A “Declaration of Status…”

The following is what a “Declaration of Status…” can look like with the empowerment it bestows and communicates when one who has a decent comprehension of the task at hand writes it. Our assembly, a civil body politic and inheritor of the “grantor position” with the constitution for our state or states, can be placed at risk when an insufficient or non-existent expression of status is plopped haphazardly before the de facto.

Confident, professional, with authority that’s “in your face”
(if you bothered to read the backing constitution)
Photo by Pamela Buenrostro on Unsplash

We should be pulling these “public servants” and government service contractors back into their granted scope of authority, to fit them back into “the box they were shipped in…” (BW), and any impotent and ineffective effort to express our “status” simply serves to pop our head out from cover where it can be shot off by those more adept and better tooled to undermine and encroach our rights than those ill-equipped and inexperienced in asserting such authority. Its the metaphorical equivalent of popping one’s head above the parapet in the WW1 trenches waiting for some sniper to shoot a hole through it.

Status, Standing, and Performance

Status answers the simplified question, “Who the heck are you people?” As a humorous metaphor… “I’m your father; I brought you into this world and I’ll take you out!”… that’s “status”.

Standing answers the question, “Why should I be paying any attention to what you have to say?” To continue with the humorous metaphor and some relief from the gravity of the matter at hand… “I put food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, provide the electricity to power the television as well as the video games I also bought for you, and when you’re ready to make up your own rules, let me know where you’ll be living, I’d like to send you a birthday card and let you know how much I still appreciate you…”; that’s “standing”.

Standing and performance directives accompany and are the reason for a declaration of status. With standing you state the “why” you are addressing their office, and with performance directives, you are listing the often extensive list of grievances, oversteps, trespass, and/or damage which you are requiring they “remedy”.

In terms of addressing our “government service contractors”, backing your presentation with quotes of the contract to which the recipient is held, further illustrating their responsibility to your directives and corrections by quoting the “ordinance, statute, and code” which embodies their job description, further illustrate for them how they “aren’t doing the job”… issuing the resulting “performance directives” to fix it becomes infinitely easier to express as well as enforce.

Performance directives are specification of what you are directing such officer or agency to do, why it’s their responsibility to comply, the terms of “compliance” with steps or goals to hit, deadlines, required correspondence or documentation, and the resulting consequences, such as violations of “law” (“laws” which are written for them more often than you) which can be applied to both the agency, the agent in their private capacity, along with civil fines as remedy for both trespass and damage.

It boils down to establishing Status, Standing, and issuing Performance Directives which you can back up with lawful enforcement. Hours after initial posting, I decided to add a few more examples. These are redacted screen shots of points from a defense against IRS encroachment with which I recently helped a friend. You can review more examples of this particular defense in the blog at “Holding the “IRS” Accountable“.

Note that the address is formal, with highly detailed specification, which serves to close many doors and windows by which the trespasser might ooze out of accountability. My point: “you can’t hold trespassers accountable for what you haven’t specified nor for what you haven’t referenced with valid citing as being within their circle of responsibility.”
Another point worthy of mention: the voice and address used is not “accusatory” in that the trespasser “violated the following statutes” and is hereby guilty. We can’t be judge, jury, and executioner… rather, it is specified (quite carefully) and highlighted that the following “…statutes and code which SEEM to apply”. We are responsible for the declaratory statements we make… therefore, be wary to communicate without declaration, or to only declare what you can prove backed by evidence.
In addition, when the assembly issues a “directive to perform” or as with the attached example, a recommendation to updated, edited, or specified statutory change, it might be included with a claim or other “performance directive”
Note that the policy change is a “recommendation” (at h, highlighted yellow)… a proper stance to one’s status and standing appealing to valid authority as a grand jury with “jury nullification” and the assembly as a civil body politic to undertake such discussion and recommendation under their very valid and potent authority to affect change in policy.

As it stands, this version is my own effort to assist those who don’t seem to gather the insufficiency of their current efforts, an effort and version which still need be reviewed and accepted by such assembly asserting the declaration prior to it being used. I post it here, a repository for my own work and discussion for other similar groups on other states as example, ideas, and work that can save others both time and effort. I believe there are concepts included that are worthy discussion, which I’ll include as the post matures. Enjoy… I hope you learn something in the process.

Declaration of Status in the form of an Affidavit

We, the [State] Assembly, a civil body politic, who are inheritors of the grantor position in contract with the STATE OF [STATE] (municipal) and/or State of [State] (territorial) as specified with “[State] State Constitution”, Article 2, §2 that “All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed…” do stand to establish such status in honor to peacefully manage our powers over policy (politics) in accordance with the contract known as the “[State] State Constitution”, hereafter “XxConst”, in cooperation with said government service contractors. Our civil body politic holds public assembly, maintains public records, hosts election to public office in pursuit of the people’s business, and holds the intention to cooperate with government service contractors in returning such public servants to their proper specified scope of authority with restoration of a republican form of government owed the people on [State] a territory specified in metes and bounds (Article 1, §1 Designation of boundaries) and nation-state among the fifty several states of the United States of America (unincorporated); rights reserved by the states and the people (Constitution for the United States of America, Amendments IX and X/[State] State Constitution, Article 2, §2).

We, members of the [State] Assembly, creations of God-Almighty, respect God’s laws first and foremost, and the laws of man when they are not in conflict (Leviticus 18:3-4).

We consent only to just delivery of the contracted services specified for which such “government service contractors” are retained, such public servants being subject to contractual limitations, a granted scope of authority which exists only to provide the people and their state faithful and honorable service, and in similar responsibility, prohibited to trespass and/or damage the people’s rights and/or private property.

“AzConst”, Article 2, §20: “The military shall be in strict subordination to the civil power”, therefore, subjecting the people to military tribunals conducted as courts in admiralty over commercial interests of the STATE/State for profit within territorial or municipal jurisdiction are antithetical to the Article III courts owed to the people as men and women on land and soil (Constitution for the United States of America, Amendment XI; foreign state or jurisdiction), each encroachment counted as trespass in every instance and action with remedy for damages in due course, as invoked with Ex Parte Milligan with notice to the “STATE OF [STATE]”, “State of [State]”, and “ITs” many corporate government service officers, July 17, 2023. (list proof of service USPS #’s)

“AzConst”, Article 2, §32: Constitutional provisions mandatory: “The provisions of this Constitution are mandatory, unless by express words they are declared [specified] to be otherwise.”

The Constitution for the United States of America, Amendment I: states, “…no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances…” shall be made. Therefore, we the people, the living inhabitants, men and women, on [State] assemble to address and oversee the business, security, and prosperity of the people and [State] which is our State and the state territory on which we make and keep our home.

Whereas the Bible, the Word of God, has made a unique contribution in shaping the United States of America as a nation and people, and whereas Biblical concepts of civil government are contained in our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for the United States of America, and “Whereas the Bible is “the rock on which our Republic rests”, we offer for your consideration and a foundation of our standing, the following quotes and passages in such grand reference to “government”.

Such seats established to look after the people, and by extension and contract among government service providers, governments “…are established to protect and maintain individual [mankind’s] rights” among men and women; the people. (“AzConst”, Article 2, §2) A point resounding over generations and millennia with Romans 13:1-2; “1Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.” Mankind is entrusted with the responsibility to take dominion over the earth, it’s land, air, and waters following principles of “LAW” to guide our management. (Genesis 1:28)

Such commission to look after the people’s business for present and future generations is a sacred honor with accompanying responsibility as reflected with Ezekiel 34:2-4; “2…Woe be to the shepherds [governors] of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks? 3 Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed: but ye feed not the flock. 4 The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost; but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them.” as well as Ezekiel 45:9, stating “Thus saith the Lord GOD; Let it suffice you, O princes [government officers] of Israel: remove violence and spoil, and execute judgment and justice, take away your exactions from my people, saith the Lord GOD.”

We therefore do not take lightly our service to the people, nor any service as government service providers to the people overseen and reviewed by this people’s assembly. We believe a willful and knowing neglect to such responsibility may have dire and significant consequence. Therefore:

  1. “we”, the people, men and women, living souls upon [state], a territory specified in metes and bounds, and [State] a Nation-State among the fifty confederate (cooperating) states of the United States of America (unincorporated), manifest as “[state] state” and “[State] State”, and stand to claim:
    1. we are the living inhabitants on [State] and inheritors of the grantor position to the constitution for our state, a service contract for those public servants directed to enact “the people’s business”. We hold an open invitation to our fellow inhabitants on [state] to assemble as [State].
    2. The men and women assembled, each a living soul, make their non-domestic1 home and domicile2 upon [state], a foreign State and jurisdiction to the “STATE OF [STATE]” contractor, a territory and member State of the fifty several States of the American States of the union, and claim such domicile as such land and soil is described in “meets and bounds”, with property, chattels, any contents therein or associated counted “private property”, trespass of which is subject to redress of grievance with trespass and/or damage in due course subject to remedy in equity and any associated criminal violations.
    3. we act as living inhabitants on land and soil, and are no “citizen, person, or resident” which are incorporate fictitious entities of “title, office, role, or post”, often of the “United States”3, a federal corporation under contract and responsible to the States [people’s government] and the state; the people.
    4. The men and women assembled, each a living soul, are no property nor “instrumentality” of any man, woman, or PERSONS4 doing business as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA5, THE STATE OF [STATE]6, any territorial jurisdiction (example7) bearing no territorial office, nor municipal jurisdiction (example8) neither member of the city, nor shall we, the living, answer to any other entity existing only as a corporate fiction.
    5. we are not any conscripted nor titled “resident”, “voter”, or “qualified elector”. With such titles government service contractors have diminished men, women, and people as “fellow employees” subjecting such by fraud, misrepresentation, and non-disclosure of material facts to corporate by-laws which are only established to govern employees of government service contractors and their corporate subdivisions. (qualified electors per ARS 16-121, “residents”, fellow employees, as “voters”)
  2. Each man and woman attending assembly has “re-conveyed” such given lawful name and Trade Name9 to the land and soil of their native state, together with all derivative names and all other variations, however styled, punctuated, spelled, ordered, or otherwise represented, in order to avoid and thwart further trespass and fraud with such titles, “vessels”, “transmitting utilities”, and/or “instrumentalities” as pertaining to such people and related estates, specified in testimony, declared, authorized in honor, undisputed, numbered, recorded, and entered to the public record.
    1. No other manifestation, combination, or mix of capital letters, or abbreviations of given names and Tradenames is recognized as valid, as these are likely established in fraud, with omissions of given name portions or abbreviations, are often “lawfully non-specific”, and are no lawful name as if associated with living men and women or their private business affairs.
  3. The men and women assembled, each a living soul, as original jurisdiction inhabitants, seek to end any relationship that can be presumed as “federal employment” or dependency, to sever and eliminate any and all subjection to governmental service corporations and corporate fictions doing business as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE STATE OF [STATE], any county territorial jurisdiction (example7), or municipal jurisdiction (example8) in order to waive all benefits and to end and remove all adhesion contracts and entanglements once such are known and the means to end made clear.
  4. The men and women assembled, each a living soul, with unlimited rights to contract or not to contract10, each bear no private or public obligation to contract with PERSONS doing business as any incorporate entities mentioned above, nor any other office, title, role, post or similar entity existing only as a corporate fiction. In assembly, we the people stand presently in the grantor position for the “[State] State Constitution”, and among forty-nine other confederate (cooperating) States as grantor to the Constitution for the United States of America.
  5. The men and women assembled, each a living soul, without prejudice, relinquish none of our God-given, un-a-lien-able rights to PERSONS doing business as any incorporate entities mentioned above, nor any other office, title, role, post, or similar entity existing only as a corporate fiction; similarly expressed with UCC 1-308.
  6. The men and women assembled, each a living soul, without claim of trespass or damage by a living man or woman attached to a valid warrant backed by authorized testimony and evidence, holding no territorial office nor municipal contract, each standing as a “non-resident alien”11, a foreign national12 to the “United States”, the “District of Columbia” and all it’s corporate subdivision contractors, bear no obligation to acknowledge, respond to, nor adhere to statute, ordinance, or code as “corporate by-laws” administered by PERSONS doing business as any incorporate government service corporations previously named, for territorial and municipal jurisdictions or any similar corporate fiction and entity which can achieve no parity with “man”.
  7. We, the people, men and women assembled, each a living soul upon [state], declare that any man or woman who, and/or PERSON which trespasses upon private property without the due process of law, will be held liable for remedy of trespass and damage subject to prosecution for crimes associated to the fullest extent of the law; holding ARS 13-1501: Criminal Trespass, as presently stated, insufficient where (2) “premesis” and (3) “entry” limits trespass to physical venue rather than encroachment upon all private property and the “un-a-lien-able” rights of the people to remain undisturbed in all their private affairs; inconsistent with (“AzConst”, Article 2, §8: Right to privacy).
  8. We, the people, men and women assembled, hereby notice and provide opportunity for any man, woman, or PERSON doing business as any incorporate government service corporations previously named, 21 days from the postmark date on this communication to rebut this testimony point for point.
  9. Failure to rebut the facts stated herein within 21 days from said postmark stands as proof of tacit agreement and acquiescence from any, man, woman, or PERSON doing business as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the “UNITED STATES”, the “DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA”, THE STATE OF [STATE], any county territorial jurisdiction, municipal jurisdiction, and/or any similar corporate fiction and entity which achieve no parity with “man”, that all herein be true.

Accepted, approved, and enacted a resolution by majority vote in assembly of the people this Xxst day of MONTH, in the year of our Lord 2023.

[ space for Authorizing Officer Autograph ]
for: John Quincy Private©, (office, lawful person)
by: john quincy private©, L.S. date:
Assembly State Chairman; on behalf of the [State] Assembly
a free and peaceful American
All Rights Reserved


1“domestic”: 26 USC §7701(a)(4): “…applied to a corporation or partnership means created or organized in the United States or under the law of the “United States” or of any State…” (corporate by-laws)

2“domicile”: That place in which a man has voluntarily fixed [his] habitation… not for a mere special or temporary purpose, but with the present intention of making a permanent home [Black’s Law, 2nd Ed.]

3“United States” per 28 USC §3002 (15) “United States” means (A) a Federal corporation; a corporate service contractor by means of constitution

4 PERSON; “office, title, role, or post” to represent any corporate fiction as “no living being and no soul” with no standing in any matter.

5 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to represent any number of corporate fictions operating under similar names with any combination of capital and lower-case letters, including “UNITED STATES”, “DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA”, with or without “The” or “America” as qualifiers.

6 THE STATE OF [STATE] to represent any number of corporate fictions operating under similar names with any combination of capital and lower-case letters, with or without “The” or “State” or “State of” as qualifiers; similarly for all “states”, “States”, and “STATES”.

7 THE COUNTY OF [COUNTY} to represent any number of corporate fictions operating under similar names with any combination of capital and lower-case letters, with or without “The” or “County” or “County of” as qualifiers; similarly for all territorial corporations.

8 THE CITY OF [CITY] to represent any number of corporate fictions operating under similar names with any combination of capital and lower-case letters, with or without “The” or “City” or “City of” as qualifiers; and similarly for all municipal corporations.

9 “John Quincy Private”, similitude for Trade Names reserved for international trade; all similar names in any order, with any combination of capital and lower-case letters are claimed private property of such man with all rights reserved; trespasses upon which are crimes and damage requiring remedy.

10Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 431 @ 74 reads; “…entitled to carry on his private business in his own way. His power to contract is unlimited. He owes no duty to the State… or to open his doors to an investigation.”

11“non-resident alien”: 26 CFR §7701: Definitions (b)(1)(b): “An individual is a nonresident alien if such individual is neither a citizen of the United States nor a resident of the United States”

128 USC §1101(a)(21) “national” means “owing permanent allegiance to a state” and (23) “nationalization” is conferring nationality of a state “by any means whatsoever”; with “absolute acceptance” and declaration.


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