”) that the signer of the document has thoughtfully reserved his Common Law right. He is not to be bound to the statute, or commercial obligation, of any commercial agreement that he did not enter knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally, as would be the case in any Common Law contract.
“Furthermore, pursuant to UCC 1-103, the statute, being enforced as a commercial obligation of a commercial agreement, must now be construed in harmony with the old Common Law of America, where the tribunal/court must rule that the statute does not apply to the individual who is wise enough and informed enough to exercise the remedy provided in this new system of law. He retains his former status in the Republic and fully enjoys his unalienable rights, guaranteed to him by the Constitution of the Republic, while those about him “curse the darkness” of Commercial Law government, lacking the truth needed to free themselves from a slave status under the Federal United States, even while inhabiting territory foreign to its territorial venue.” [AVR# 518]
Nullification of Incorrect Law and Policy:
It is the responsibility of the Creator of the law, which is man who creates government which in turn creates law and policy. Change is made through petite juries who review application of law and can nullify based on case application, and individuals who have 72 hours to rescind and correct a presumption or assumption upon their property. See: 15 USC §1635: Right of rescission…, further: UCC §2-209, and UCC §2-720
Government operates by the consent of the governed: So you are lead down a PATH, railroaded to a pre-determined outcome of fines, taxes, or imprisonment whose costs are paid from your trust which they don’t bother to tell you belongs to you.
- Presume you a citizen, person, or resident; chattel property, a dead entity
- Assume you are aware of your authority and power;
- never bothering to educate or inform you
- government run and operated schools maintain ignorance
- Tacit agreement by which they assume authority
- ignorance of one’s power to object and correct
- Hearsay used to convict, imprison, fine, or tax;
- based on corporate by-laws that don’t apply to “man”
- addressed to a corporate fiction
- a fiction for whom “man” continues to claim responsibility
:David-Wynn :Miller @ 49:20
autograph – from the author or authority (AU = gold)
signature: to write in cursive – curse: to do evil on others
to write on an angle – italicize: is to remove from the paper (no contract)
12 U.S. Code § 411 – Issuance to reserve banks; nature of obligation; redemption
Federal reserve notes, to be issued at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the purpose of making advances to Federal reserve banks through the Federal reserve agents as hereinafter set forth and for no other purpose, are authorized. The said notes shall be obligations of the United States and shall be receivable by all national and member banks and Federal reserve banks and for all taxes, customs, and other public dues. They shall be redeemed in lawful money on demand at the Treasury Department of the United States, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, or at any Federal Reserve bank.
Notes & Comments:
Jural Assembly Handbook – AVR
Thank you for coalescing this information, it’s very helpful. However, I noticed that when speaking about your “John Quinciy Public” vessel, you mentioned signing on the right side of the page. But later when you are summarizing, you mention signing on the left side of the page for this vessel (water jurisdiction). Can you clarify?
Remember, this website is effectively “my online notebook” that I decided to share, AND with which I invite other thoughtful and willing researchers and writers to participate. Some miss that… More eyes on the project make for a better project, so a sincere “Thank you!” for your comment and observation.
The left side of the page is for your “vessel” for which you are authorizing what you have stated in your letter or document, usually by cursive signature.
The right side of the page is where you autograph as either your given name (yourself) or your Tradename (corporate) where you interact with corporate functions as with initiating or responding to contractual agreements.
To further discriminate I’d need specification on what two points seem to contradict one another.
Bear in mind the factors do get a little confusing since you have versions of your good name in reference to the capacity in which you sign, as well as positions on the page that deal with the function of how you are signing, AND color in which you sign, and these are also influenced by who or “what” you are addressing.
Neither do I have all the answers… but I’ve collected here what I’ve found thus far. Do keep an eye out for just these issues and together eventually we’ll figure it out and have a reference that we know we can refer to and refer others to with confidence.
Thanks again for your feedback,