
There’s so much more below the surface.

We the People, UnInc.

is a volunteer group of americans concerned with why our country doesn’t seem like the “home of the free and land of the brave” like it once did. There are real concrete reasons for that supposition and uneasy feeling. And “no”, I didn’t misspell “americans” by omitting the capital. I’m referring to a territory and it’s people, not a corporate construct and it’s legal jurisdiction. One day soon I hope you’ll understand why those two things are so different.

We fully intend not just to restore freedom and liberty to our nation and people, but to magnify and multiply it as this Earth has never before seen!

We are not a replacement for the extensive work at annavonreitz.com, David Straight, nor theamericanstatesassembly.net; we rely on their content extensively. What we’ve done is “package” that content. Where do I draw my “right” to do this? David Straight mentions at his many workshops his efforts are to “teach the teachers”. Anna von Reitz suggests, “You can help by donating time, money, and skills to educate others and to document and prosecute claims.” [AVR# 67, pg3, pt12] I use my time and skills to provide an educational website and other resources; which I hope to keep “free of charge”. Due to a lack of support, “free of ads” has necessarily become an unworkable fantasy.

Those who are able, please consider supporting our efforts through patronage so that we can continue to focus our time and attention on helping others, some of whom may be less able to afford a subscription; thereby remaining a freely accessible resource. You’ll find those links on the [RECOMMENDATIONS] page.

We did the research before you did and made notes on where to find things. You are leafing through our collective online notebook, to which you are invited to contribute1. We hope to make your path through the weeds easier than was ours and hope that you contribute in the comments. Consider publishing your own posts when you find new and important topics. Just ask for an invite to the website and you can have your own profile! Together we can light the darkness so that those who follow aren’t left wondering:

  • What’s the problem?
  • Where’s the solution?
  • What does this document solve?
  • How do I fill this document out correctly?
  • What do I do next?

We hope that we answer those questions and save you the time, research, confusion, and aggravation we experienced because we didn’t know where to find answers. We once stood where you now stand, we likely started earlier than you did… We tried to find the answers for you before you even knew you needed them!

This is the mission:

1) educate – provide for an informed decision; subsequent solutions
2) correct status – guides for State National, American Sovereign status
3) clear entanglements – solutions for related issues (like taxes & property)
4) messaging – leading others to that path

How to get involved:

Find the information to get papered if you haven’t already finished that process. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, see the “Knowledge” page under the [Resources] tab on the site menu. That information will lead you to restore your status among a free people; the way the founders of “the United States of America” intended: a living soul occupying the land and soil of your birth. Naturalized Americans, or freedom-loving people that happen to be born in another country and decided to come to America, are welcome also!

Start your journey and come back and visit often. Keep an eye on the process and path we have documented on this site, give us feedback and share your wisdom you collect along your journey to restore your freedom. I know you’ll appreciate having a convenient place to find answers, and those that follow your tracks through the weeds will appreciate your shared experience and what you learned along the way!

One day soon, the path to this level of freedom will be easy. Won’t it be satisfying to know you helped clear the weeds and light the path? “…See you at the picnic!”

Find Us and Lend a Hand!

The more of us that are helping clear the weeds, the faster we recover and protect our freedom; and time is short! Follow us and participate on the social media platforms below, or visit our “RECOMMENDATIONS” page and support our efforts through free trade and generous patronage.

1 To access WTPUnInc, you’ll need a WordPress.com account:
visit: https://wordpress.com/login/ ; click [SIGN-UP] in the upper right corner.
Once logged in, WP lists the sites you can access (that’s “none” if you’re new to WP). Email us and request to be added to the site. Be certain to join our Telegram channel to discuss the projects we pursue.