I recently addressed correspondence to The Arizona Assembly, land and soil jurisdiction, in response to the end of a period of penalty thrust upon me, in my opinion, unjustly and without lawful authority. Some will disagree. Some already have. Although, to that end, I am posting the content and evidence of such correspondence here publicly, that members of the Assembly can “judge for themselves” what has happened, and what is happening.
If you’ve learned nothing else in recent years from the mainstream media, and your still breathing, you likely realize, there is often a big difference between the story and “a story” which is being presented to you. To that end, this press and the freedom thereof will deal with the facts present with evidence which I’m not afraid to share with you.
What I think of the “Assembly”…
Let’s open this section with a quote from Anna’s #4773: “There should be no doubt in anyone’s mind that Americans have the right of free speech and the sanctity of their own opinions, that they should not be punished for reasonably expressing their feelings, and that they are all equal in their right to participate in their own government. That is, in fact, what self-governance requires.”
I concur whole-heartedly, and I’ll add as I have expressed in similar fashion in assembly, “We don’t assemble for social purposes. We assemble to discuss and argue (clarify) if necessary policy and procedure which should preserve and protect our rights and private property.” If we pursue that honorably and successfully, friendships are likely to bloom; but that’s not why we assemble.
The people of Arizona Assembly, land and soil jurisdiction, claim an authority to “see to the business of the people” in corresponding with our contracted “public servants” who serve in response to a State Constitution… and rightly so.
Without “we the people”, there is nobody to establish “metes and bounds” for a territory, nobody to apply a name to such territory as “arizona”, nor would there be any life or “government” for “Arizona” to reason “policy and procedure” when a community and society aren’t running smoothly. We the people are self-governing. As you may realize, when enough people gather together, you eventually end up with “one of everything”, the good, the bad, and not-so-pleasant, and “LAW” comes to bear. Such is how you marshal those who encroach upon others into paths of more edifying behaviors, or remove them from society because they cannot be trusted not to encroach upon others.
The Assembly has inherited from the original grantor’s to the STATE OF STATE government by constitution, the authority to assemble and to petition a redress of grievances to those who are our public servants. Despite the inherent authority of “we the people”, it seems that information both intended and addressed to you is being kept from you.
Last evening I received a message from one in attendance at the Arizona state assembly for 14 May, 2024, that [the coordinator] chose not to read my letter in assembly. That letter is addressed to “ATTN: Assembly Secretary” on the envelope and at the address section page 1. The letter begins “ATTN: members of the people’s peaceful civil assembly on arizona“, and before the authorization block (signature) instructs my intention that this be read to the assembly membership with “i require this statement be read into the minutes…“.
The same information was addressed to the Maricopa County Assembly, in care of the County Chair. That communication was returned to sender twice. Having occasion to visit the county recorder, the house number given me was incorrect, who is also the County Chair. The return label on the first attempt was marked “NO SUCH NUMBER”.
The second attempt, however, is marked “ATTEMPTED – NOT KNOWN”. Delivery was refused as “I don’t know who that is” because either those addressed have moved, or those addressed noted the sender and refused the communication. That would not be honorable conduct, if so. Time will tell.
I question how much of that was actually respected and carried out as intended, and as addressed. You, the assembly member, to whom it is often suggested “you are the highest authority in government as a combined voice of the people” might question why information addressed to the membership is being kept from the membership. Let me restate that so you don’t miss it…
“Why is information addressed to the membership being kept from the membership?”
What might come to mind immediately is “What did you have to say?” So, for your edification, since others don’t seem to respect your authority, posted below are redacted scans for your review, and, as intended, for your consideration. This is not a press for charges, it isn’t the proper forum for such. However, freedom of the press, and the story not just “a story” is both interesting and important if we the people are going to reclaim our country and nation from those seeking to usurp our authority from within our own assembly.
I’ll ask that you consider the ideas and concepts, I’ll help by pointing them out, but judge for yourself, if it were you on the receiving end, would that be “just”? For months you’ve been told of “deplorable behavior“. The man in question (me) has been tried in the court of public opinion, not afforded due process, or the opportunity to defend himself and bring witnesses or evidence to his own defense. Ask yourself, “Have you been presented with any evidence to the contrary which you as an assembly member, were allowed to review and judge for yourself?“. Or, have you only been fed “hearsay”? To what end? and… by whom?
Attn: Arizona Assembly, a peaceful civil body politic
The following .jpg scans are redacted for posting on the open-to-anyone internet. Private information is therefore protected to best degree possible of consideration to those involved. Assembly members should be able to surmise who was privy to the conversation with the attached “items of evidence”. Public service “offices” and “officers” however are not private information. As repeated below, “R-click, choose “Open image in new tab”, CTRL + mouse wheel to zoom” if you wish to review the images larger for easier reading.
Page 1, addressed “ATTN: members of the people’s peaceful civil assembly on arizona”
The concerns expressed are that “methods” employed by assembly leadership and committees (often the same people) make demands upon STATE OF STATE government without establishing a recognition of authority. It’s dangerous considering both sides of the issue believe “they are the authority“. Until you establish “facts”, claims mean nothing and expose the membership, the people, to liability for false claims; and if the STATE chooses to press it, fraud, insurrection, and/or sedition.
[“R-click, choose “Open image in new tab”, CTRL + mouse wheel to zoom (if so).]
160 years of undermined rights and trespassed private property; is where allowing other people to “speak for you” got us the last time “we the people” didn’t take an active role in standing up to powers in charge.
In standing to declare “I see problems that need corrected” in several instances, I was “disciplined”. Without a mechanism for redress, a valid due process involving an elected Ombudsman and committee to review such matters for validity prior to public scrutiny, there is no justice with “men and women” with the assembly, and once again, “the people” are headed down a slippery slope.
[“R-click, choose “Open image in new tab”, CTRL + mouse wheel to zoom (if so).]
You may note that particular names are not redacted. You can find the same information published to the landing page at https://thearizonaassembly.org/ listed along with the title from which such “authority” is issued. In the case of private email address, perhaps officers should display more honorable behavior than to use private services for “official business”; if so, then they themselves have made otherwise private information public.
[“R-click, choose “Open image in new tab”, CTRL + mouse wheel to zoom (if so).]
Several questions are raised with my “response” to “time out”:
- there are accusations without evidence. How many of such accusations are actually “trespasses” or “damage” worthy of discipline or penalty? Were these even true?
- What material facts and credible evidence were placed before the Arizona Assembly membership so that they could evaluate the “accusations” prior to “discipline” upon one of their own?
- I request “validity” for such action: “Where is the authorized committee decision signed by those which approved such?” It was never presented to me, and I specifically required it. Was it presented to the Assembly? (doubtful.)
- You might also note, I indicate this matter at hand isn’t the first time I called the coordinator out on their errors and gaps in proper procedure. (a motive for political weaponization of the post?)
The “time out” notice, sent to a seldom-used email address, raises several items subject to scrutiny:
- [1] Are “drawn-out-dissertations”, if so, an item for “discipline”
- [2] “Threats” and [3] “intimidation” are serious accusations. Where are the claims and charges backed by evidence?
- [4] “dogma” (1c), assertions without knowledge, in spite of 928 paperwork citing several United States Codes. Why and when to use such tools, a topic for another time.
- [“R-click, choose “Open image in new tab”, CTRL + mouse wheel to zoom (if so).]
- [5] Accusations of “scams” and [6] fraud, [A] for which documented credible evidence has not been produced, [B] for which there has been no “due process” or opportunity to answer accusations, and [C] your opportunity usurped as an Assembly Member to view and weigh such evidence and manage the affairs of your own assembly, a trespass upon your rights.
- [7] I never claimed the assembly hired me, but other people did hire me. I have the authorized agreements to prove it. My client’s business is private until they make it public. I owe them that consideration. They aren’t prevented to discuss our business, otherwise, presenting such accusation to the assembly would breach the agreement; but that isn’t the case, because there is no such restriction upon my clients.
- You might also consider, “How is a member’s private business dealings any business of the Assembly?” Some will claim “trespass”, but there’s no proof of trespass, and there is no proof, because there’s no such trespass. and… “When will such “authority” presume to interfere in your private matters?” Have fun with that one…
- [8] I don’t blame assembly members for my financial struggles, as everybody these days is struggling in similar fashion. Clients which requested and accepted my time and efforts and refuse to compensate me as agreed, people which happen to be “nationals”, are a different story. It’s time and effort spent which I could productively apply elsewhere. I’ve never seen any of those I can group as described in attendance at assembly in my three-plus years attending.
- [9] I recently paid off my automobile. A well-known bank reported my credit score at 788; I’ll show you the report. Not that the opinion of the banking industry means much, but I don’t seem to be having “financial difficulties”; apparently, I can manage my own affairs.
- [10] I didn’t “chase people out of committees”, I asked two people, as I was the committee chairman, to contribute to the goals that were established prior to their attendance, with which those members were both resistant and interfering. When the lack of an assembly mechanism for redress (an ombudsman) and route around nepotism fails, there’s presently nowhere to turn for redress; a procedural hole in our Assembly for it’s own attention to justice and order. I have those records on file also. When the Assembly members are actually in charge of their own assembly, I’ll be happy to present such matter.
- Note the “convenient excuses” at [10] [11] [12] [14] and [15] which come with character assassination in the court of public opinion. Such accusation might seem credible, until evidence is required and is nowhere to be found. You’ve seen the leftists and globalists set upon others in just such fashion; and don’t you recognize the familiar stink?
- You may also note the trespasses committed in writing:
- Various accusations without evidence nor due process (1-15 listed above), written it’s known as “libel“, spoken is “slander“; each are “defamation“.
- [13] A dictate presuming suspension of my right to free association and freedom of speech. Suspension of my rights… things that make you go “hmmm”.
- [14] A presumption that a “national” doesn’t have a right to attend their own government without being “vetted”. A trespass Anna von Reitz has addressed on several occasions, including #4441 (pg1, ¶4 and pg1, ¶6), #3816 (pg1, ¶6), and similar discussion within #3238, #4773, and #4776. (products of study)
- Don’t believe me, go read it; or are you of the opinion, “you need to pass the sanctions so you can find the truth of it?“
- [15] The presumption to suggest my association with “another assembly”, which may be the coordinator’s prerogative, but based upon what criteria, and is the Assembly Membership consulted before one of their own is “dismissed”.
- It is not within the coordinator’s authority to dictate attendance to some other assembly, to deny access either to attendance with one’s own government, nor denial of government service; such service denied me which has happened this year and proceeds presently. I previously began a study of the coordinator’s assigned responsibilities. You can review that [HERE]
Having been summarily dismissed from access to “my government”, I turned to presenting educational segments and videos on [RUMBLE] to raise the knowledge level of other “nationals”.
Having issued a dictate that I was not to have “contact with anybody in the assembly”, the coordinator apparently felt compelled to challenge my actions. They did so, not by direct means, “how dare you counter my orders…“, because that requires stones. Rather, by a passive-aggressive accusation that “I was seeking to establish an alternate or parallel assembly”. The intent is the same, just as transparent, and smells just as bad.
[“R-click, choose “Open image in new tab”, CTRL + mouse wheel to zoom (if so).]
It would be convenient when entrusted to pass mail to the addressee, to lead an assembly of members, and to enter to the minutes that the assembly has a problem to address, only to claim, that the author (me) “doesn’t care to be a member of the assembly any longer…”. That would be a fabrication and mischaracterization of what was declared, if so. It’s why I posted a scanned copy of the item addressed to the Arizona Assembly here. I’ve learned by experience that many in posts of responsibility cannot be trusted, and some reading comprehension is apparently as dull as the intellect.
The same people might tell you that the author disparages the members and doesn’t wish to associate with assembly members. That is, at least, what I would expect at this point. Such would be more excuses… Here it is for your review; read it for yourself. Yes, very convenient for their agenda to rid their “club” of those that don’t agree with them, weaponizing their position to eliminate political opponents. If only there were examples in the greater culture to refer to so we could see it coming and deal with such things more positively…
Don’t believe me…
I’ve reviewed these trespasses and errors of policy and procedure, but, my voice doesn’t seem to be heard when I speak. I am no proponent of the “status quo”, I never have been, and people in general are inherently resistant to change. Also, telling people “you’ve got issues” is rarely met with “welcome”. I said previously in assembly, I don’t believe I have the temperament for “public office”. However, the character of a patriot, an American rebelling against injustice, and a willingness to speak truth to power is something I hope you can see.
In dealing with similar issues on Michigan in recent months, Anna von Reitz addressed both Michigan and “Aaron”, a man trespassed, wronged, and questioning the situation. If you don’t see at first blush, the errors of “Paul Peterson” with similar actions over the past 6 months here on Arizona, you may be suffering from oxygen deprivation related to the need for a “cranial-sphincter-ectomy”.
AVR #4773: The Michigan Assembly as Led by Paul Peterson Stands Dissolved
[the coordinator] “…does not appear to understand that he does not have dictatorial powers…” (that’s unilateral decision making, on their own recognizance)
“…three dozen people living in Michigan have been punished with long “time outs” and even told that they can “never” be members of The Michigan Assembly…” (oddly familiar)
“…removed from the Assembly for the sin of expressing contrary opinions…”
AVR #4776: Dear Aaron – an overdue letter; with a few notable quotes:
“We, in America, don’t kill freedom in the name of protecting it.”
“You’ve been trampling over people who have rights equal to your own, and using misrepresented claims of positional authority to do it.”
“Time outs are not meant to be weaponized and used to deprive people of their right to participate and be heard, or to suppress politically unpopular concerns.”
What to do…
Most people would see a corrupt organization, or one run by corrupt people, and run in the other direction. Only, in this instance, abandoning the effort of self-government is precisely the wrong thing to do. Why?
If that’s your choice, you abandon your state, one of several fifty states which sit as inheritor to the grantor position of the Constitution for the United States of America. That’s the master and trainer which holds the leash on the federal dog presently digging in our flower bed and messing on our lawn. Leaving that position in the hands of the corrupt, ungodly, and less-than-honorable is to render yourself part of the problem rather than solution.
So the answer becomes, speak, encourage, and educate those around you so that more people capable of intelligent consideration and worthy of debate are gathered to your assembly so that those efforts seeming to steer it in a wrong direction are redirected. Whether by intelligent reasoning, illuminating argument, or voting down or up that which is necessary to benefit and serve the people’s rights and freedom, abandoning your responsibility to self-government to those who seem unfit to decide any policy in consideration for others is not the answer.
That’s harsh? Read the Arizona Assembly Protocols (v.8). We’ll review how many things in that document written by such people trespass your rights as an Assembly Member when once again I and others like me are allowed (licensed by the oligarchy) to attend our own government. Our review and challenge thereof is very likely the veiled-excuse-of-a-threat for which many of us were dismissed to begin with.
If you’ve read this far, you’ve seen the issues at hand. You came to assembly to stand in defiance of one-hundred and sixty years of trespass, damage to private property, and abject tyranny. Care for another heapin’ helpin’? … it’s on the table before you, and I’ve just handed you the spoon. So, when are you going to decide to so stand in such defiance? It occurs to me over the past six months, seeing the preceding issues happen to several members including myself, and others before, that the average Arizona Assembly member just doesn’t have the stones.