The Stars and Stripes
War Flag for The “United States” (inc.),
see: 28 USC §3002 (15)(A),
UCC 9-307 (h), and 28 USC §88
The Civil Flag of Peace for
The United States of America,

We the People…

which includes you!

America is governed “of the people, by the people, and for the people”…

sound familiar?

From Lincoln’s Gettysburg address, it was a nice synopsis of the goal which has been deliberately undermined since the start of the Civil War in 1860, over 160 years ago.

[Photo by RODRIGO GONZALEZ on Unsplash]

The civil side of government should be staffed by people like you;


All those decisions and declarations made in the halls of “government” that raise an eyebrow, that you may question, some which grate against the essence of your very being, are to be subject to your combined will, among others, as “the people”.

If government seems nothing like that to you, how then did we get to where we are now?

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