Before you pick up a pen and waste any time, you should have gotten familiar with what the topic is about, the reasoning behind what you are about to undertake (rationale & correctness+). Work down this list for as far as it takes you to conclude: “I need to start my paperwork” OR “I’m not interested in pursuing this path”. Both are valid choices. Nobody can decide for you. Don’t skip the Paperwork Procedure section at the bottom of the page.

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When you review your documents, be certain you do not change any of the text of these lawful documents. These were authored and reviewed by those who researched the purpose and effectiveness of what was written. If you expect these documents to provide the protection you seek, or support from the society that authored them, you must leave the language as it is expressed for it was expressed as it was to fulfill the purpose.
If you finish your paperwork before you finish your education (which I did), be sure to return to complete your education. The quickest way to put the first strokes of distance between you and the pirates is the One Page Declaration of Naturalization 1779 [Guide]. If you’re anxious to take action and distance yourself right now, that document is step one.
Those that follow you may need your help finding answers. If you haven’t already, review the foundational information on the Knowledge page (some of which is also listed below), and the foundational documents on as your “formal education”:
Anna’s recommendations as a primer*:
- Introduction link to
- Graphic Representation of the problem (americanotunitedstates.pdf)
- Resources and Explanations link (AVR-Feb. 21, 2016)
- Jural Assembly Handbook (213pp-pdf) or Text to Speech by section (Rumble)
- I got through section 7 before I was “thoroughly upset” (pc-abridged)
- Look over website (resources)
- locate the assembly in your state
- make a note of your assembly coordinator’s name and email
- AVR’s #639Top Ten Articles for Rapid Assistance (.pdf) which are**:
- Review The Stile of this confederacy (1:17:28) on Youtube
* list gathered from home page (condensed)
** Read the Top Ten… to understand the reasoning behind what you are doing, but follow your state recorder or coordinators instructions. There is a time-gap between when AVR wrote these items, and the procedures being implemented at present.
Once you’ve completed your “education” and have made the informed decision to forge this path, then you should be ready for The Process (menu page). You’ll be submitting and recording lawful documents to the public record. These will re-convey the legal fictions, trusts, personages, and their “corporate accounts” assigned to you from the jurisdiction of the sea and air back to the land and soil; the jurisdiction of “the people”.
You shouldn’t be signing anything when you don’t understand why you are signing it, how it empowers you, and the associated duties for which you are then responsible.

EDO File – These documents support your “Eternally Done and Over” sovereign status in relation to the MUNICIPAL PERSON. Recommended by Anna von Reitz, is a folder with your original autographed and recorded documentation re-conveying or conveying (naturalized) your given, trade, and other adhering or transmitting PERSONS back to the land and soil and under your own control. It should also include your evidence: (2) Witness Testimonies in the Form of an Affidavit, and at least (1) copy of your certified or authenticated birth certificate.
Beyond EDO for Adhesions and Entanglements+ – This is the one that gets lost in the weeds due to lack of organization. While AVR didn’t directly suggest this, there are references to things you need to do after your EDO file originals goes into safe and protected storage. I realized I needed another place to track all the “grappling lines still hooked to my vessel” even after I declared my sovereignty. Like what?
+ Entanglements – the pirates using your similarly-named MUNICIPAL PERSON and it’s adhesion contracts or transmitting utilities will continue to contact you and attempt to “run their game” until you sever the lines hanging onto your vessel from each of them.
- Notice to State Secretary of State
- Recording of a Fee Schedule
- State of State Revenue Department
- Postmaster Contact (if needed)
- Change Statutory Agent LLC/Corp
- Dissolve your LLC / Corporation (?)
- Create a Private Member Assoc. (?)
- Obtain a proper Passport
- Drivers License / Auto Plates/tags
- Professional License Revocation
- Encrypted email service
- Banking Notice – “in US Dollars”
- Social Security Pension Claim (retired)
- (c) Copyright of Intellectual Property
- Tradename to all financial accounts
- 401(k) & IRA conversion (revoke tax)
- Status change to financial accounts (?)
- Seek Allodial Title to your Home
- Claim MSO/Title to your Automobile
- Help Family immigrate to US (properly)
- Responses to Entanglements (+)
- Encrypted Virtual Private Network (VPN)
My question to you is, “When have you seen a list like this?” There’s a neat package of documents for the 928 paperwork, with a few frayed edges, but it is an organized package. Each of the above are mentioned throughout the 3000+ articles that Anna has contributed to a growing body of knowledge, but its like walking into a library, “where do you start?”
Both answers and Solutions are being organized by volunteers here at WTP to help people find answers and take immediate action. It should be no surprise to anyone that most of the information is sourced from In Article #520, AVR admonishes, “to dig and delve and then test the efficacy of our solutions in the real world like a scientific experiment.” By the same principle, we ask that as you work through entanglements and find solutions and remedy, please return and document “what you know works” so others can follow in your footsteps! That said, we don’t discount other opinions, but we do source and link each item; ignore whomever you choose.
The Good News
Helping you understand and pursue these lawful actions in the absolute shortest time possible is why I created We the People, UnInc. I hope this site is your light for what only looks like a long, dark tunnel. Weeks passed as I dug through the information I needed to overcome my own internal curiosity and cognitive dissonance. It would have been a much shorter trip had the information been organized to the purpose: “what path are we pursuing and why?”

Remember, the principalities and powers working against us have organized this illegal criminal cabal over centuries. We have been indoctrinated by their influence in our culture, society, educational structures, government “services”, and our own “elected representation”. It may take a while to overcome the “programming” and pull together the dots in order to connect them in your own head.
Paperwork Procedure
- Read each document before you start; understand its purpose
- Correct the easiest information first. Much of the information is self explanatory.
- Mark the fields where you have questions or are confused.
- if working on computer, phone, or digital doc:
- leave the field (text) marked in red and come back to it
- highlight the text by making it red, or using the highlight function
- If working on paper, using a pencil:
- circle in the text of the document anything you question or are unclear about
- mark an X in the left or right margin near the line of text where you circled
- you can erase and fill blanks later
- if working on computer, phone, or digital doc:
- review your specific questions, THEN:
- Access the document GUIDE with those specific questions (saving you time)
- find the area on the form in the graphic (numbered picture), note the number
- find the explanation on the numbered list
- IF the answer is not given:
- First, click Cntrl+F and use the FIND command to search text on the page for keywords to your question and see if it’s already been answered in COMMENTS.
- If you can’t find answers, post your question in the COMMENTS section at the bottom of this GUIDE so we can get you an answer. We’ll leave question and answer for those that follow.
- Post ONE QUESTION per comment so others can easily scan questions
- Our collective efforts will eventually create a simple, smooth, quick process.
Remember, work carefully and return to We the People, UnInc. often to either find answers or ask the questions in the comment sections so that those that follow your footsteps find the answers that weren’t here when you cut through the weeds.
We will all thank you for your efforts!
+ I would have used “righteousness”, but many people would tie that to it’s common usage in biblical text and religious discussion and this is a secular issue. Realms of Heaven and Earth are undeniably different. All Americans, of whatever faith or lack of respect for one diety (or another), or not recognizing any creator are Americans and have the right to claim their heritage as Americans. We seek to include anyone “yearning to be free”. As such, we’ll continue our best efforts to keep this is a secular topic.