The post of State Assembly Coordinator, the requirements, responsibilities, and affiliation of this post to organize “the people’s assembly” at the state level. Every resource referenced and listed below thus far is sourced from Anna von Reitz’ website.
While Anna’s lawful mind and experience thus far is a good starting point, at both the state and county level, these are “the people’s assemblies”, and despite good ideas and suggestions for their goals and procedure, it is up to the people to decide and establish how they will proceed as a self-governing body within the confines of the original design of our American government. That’s a pretty wide avenue…
image: jonathan-francisca on Unsplash
“…a mighty educational process is necessary, even about comparatively simple things, such as the role of the Federation as the Summoning Authority, the role of the Coordinators who act as Federation Officers… the structure of the State Assemblies and the functions of the State Assemblies…” Anna von Reitz per RCT post #3232 (hence our efforts here)
This page is offered as a starting point for such discussion, and is open to State National participation1 as a place for ideas, testing, observation, and testimony for “how it worked in practice”.
Resources: The Coordinator’s Handbook [TCH]; Orientation of Assemblies (OA); Status of Coordinators (SC); Facts About Coordinators (FAC); Organizational Goals for State Assemblies (OGSA); So You Want Enforcement? (SYWE); Protecting You from Yourself (PYFY); For All State Coordinators; [SEARCH TERM: “coordinators”]
Related to Topic: The Federation; The Summoning Authority; The Assembly Process; Meltdown in Michigan; Cleaning Up Michigan; Notice to Texas Assembly; The Picture for Texas; More Clarity for Texas; Texas in General; No, Nancy…; Removal of Coordinator in Texas (RCT); Removal of Hawaii Coordinator; Trouble in Utah; Clarifications; Clarifications 2; The Seriousness of the Hour;
NOTE: It’s no small project here to review, collect, and arrange all that Anna has pulled from the recesses of her experience and reasoning to compile a brief description of the tasks asked of our state coordinators and their scope of authority; if any authority exists with such position in an assembly of the people. There are more on the site that I passed by, the twenty-six I combed through, seeming the most information dense on casual review, and combing through them to arrive at the initial synopsis you see below.
If you’re looking at the glut of reading thinking you don’t have time for that, [1] you are welcome to go back and embrace slavery 3.0 in full swing of implementation, or [2] begin chipping away at it, inviting others of like mind and sober reasoning to contribute so that the entirety of the exercise isn’t resting upon the shoulders of one or two people. You’re “free”, remember? Pick one… We still have other Assembly positions to review; and as we have seen over the past 160 years, such “offices” aren’t going to oversee themselves.
A Search for Topics:
State Coordinators are “State National volunteers employed by The United States of America to organize and expedite the State Assembly Process.” [TCH, pg3, (1)(c)]
Coordinators are unpaid volunteers who answer to the federation of states. [AVR #2873 The Summoning Authority, pg 2, p12]
Comments & Questions:
These are “in-state volunteers”… “native to their State” [FAC, pg 1 p3]
Placed and assigned by “the united States of America” (unInc.), these are agents of the federation.
Q: Is acting as “coordinator”, a federation officer, and “assembly member” within the same action, assembly, or committee appropriate? “…anything with two heads is a freak…” I contend that guidance, education, and training which influences the entire Assembly membership, and ability to cast a vote is greater than average influence.
Coordinator Purpose:
“…until the Assembly is fully functional and on its own, the Coordinator is in charge of making sure that the Assembly members are properly declared and recorded as Americans, and that the four functions (pillars) that are common to all American Assemblies are up and going.”
“Once the Assembly is organized and fully functional with these basics in place, the Coordinator’s position sunsets.”
[OA, pg1, p3]
“…to bring your Assembly into Session and build it into a competent, confident, educated, and properly organized “public body politic…”
[OGSA, pg2, point 7]
Coordinators guide the Assembly to “build your Assembly structure correctly” offering “direct contact with the Federation when you need answers to questions and support”
[FAC pg 1, p4]
“…paperwork is a necessary part of establishing and qualifying the membership of the Assembly and ensuring the Assembly has lawful standing to act.”
[FAC, pg 2, p4]
Comments & Questions:
Assembly’s “four pillars”
- General Assembly
- International Business Assembly
- Jural Assembly
- Assembly Militia
So, once the assembly is fully functioning, an assembly meeting of any of the four pillars might be lead, as with a committee, by a “chairman” or spokesperson, by any member accepted by the body politic in order to do so.
The coordinator’s position being “retired” to such point where the assembly is not fully functioning and may need such help to return it to function.
The Summoning Authority article also lists some specifics on how the Coordinator serves the Assembly and the Federation.
“…Coordinators, both State and County, work for the Federation. They are not elected State or County officials, nor are they appointed by the State Assembly. Their role is to assist and oversee the assembling process and serve as liaisons between the Federation and their Assembly during this organizational process.”
[SC, pg 1, p1-2]
“… Coordinators need to learn the “Bottom Up” structure and spirit of our actual government of, for, and by the people of this country. It is exactly opposite to the “Top Down” structure and spirit of both the Federal Government and the corporations that many of us have worked for.”
[TCH, pg 3, p4]
Comments & Questions:
I find the fact that coordinators are NOT elected by Assembly Members with whom they are working directly rather alarming. Frankly, I’d like to hear the rationale behind this one.
UPDATE: The rationale: Coordinators are assigned when the state often has few or no members, therefore, there may be no body politic to “vote them in”… however, Anna claims that the federation will entertain suggestions or recommendations for the post.
I learned recently that county chair posts are also “assigned” federation agents, and for the same reasons… low or non-existent membership at the start.
Whether coordinators state or local continue to serve is up to the Federation who can hire and fire these at will.
Editor’s note: An alarming development as of July of 2023 has illustrated to me in light of “accountability”, that there is none associated with the coordinator’s post from the federation. I documented errors with committee members, presented such to the state coordinator which refused to hear me (highly doubt he even read through the matter presented), then sought federation oversight, only to be told to get over my “personality conflicts” and that the federation office I was corresponding with didn’t have time to deal with such issues. I could speculate how that happens, but I won’t bother here.
So, do I still believe in the assembly as a valid structure? I certainly do. I can reason no other organization which has inherited the “grantor position” to the contract with the “STATE OF STATE” government service providers, and that position is powerful to cure the many ills which we face. I’ve lost nearly all trust and faith in the people occupying the posts of responsibility until we the people get to elect them… then we’ll reevaluate.
“Anyone who is eligible to be recognized as an American State National2 is eligible to serve as a Coordinator…”
[FAC, pg1, p1]
A “Vetting Committee for Coordinators” is organized at the Federation level, with a chairperson whose task is to “fill coordinator positions” and get assemblies running.
[FAC pg 1, p5]
New coordinators “are to receive instruction including this handbook”
[TCH, pg3, (3)]
Comments & Questions:
What are the requirements of being vetted?
What paperwork is involved?
What does instruction consist of beyond what is compiled in the “Coordinator’s Handbook”?
Structure [TCH 2]
There may be more than one State Coordinator, especially in larger states. The several coordinators work as a team with one elected of the group to function as Lead Coordinator.
The Lead Coordinator (or sole coordinator) of each state is responsible to correspond directly with the National Coordinator and The United States of America.
[TCH, pg3, [2]]
Comments & Questions:
Who elects the Lead, the several members of the group of coordinators; as a committee might nominate and elect a committee chair?
The Federation apparently has a “National Coordinator”, what is this office responsible for?
Again, is this the “The United States of America”, or the united States of America”? and is the error one of punctuation?
Bottom-up [TCH 4]:
The Assemblies proceed “of, for, and by the people” in a “bottom up structure”.
Structures of “hierarchy and compartmentalization” are to be actively resisted.
“Ideally, everyone in every assembly will know all the jobs and functions… ready to fill vacancies…”
The goal of those assembled should be a community focused on “mutual long-term security and benefits”.
[TCH, pg3, (4)]
Comments & Questions:
Despite organizational duties or “job titles”, authority rests with the combined will of the people, and not in the seat of the coordinator or any other post; or, at least it’s supposed to… If “bottom-up” is expected to be “upside-down”, we’re all over that more often than not… here’s why:
I find is that people are still programmed to “respect authority” and the “titles” that go with it… and they still expect to be told what to do; just like at the job most still have. That’s just not why “your voice” and perspective are important. Assembly members need to be alert, cognizant of present discussion (plugged in), and vocal when they think something’s amiss. Silence in the face of tyranny is how we got 160 years of de facto abuse and extortion! That said, business owners I know show up with a wholly different expectation.
“Ideally…”, this valuable operational preparation requires that procedures and responsibilities for particular assignments be posted for ready access when they are needed, or when a member is preparing to assume the responsibilities of any post. Hence the motivation for THIS work.
Other Responsibilities:
State Coordinators must “know the verbiage, to know the various political statuses in play, and to develop the ability to recognize them…”
[TCH, ch 3, pg8]
State Coordinators must have a working knowledge of “jurisdictional authority”, by which the “complex and counter-balanced system of government” functions and how this affects the members and their activities.
[TCH, Ch4, pg 10]
“…to know what the Federation is and what the Federation does…”
“…also what our Continental Marshals do and [what] jurisdiction they work in…”
[SYWE, pg2, p3]
To facilitate the understanding and education among the Assembly Membership “to enforce the Constitutions and enforce the Public Law”.
[SYWE, pg2, p7]
To become familiar with the programs and actions which are often used to undermine the authority and sovereignty of the people, and also familiar with strategies on how to resist them, or where to find such information when needed.
[PYFY, all of it]
Comments & Questions:
From this stance, the Coordinator must assume some level of role as “educator” or oversee that such education of membership takes place.
Other items in TCH:
There are topics related to the Coordinator’s activities including oversight of the General Assembly procedures which are only mentioned here. Refer to the Handbook for specifics on these items:
- Qualifications for Assembly Membership
- Overseeing meeting procedure
- Assembly function over “four pillars”
- General Assembly
- International Business Assembly
- Jural Assembly
- Assembly Militia
- Familiarity with Status:
- American State Nationals
- American State Citizens
- U.S. Citizens (T)
- Citizens of the United States (M)
- United States Citizens (FR)
Comments & Questions:
The Coordinator’s Handbook (TCH) reviews in more detail the processes the coordinator is to ensure proceed in order.
(T) Territorial affiliation
(M) Municipal affiliation
(FR) Federal Republic affiliation
Federal Republic citizens established by an “act of Congress” dated April 14, 1802, 2 Statute-at-Large 153, Chapter 28, Subsection 1… describes the means by which one becomes a “federal citizen” specifying “and not otherwise”.
1 Participation on the We the People, UnInc. website as a contributor involves a account, at, then request an invite to We the People, UnInc., invitation to your chosen email address, then see SIGN-UP upper right on your WordPress accouont for lists of sites you may access.
General Assembly Related [post other]
2 State National Qualification
[0] “Anyone who qualifies by birthright or legal naturalization process”
[1] permanent domicile on the state
[2] records declarations of “political status as State National or State Citizen must be included in the State Assembly”.
[TCH, pg3, (5)(A)]
Comments & Questions:
“legal” meaning through the State Department of the “United States” immigration process?
[2] restricting access solely to those completing the “928 series” of declaration documents does not seem consistent with this guideline
Assembly Operation
“Each State Assembly consists of one (1) Body Politic composed of all declared State Nationals and State Citizens living within the boundaries of each State.”
[TCH, pg3, (5)]
The “perfectly obvious” which our Assemblies should be focused on, as each Assembly is able to function.
[OGSA, all of it]
Comments & Questions:
“All declared State Nationals…” An interesting statement considering the seeming policy of refuting other forms of “declaration” which are not specifically the “928 series” of documents. It might be worth considering what targets such documents are expected to hit and value other methods by their effectiveness rather than by their “tribal affiliation”; an inclusive rather than exclusive approach.
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