Many months back, a man I regard as a friend approached me and inquired if I could assist him in defense from “Internal Revenue Service” and/or “IRS” (which may or may not be the same entity). These entities may be separate and proceed in responsibility to disparate parent organizations or government service corporations; perhaps even foreign interests; literally.
These entities had “determined” that he was “liable” for well over six-figures and threatened “action” in liens upon private property, curtailing freedoms with denial of passport issuance, regard, or renewal, application of additional “fines”, accruing interest required by “law”, and other blatant “threats”.
Thankfully, and rather idiotically on their part, they stated these “errors and trespasses” in writing… complete with a number encoding the associated form letter, indicating an established system for what seems increasingly intended for oppression, extortion, and effectively “inland piracy” upon the many peaceful civilians we call “Americans”.
DISCLAIMER: The following is opinion and is neither intended as advise nor any recommended strategy for use by anyone other than this author. I post the actions I have taken myself for review, education, and discussion on a website purposed to those ends. “We the People” of the united States of America are meant to be “self-governing”. I can only govern myself and that property and the chattels which belong to me. What any other American or “U.S. Citizen” and federal property interest chooses to do is their own choice for which they alone bear full responsibility.
Challenging the “IRS”
When the “IRS” comes knocking, or alighting ever so softly in your private mail reception area, the claimed “federal area” commonly known as a “mailbox”, the average man and woman as a conditioned response generates an internal sense of dread and foreboding. That organization seems to wield an unyielding power to demand and exact from the average American significant amounts of value procured by their honest labor which cannot seemingly be denied; or can it?
Prepare to sit and read a while, if not return to visit several times to work your way through the reasoning and multiple complex communications. If holding the “IRS” accountable and responsible for their errors and trespasses were simple or easy, everybody would be doing it. In contrast, almost nobody is doing so. However, what follows are principles, strategy, and examples of those used to defend against “IRS” encroachment.
The Problem at Hand:
Back in late 2022 an associate, now friend, approached me, expressed that the “IRS” intended to bill him and his wife, or “lien his private property”, to the tune of multiple six-figures. “What can be done?” Although neither of us knew precisely what valid response might be undertaken, a long and careful look at the so-called “law” by which the “IRS” proceeds reveals startling realities that this organization hasn’t much authority to demand anything of men, women, and “we the people”. The “law” to which they so often refer amidst threats and manipulation in writing [see: 18 USC §876(d)] isn’t actually law, but corporate by-law which applies only to those within the jurisdiction, or authority to enforce, merely including those for whom such statute, code, and ordinance was originally written.
…and that audience and responsible group of “individuals” is rather small; precisely why those who twisted such scam over decades have conscripted, shanghaied, mislead, and defrauded as many as they can manipulate into their jurisdiction and sphere of oppression and extortion by voluntary reporting or acquiescence. A rough and daring claim, but reading the definitions, such seem to fit rather neatly without much room for margin.
A Battle of Validity
The following Notices challenge the “Internal Revenue Service” and/or “IRS” presumption and assumption that a “man” or “woman” is not necessarily an “officer, agent, citizen, person, resident, servant, employee, nor subject of the “United States”, “The United States of America”, the “District of Columbia”, nor any of “ITs” territories or established “federal areas”… While these can be associated with such “office, title, role, or post” depending on their employment or association with political office, they are not necessarily so, and definitions for such are fairly clear throughout Title 26 and associated U.S. Code which disqualify many in classification by definition.
These are the common terms used within statute, code, and ordinance which government service corporations “project” upon the men, women, and “U.S. Citizens” in attempts to equate these to employee status along with those who are in actuality “public servants” under contract. By doing so, those in public service, our “employees”, exercise both power of control and power to extort, and both motivations have been highly lucrative for many years. Those who benefit from such system will not quickly nor easily relinquish such power and filthy lucre.
If the descriptions for terms or “titles” within the statute, code, or ordinance do not match the man or woman addressed, then the “law” specified in such terms cannot apply to that man, that woman, nor “you”. A simple enough concept, but that doesn’t stop them from changing definitions as it suits their continued interest in furthering control and extortion. Therefore, clear definitions and intents must be reviewed and established, as employed by such organizations and enterprises, some valid, some much less than valid, in order to hold these accountable.
The Context:
In the process of researching the claims upon my friend made by the “IRS” organization it’s employees and agents, these encroachments included citings of statute such as:
26 USC §6012: Persons required to make returns of income
(a) General rule…. Returns with respect to income taxes under subtitle A shall be made by the following:
(a)(1)(A) Every individual having for the taxable year gross income which equals or exceeds the exemption amount
While this may sound ominous and as if such might apply to you, once one begins defining the terms in use according to the statute, code, and ordinance upon which the “IRS” organization proceeds, you find that this “code” doesn’t apply to most Americans. In the following examples and assertions, we establish that “IRS” employees, contractors, agents, and administrators either don’t know the extents and limits of their business according to their own “code”, or purposely and with willful intent, these are misleading and defrauding Americans by the millions. With so much value in taxes to collect, who has time for validity or credibility?!
For example, among their favorite terms:
[see: Cornerstone Definitions here on WTPUnInc for more key terms.]
- “person” and “persons” herein represents any corporate fiction as “no living being and no soul” which has no standing in any matter. Formally “person” indicates an office, title, role, or post with a granted “scope of authority” and an area of responsibility; see: ARS 13-105 (30), Az. UCC ARS 47-1201(27) “…any other legal or commercial entity”, 26 USC §7343, 42 USC §1791(b)(11), UCC §1-201(27), definition for “United States” within 50 USC §4302, and 26 USC §7701(a)(1): “The term “person” shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, company or corporation. United States v Cooper Corp. 312 US 600, 604, 85 L Ed 1071, 61 S Ct 742 (1941); “While the United States is a juristic person in the sense that it can sue upon its contracts or in vindication of its property rights, the term “person” does not include the sovereign18 in common usage nor, ordinarily, when employed in statutes.” P. 312 U. S. 604. See also: 15 USC §7: “Person” or “persons”: “…shall be deemed to include corporations and associations…” Authorized by statute makes a thing “legal”, or incorporate; a fictional entity and matter on paper and not necessarily “lawful” on principle.
- “gross income” defined at 26 USC §61 as “fees, commissions, fringe benefits, business gain, gains from property, interest, rents, royalties, dividends, annuities, income of life insurance and endowments, pensions, discharge of debt, distributive share of partnerships, and income of estate or trust” yet unspecified with §61 is what each of these items actually is, and “who” or “what” such requirement applies to… especially when “wages” and trading value as a means for a man or woman to support their livelihood are a wholly different consideration altogether.
- “individual” as included with other strictly corporate terms with 26 USC §7701, relates liability as an “incorporeal” entity, a single unit or division of an incorporated body of fictitious entities, and is no “man” which can stand for any matter; the root word being “division”. “…denotes a single person as distinguished from a group or class, and also, very commonly, a private or natural person as distinguished from a partnership, corporation, or association; but it is said that this restrictive signi-fication is not necessarily inherent in the word, and that it may, in proper cases, include artificial persons. [Black’s Law, 2nd Ed.] In matters of law, common usage yields to specific “legal” and lawful definitions.
- “employee“: 5 USC §2105: Employee, defined as “officer and an individual”… appointed “in civil service… in official capacity”, support services of the armed forces, and others per (f) which are “appointed” to public service in support of government. 26 USC §3401(c) and 26 CFR 31.3121(d)-1 “individual”, “officers, employees, elected officials… agency, instrumentality” involved with “United States” as corporate parent, “states” as subdivisions, and corporate “officers”; further subsidiaries. see also 26 CFR §31.3121(b)-3, qualifier “within the United States” with (c)(1) “services performed outside the United States… do not constitute employment”.
- “United States“: 28 USC §3002(15) “United States” means… (A) a Federal corporation; 26 USC §7701(a)(9) & (10) refer specifically to the “District of Columbia” and its subcorporate entities as “States”; also 26 CFR §31.3121(e)-1 for “State, United States, and citizen”, and “The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a State”. UCC 9-307 (h) “The United States is located in the District of Columbia.”
If you followed the links or looked up the referenced code, in terms of “person” defined, are you “an officer or employee of a corporation, or a member or employee of a partnership, who as such officer, employee, or member is under a duty to perform” (per 26 USC §7343) or “an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, company or corporation“ (per 26 USC §7701(a)(1))? Do those descriptions seem to include you? Both of those references are directly quoted from Title 26 of the United States Code… the “tax code”. In similar fashion, being an “employee” within the “United States” (a federal corporation) likely doesn’t mean what you previously assumed it meant…
The Three-Step “Dance”
This process follows a three step procedure:
- Required substantive evidence of the claim
- The opportunity to review, rebut, and respond (both sides)
- A claim for remedy of trespass and/or damage failing step #2
This is the process and the requirement illustrated in the following progression of NOTICES. In simple language… you get a letter that insists, “Hey, you owe us money…” Your response is, “Accepted, please produce the proof for review, rebuttal, or correction.” When none is produced, you can assert that “it must be that no proof exists”; and furthermore, if none exists, then the encroaching organization, enterprise, or “government” office has trespassed and threatened without valid cause, and likely “without jurisdiction”, which is to say “beyond their granted scope of authority”. Such is a trespass of rights and/or private property worthy redress of grievance and remedy for value.
Incident and Opportunity:
In the process of researching such information digging into Title 26 of the United States Code as well as the Code for Federal Regulations (a close parallel, different audience) and other references, efforts to cooperate with a review of his presumed “responsibility” while continuing to communicate with particular agents and sort through their allegations, the “IRS” saw fit amid such ongoing dynamic negotiations to have yet another “IRS” agent and employee issue through a star-chamber of suspected interest-conflicted “IRS” officers a lien on the man’s private property. An incident worthy of a weighted response.
Now, my friend implored, I must “make an immediate reply” to such trespass of private property, especially considering that we had found that there wasn’t much “authority” for the “IRS” organization to issue demands, fines, or taxes upon a man and his private property, a non-resident alien, and foreign national which, according to their own code, lay beyond the scope and extent of “IRS” jurisdiction. An opportunity to challenge their presumption and assumption in order to allow them to fail in backing their claim with any valid “substantive evidence”. A situation for which government clerks and employees are not tooled and for which there is no pre-programmed “button” at their desk.
Bear in mind, prior to this series of Notices with accompanying challenges that lines of communication with specified agents were open, active, and attended at regular intervals.
A Cautionary Tale…
This isn’t a simple discussion, the reading isn’t light, and won’t be completed quickly. Before you think or mutter aloud, “You can’t seriously expect me to read and comprehend all this!” Nope, I don’t. Frankly, I don’t think the average American is capable of reading and comprehending the following, especially at first review. But, then again, you aren’t here because you’re “average”; are you? The “IRS” expects that you’ll continue paying “your taxes”, which, when subjected to the scrutiny of their own “code”, may not be “your” taxes at all… just continue to pay them; or buckle down, read, and learn something. Brew some coffee… as I refer to this particular body of work as:
Late Night Reading for Insomniacs, Vol. 1, 2, and 3
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“NOTICE”; Response to “IRS” Claim
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Notice of Default: Failure of Substantive Evidence
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Notice of Fault in Dishonor with Judgment
… and then this happened:
They failed to act upon multiple notices, to update their automated systems, which asserted an automated billing statement filled with additional threats and presumption through the United States Postal Service again to a “fictitious entity established without consent… full disclosure… and incapable of response in it’s own capacity”. So we billed them for that furtherance of trespass upon both husband and wife as an act of “neglect to prevent”; ref: 42 USC §1986: Action for neglect to prevent.
Action for Neglect to Prevent
( scans and documentation updated September 8, 2023 )
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How did you learn to construct these documents? Are you a former Attorney or did you once work for the IRS. There is so much insight here and being able to tie it in with our restore Republic reality is amazing. I really enjoyed this post. I will certainly chare it with many folks. Thank you.
Thanks for the encouraging words. It’s good to hear that my efforts are of benefit to those who land here and don’t immediately bounce.
I gathered information from those who knew more than I did, then started writing and attempting to hold trespassers accountable. The rest is a bit of trial and error, learning from your mistakes, and…
I believe a good bit of what I have thus far learned to do I was led to… You might also find the motivation for such efforts interesting in another of the blog posts here on WTP UnInc.:
Wisdom of the Ancients