These documents “rebut and return the allegation of Territorial United States Citizenship… [which] is as simple as saying that your allegiance is to the soil of your native birth state, say, Louisiana, and that you act only as a private American state trading vessel and birthright member of the unincorporated private trade association doing business as The United States of America.” AVR 560 pg4 pp1-2 [emphasis added]
Please visit our sponsors and merch sites on the [RECOMENDATIONS] page.
There are (3) versions of this document, one for each format of names (incorporated “persons”) that to date are used to defraud you by managing assets under these entities without your knowledge and without compensating you. The entities appear as: JOHN MARK DOE (name in all caps), JOHN M. DOE (all caps, middle initial), and JOHN DOE (all caps, middle name omitted). Be careful to work with the formats as indicated on each form. NOTE: The ALL CAPS version of the form is the only one referenced to step-by-step instructions below.
“…an eligible Juror who qualifies as a birthright American… must confirm his agreement to formally expatriate from British Territorial Citizenship and also from any Municipal United States Citizenship conferred upon him or her, and sign a Witnessed Act of Expatriation formally claiming their Nationality from their State of Origin or to their Inherited State of Origin (in the case of those claiming via parents and grandparents). This will be one of the States in existence prior to 1860 and may or may not be the same State as the State where the Jural Assembly is taking place—or as we shall see, even different from the “State” where they were actually born.”
“The Western States that did not join the Union until after the Civil War are in an odd status, as they have been guaranteed all the rights and interests of the older States, but have not been formally enrolled as States. This is another Swindle that has been attempted by the perpetrators in Washington, DC, and unfortunately, it cannot be corrected until a Continental Congress addresses the situation and approves their formal enrollment. This situation means that people born in these Western States are born as de facto Territorial Citizens and must take recourse to establish their Nationality via their parents and grandparents.”
“This is where the saying “Grandfathered in” comes from, though it is often applied to things other than the National Trust.” AVR#1506
Notes & Comments:
AVR#1506 pg1 p7
Jurors must meet specific qualifications; expatriation to the state of birth is one such qualification.
A “juror” in assembly exercises judgement similar to how congress and senate operate in the municipal jurisdiction.
AVR#1506 pg2 p4-6
“A Juror is a temporary State Citizen for the duration of their Jury Duty, and as such, must qualify as an Elector of that State as well as a State National under our established system of government.” #1506 pg1 p1
A Little History and Context
What are you distancing your living soul and “persons” from?
Those that have constructed such fraud that we need to distance ourselves from it to truly be free, are what’s referred to as “The Four Pillars“, which connect ultimately back to an ancient organization called the Illuminati (David Straight). In short:
- The Vatican – CNS, corp., municipal governments (?)
- Westminster – CNS, corp., imperial subject states (?)
- Manhattan Island – CNS, corp., owned by the UN (by treaty)
- District of Columbia – CNS, corp. (US federal government)
A more extensive description is available [HERE], if you have access.
You’re going to change the form information where indicated in red to your personal information. Once updated, LEAVE THE CHANGES IN RED to make it easier for your recorder to proofread and catch any mistakes. Save your changes; you might need to change the filename to do so. Note: on a desktop or a tablet, the reference image is next to the instructions. On a small screen like a phone the image FOLLOWS the instructions.
QUESTIONS: If you have questions that aren’t in the numbered guide notes with each page (example images), search the page (computer) using [Ctrl+F] to search text on the page for keywords. Enter search words (simple) in the field, tab up and down with arrows to search. That will include both the page text and the comment text and lead you to questions and answers posted by people who asked questions before you.
STILL CAN’T FIND ANSWERS, add your question by posting it in a new COMMENT at the bottom of this page. Please post one question per comment.
Page 1A
- your FIRST MIDDLE LAST name (all caps)
- again: your FIRST MIDDLE LAST name (all caps)
- your birth State (capitalized)
- (4) corrections in this area for gender, highlighted yellow.
- Correct for your name, Last, First Middle (capitalized, last name first)
- Enter your mailing address, Capitalized as shown, [zip inside brackets] Leave or delete “Postal Code Extension” text.

Page 1B
- change placeholder for your State (capitalized)
- Update for Date, Month, and Year you are signing the document
- DO NOT SIGN the document until in the presence of the Recorder
- enter your First Middle Last name (capitalized)
- update for State and County of Recorder (Recorder may update this)
- Enter State for your Assembly (Recorder may update this)
- Update for Date, Month, and Year you are signing the document

Page 2: “FIRST M. LAST” and Page 3: “FIRST LAST”
The instructions for pages 2 and 3 of the Act of Expatriation and Oath of Allegiance series should be nearly identical. Be certain to maintain the Name Formats unique to each page!

NOTE: Some forms will be signed in blue, others in red. Just to be prepared, you may wish to have a blue (living soul), a red (living soul), and black (dead entity) pen available.
Hello! I cannot find an answer to this question – when you say do one for each name, does that mean a married woman needs to do 6? Or do we only need to do for our birth name? Thank you so much.
That’s a great question for your state recording secretary, who probably answers that one several times a week. For this particular form, there are usually three versions, the “vessel” as ALL CAPS “JOHN QUINCY PUBLIC”, and several other entities established without your consent nor fully disclosed terms and conditions as “stylized titles” such as, “JOHN PUBLIC” and “JOHN Q. PUBLIC”; established as “transmitting utilities”… the means by which they route value and “money” which is associated with versions of your name to accounts that they utilize for their own purposes.
The declaration “CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME and NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF RESERVED NAME” is the declaration that usually covers all other versions of your name that you have ever used, including Nom de plume (pen name) or alter egos which you wish to continue control over as “private property”.
LINK: https://wtpuninc.wordpress.com/2021/02/22/assumed-name-copyright-tradename/
Once you find out… add your knowledge in comment to this page so that a search by the next inquisitive married woman knows what you found! ;-D